
The clever stag (Game of thrones)

It is about a person who is reborn as Lyonel Baratheon the trueborn son of Robert and how he is trying to survive in Westeros, and try to make things better. My first fanfiction, English isn't my first language. I do not own Asoiaf. Support me at https://www.patreon.com/Iron_wolf852 (Abandoned)

Ironwolf852 · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Preparations for war

Lyonel POV

I was going through papers, to check our finances, the city watches growth and other things. The first one to arrive was my uncle Tyrion, then my mother and grand maester Pycelle, my other uncle Renly and lastly ser Barristan with Lord Varys. After greetings and taking their seats, I faked a cough to gather everyone's attention.

"The first topic for this meeting will be to decide a new master of coin, as it seems our last one has betrayed the crown and fled." I stared, they look at each other and then the suggestions start.

"Your great uncle Kevan Lannister would be a good choice, son." My mother began.

"I have to agree with queen Cercei, lord Kevan is a steady and loyal man," Pycelle adds his piece.

"I heard Willas Tyrell being nominated, very well, if there no objections, I declare him as a new master of coin." I ignore both of them.

I loved their confused looks, of course, I already had long decided who will replace Littlefinger, I had given them a chance to choose him, and given no time for them to object, my mother was looking angry and uncle Tyrion had a playful smile.

"The second topic will be who replaces lord Stannis as master of ships, if he does not have time to even reply to me, he will have no time to do his duty, now I will hear your suggestions." I take a look at them and wait for a moment, when Pycelle tried to say something I interject. "If nobody has any suggestions then I will nominate Lord Wyman Manderly, as I hear no objections it is decided."

"At the subject of master of ships, could you, Lord Varys, tell us what lord Stannis is up to?" Uncle Tyrion questions master of whispers.

"I have to apologize, lord Stannis has closed of Dragonstone, my little birds could not gather any information about what he is up to." Lord Varys informs.

Something is afoot, why would uncle Stannis closed the Dragonstone, he has not to replied any massages too, I do not like where this is going.

"Fine, I will let it slide for now." I give hard look, he's hiding something.

"What will happen to Joffrey?" My mother asks concerned.

"For Joffrey's crimes I have decided to send him to the Wall, I will not hear any objections about it," I say as I can see uncle Renly raising his voice. "Now if there is something any of you want to add."

"The funeral for your father will be held tomorrow, and we need to decide when your coronation will be," Tyrion informs me. "And your wedding to lady Margaery, the Tyrells started being inpatient."

It will be a long day.

It was late evening, I was going through the information I have about Stannis and the royal fleet, I don't like his silence. Varys should know something, but why would he hide it, he knows his position is shaky at least. I know he is serving that Aegon Targaryen/Blackfyre, whoever he is. But I just don't understand with me here, there won't be any five Kings war. What is he playing at? I understand wanting to create an opportunity for Aegon to invade, but he should know that I know about the iron fleet why hide that too. Ah, my head hurts, I need another drink. I was interrupted by my thoughts when Sandor comes to the room and says do that ser Davos and little Shireen had arrived and they want to meet me.

It seems I will have at last some answers about the beloved master of ships, I think before biding Sandor to invite my new quests.

"Cousin Lyonel!" after a few minutes, my little cousin arrives and runs to me and hugs me tightly, I return it and look at Ser Davos for an explanation.

"Your majesty, I bring graves news, lord Stannis has proclaimed himself the king of the seven kingdoms and sails to Kings Landing as we speak." What? Is it a week when you try to kill your king and family?

"Ser Davos could you explain what gotten to my uncle's head to do so." I try to comprehend what I have just heard.

"It was the red lady, your grace. The priestess of the R'hllor, she has convinced lord Stannis that he is chosen one, someone who will save the seven kingdoms." Damn, why would he listen to that nonsense, he is not that kind of man.

"It was that's red witches fault, at first she convinced my mother and then other lords, then she started to visit father more and more, showing her magic to him until he was convinced." Little Shireen tried to explain best she could.

"Ser Davos it seems you and lady Shireen had disagreed with my uncle, so I will ask you to provide all the information you know." I more demand than asking, but he seems cooperative.

"Of course your grace, I will try my best, to help you." Ser Davos says after looking at Shireen and deciding it will be his best choice to do so.

"It seems we at war my lords and ladies," I announce as I enter the room, where I have summoned my war council. "Sandor how many gold cloaks do we have?"

"About four thousand, but half of them are green and untrained, my grace." He replies with a grave voice, as I look everyone in the room has grave faces.

"I already send a raven to the Crownlands and the Stormlands to gather and send as many men as they could as fast as they could," I say next. "From the information I have, it seems lord Stannis has about fifteen thousand soldiers."

"But your grace, how can that be possible, even if he commands all lords of it, could not muster that many men." Mace Tyrell explains his reasoning.

