
The clever stag (Game of thrones)

It is about a person who is reborn as Lyonel Baratheon the trueborn son of Robert and how he is trying to survive in Westeros, and try to make things better. My first fanfiction, English isn't my first language. I do not own Asoiaf. Support me at https://www.patreon.com/Iron_wolf852 (Abandoned)

Ironwolf852 · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Third chapter

297 AL

Lyonel POV

Even though I say that I hate the world of Westeros, there are things I love about being there, especially when you are one of nobility and that is food. There is always something to eat all kinds of meats with all kinds of spices, no matter at what age you are a good stake is a good stake and I can eat it every day. Well, enough of good things because sitting with a family like mine at the dinner table is very stressful and intense, it seems one wrong word would open the gates to the bloodbath.

"I hear your idea of reward to the North was well received by the lords that are closest to the wall, it seems that wildlings become quite a problem for them." Father praises me with a full mouth of chicken and ale. "It was really smart of you to support the Wall, even Ned could not refuse this help, haha."

"Thank you father," I said before mother starts her speech about how ungrateful the savages of the North are.

"Hmph, they better be grateful, what kinds of Lord are they if they cannot protect themselves of some savage wildlings." States my mother and of course making my father angry at her.

"What would you know women, of the northern lords or the savage wildlings?" And there it started again.

"What are there to know about them, they are just savages living in wastelands and worshiping tree gods." And there is my little brother Joffrey's take on the topic truly intelligent statement.

"Brother you should learn more about the North's history, they are the first men probably the oldest race in the known world they repelled against the Andals for thousand's of years and have the biggest lands of all the kingdoms," I say in a neutral voice before father starts to berate him.

"Biggest of wastelands is more accurate, brother" Joffrey says without taking the hint and with that smirk of his, like he knows he is right.

"Be quiet boy, the north boasts one of the biggest armies and hardiest men in Westeros, you will not insult them!" Well, there it is = yelling.

"Do not yell at mine son, he didn't say anything wrong!" Arrgh, seriously can't I have my meal in peace, now mother is yelling too.

"I think it's time for Myrcella and Tommen to go to the bed. Do not worry I take them to the rooms." Is not like it is fooling anyone, maybe just Joffrey, but I will not stay there to listen to their bickering.

"Very well, it seems it gotten late already." No matter how drunken asshole he is, my father is not a fool, he does not want little children to see him angry.

"Let's go Myr, Tommy." I usher them to the door. "Remember to wash before going to the bed."

"Okay, big brother." I like them, they smart children who can take orders and don't fuss about it.

Hound POV

"I think that enough for today, my Prince," I tell the Prince as he lays on the ground after another beating he took from me.

"No, one more time." He says as starting to get up.

"No, is enough for today, you barely can stand as it is," I tell him again but I know he won't listen he never does, I would think that he likes pain, if not for his eyes, he has the eyes of the beast, he will bite no matter how unfairly the situation may be.

"You are probably right, but when I say one more time, what I mean is one more time, do understand Hound." He says in his kingly voice that means I have to beat him one more time.

"Fine, if it's what you want." Of course, I will comply, what else I can do.

He truly is a strange boy, no matter how badly he's injured and beaten he still gets up or tries at least. I have never seen another boy with so much determination, his brother Joffrey gives up on practice after few hits, in his words, he is a prince why would he need any of this. I hate the little shit, but at least he acts like the arrogant prick he is supposed to be. It seems Lyonel is of a different breed, and sometimes he scares me with his unbreakable will, there not many men with that kind of will, and definitely, there should be no boy with it.

"Tell me, Sandor, I am getting better?" he asks as he lays on the ground after the final fight for today.

"You last longer with every day, and you already gave me a few hits, no boy your age is better than you, my prince." What I said is true, there should not be boys with this kind of skill in the world.

"No boys my age, you say, why would I give a shit what boys my age can do or don't, I care to know when will I be good enough to fight a grown-ass man, when can I defeat a trained knight, not boys my age. So tell me, Sandor, how much time will it take until I such skill?" I want to know why he asks such a thing, but I am there to answer not to questioning my Prince.

"A couple of years when you grow a little bigger you should be able to stand on equal to trained knights with some experience," I answer him truthfully when he's a grown man with this kind of training and progress he will be one of the best warriors in Westeros and probably beyond it

"Hm, it has to be enough then." Quietly the Prince says, probably for himself.

Truly he is one terrifying boy and I do not want to know what kind of a beast he will grow up to be.