"No, but his lords provide him with six thousand and his sellswords another nine thousand," I answer the fool. "Firstly mother you will take Myrcella to the Casterly rock."

"What about Tommen? you cannot leave him there when the battle starts." My mother demand answers from me.

"Do not worry uncle Renly will take him and princess Shireen to the Storm's End," I say and look at Renly, who wanted to object. "You will not be any use in here, you will go to Storm's End and summon your banners."

"Very well, your grace." He then looks at ser Loras.

"The Tyrells should leave too, but I ask you to leave some of your men there," I tell Mace Tyrell and he looks relieved.

"I am grateful for your suggestion, but I and my brother will stay and fight by your side." Says ser Garlan Tyrell.

"Very well, what are you waiting for? Get moving." I order them and am left with only my Kingsguard, the Tyrell brothers, uncle Tyrion and Sandor.

"He is said to be mad, but I don't believe my uncle Stannis being foolish." I start and everyone looks at me. "He will strike fast and he will strike hard, most of his men are sellswords, so even though we have less than three times his men we still have a chance to hold the city until more men arrive at our aid."

"That my true, your grace, but if they truly are fanatics, they will not stop until they die." Ser Barristan tells me.

"I know, but the sellsword will be there only for the gold, we only need to hold them for enough time for them to have second thoughts about this battle," I explain and others nod in agreement. "The fanatics may fight without a care, they will fall to our traps more easily."

The planning for the battle went on until late at night.

Stannis POV

That fool Davos has run away with my daughter, I am the true king of Seven Kingdoms, how can he doubt me so. I have seen the power of R'hllor, predicting the future is only the beginning and I have been chosen by this power to save my kingdoms. Nobody will stand in my way, this is my destiny.

The ships were prepared, men will be ready soon too, then we will go to the Kings Landing, I will take what is rightfully mine. Lady Mellisandre has already seen my victory, there nothing to worry about, Even if that fool Davos has informed the pretender of my plans, it will mean nothing.

"In a few days, you will kill the agent of the Others, my King." Exclaims lady Mellisandre. "Once they see your power, the other lords of the Seven Kingdoms will kneel to you."

"Yes, I already know this, tell me what you have seen, what has that monster prepared for me." I need information, I will have to strike fast and hard, take Kings Landing in one swift move.

"I have seen him prepare, but he does not have enough men, I have seen your arrival to the Capital, will be greeted with fire." So there truly no need to worry that the monster will not stop me.

"What about my daughter, is she in the Capital?" I cannot let it have my daughter.

"No, I have seen that she fled with another a prancing stag and a little lion cup." Good, once I have taken the Throne my daughter will join me again.

"Give me more fire dust, I will need its power," I command her, the dust will let me see the victory.

"Very well, but I think that should be enough until the end of the battle." She informs me.

"I will tell you when it is enough," I tell her and she doesn't argue anymore.

With this power, nobody will able to defeat me. The humiliation I went through, because of Robert it won't matter anymore.

Lyonel POV

Now I know why Varys was hiding information from, with a mad king like Stannis on the throne, Aegon will look like our savior, liberating the seven kingdoms of R'hllor worshippers. Now that I know this, there no need for him to stay here any longer. That why I am waiting at the entrance to one of the tunnels, in the darkness of the night, I station my men to other entrances, but I believe he will go through here. It starting to feel like a pattern every night that I have come to get rid of someone, it will be a beautiful night, a sky full of stars. I stop thinking about it when I hear quiet footsteps.

"Well, hello there, lord Varys, I have been waiting for you," I tell him with a smile on my face.

"It seems you have predicted my movements, as expected of the clever stag." He compliments me with a resigned voice.

"No, I am not very clever, you know I was afraid of you and Littlefinger once, you had so much power in Kings Landing, you both knew everything that was going in here and could get away with everything you have done," I explain to him and ready my saber.

"Oh, and what has changed?" He asks knowing this will be his last conversation.

"I have realized, that I was wrong." He looks at me confused. "I tried to play your games and realized I am not very good at them, so I have stopped. You see to you and Littlefinger it was just that, a game, but to me, it was more, it was a war. I now know, that you do not compare to the enemies that I will have to face in my rule, so now you do not scare me anymore."

"I see, so this is the end of me. Can I ask, how did you know that I would betray you?" He straightens himself and asks with curiosity.

"Yes, it is. Really? Varys, you let the poisoning of my father and me happen, you have not provided any information for a long time, and now killing grand maester before fleeing, I may not be clever but I am not a fool." I explain to him.

"I have not killed anyone, what are you talking about?" He looks at me confused.

"Oh, well, you did, at least that what I going to say when somebody finds his body," I tell him, he lets a small chuckle. "Any last words?"

"Long live the king." Were his last words, before his head rolled on the ground.

I have started to post my edited chapters on fanfiction.net, if you like to read it is under the same name. Thank you for your support, next chapter shall be long and have finally some action.

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