
The clever stag (Game of thrones)

It is about a person who is reborn as Lyonel Baratheon the trueborn son of Robert and how he is trying to survive in Westeros, and try to make things better. My first fanfiction, English isn't my first language. I do not own Asoiaf. Support me at https://www.patreon.com/Iron_wolf852 (Abandoned)

Ironwolf852 · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Being a King

A.N. I Hope, you like it, I will try to upload it once a day for this week.

Lyonel POV

Somehow I was bedridden again, it feels like that all I do, Tyrion standing next to my bed reporting about happenings of Kings Landing. In summary, the lords are coming to the city with their men ready to fight, but with no fighting, they cause trouble instead. Are all lords in Westeros children? And the king is father to these children? Well, it feels like it.

"How many ships do we have?" I ask forming a plan to get rid of the problems.

"Not enough to ship them all out of the city," Tyrion replies with a small laugh. "About five and ten ships that could sail right now, another five after some fixing."

"Tell the lords, that we need to attack Dragonstone and those who want to be part of the attack have to fix the ships," I tell him, with the royal fleet all but destroyed will only bring problems for me.

"Ha, so they have to pay for our war, do you think there be fools who do this?" He asks no confidence in my plan. "But even with all still fixable ships, only about three thousand men could sail to Dragonstone."

"There no one left in here, all the men Stannis could have, he took, I have seen younger than me and older than grandfather on the battlefield, I would be surprised if there are any men left at all," I inform of my conclusions.

"So it will be an easy battle for us, would the glory-looking lords and knights agree with it?" He asks again.

"Just tell them, that they can have everything that is left in Dragonstone," I answer.

"You just going to give up on the spoils of your war?" He's looking for loopholes right now.

"What spoils, do you think there is any gold left, how do you think Stannis paid for all his sellswords?" His time it is I who asks.

"I see, I like to see those pompous Lords' faces when they realize that they just paid for our ships and got nothing in return." He started laughing maniacally, I think he doesn't like them.

"On another subject, what news do you have on the red witch?" I ask, I suspect that she will be a problem in the future.

"She is probably in Dragonstone." He answers uncertainly.

"Give a decree, that I will pay fifty thousand gold dragons to whoever brings me her, dead or alive," I order, and even though soon I will need all gold I can have, Melisandre has to be dealt with.

"You think she is worth that much gold?" He asks.

"She managed to deceive Stannis into attacking me, that not talking about her magic abilities," I answer, still feeling pain in my shoulder, that doesn't want to go away.

"Very well, what about your coronation and wedding?" Even in bed, I can't have any rest, but it is better to deal with it sooner than later.

"Once I can get out of the bed, so get everything ready, this time there won't be any delay." I give my reply to him. "When will the new grand maester come?"

"Ah, citadel said, that maester Mervyn and his student Alleras will arrive in couple more weeks." He answers after thinking for a moment. "Do you think it is a good idea to appoint him as a new grandmaester?"

"I know what he is called and that is one of the reasons I want him here, anyway even without magic knowledge, he is archmaester so show some respect." Tyrion does not believe in something like magic, but my wound is everything I need to know that it fucking hurts like hell. "Enough for today, if I have to hear any more of the bullshit that needs fixing, I will die from it."

"Very well, you need rest anyway, as your Hand, I will take care of it." He tells me and leaves with a bow.

After three weeks of rest I ordered for my coronation to start and after that prepared for the wedding. After maester Mervyn checked on my wound, he concluded that it won't heal naturally and needs special ointment. So through the pain, I have been officially crowned as the King of seven kingdoms. So now I sit on the Iron throne and listen to the reports of the Crownland Lords expedition to Dragonstone.

It went as expected, with sellswords leaving the island dry, there was nothing found, but weeping mothers and wives. What does not sit with me well is that lady Selyse is gone too, at least with this folly the Florents lost reputation and won't be a problem for Tyrells. Now looking at these Lords and seeing their unsatisfied expressions I announce that there will be a tourney to celebrate our victory and to choose a new Kingsguards.

Sandor was still recruiting men to the city watch, but finding a fit, young men is not easy, most are too skinny or too old to start training with swords and spears. And even then it is time-consuming to get them to a standard form for any kind of battle. It will take months before we have any kind of force to defend the city. So I thought of another order that I could use, I call it seven stars order. I commanded Bronn to entice young knights and second or third-born sons to join, promising glory and fame.

Taking care of the city security, it is time to think of the defense of the realm, with the royal fleet almost gone, the Greyjoys will try something. If they get some allies, there will be war with them, but I do not that much gold left, securing the city and paying the faiths debt, left me with only a few hundred thousand gold dragons, which is not nearly enough to build a powerful fleet.

Lord Wyman has agreed to become my new master of ships, but he still is sailing from White Harbor to Kings Landing. And even with his help, it will be long before we have a strong fleet. Giving Redwynes the position of the master of ships would give Reach too much influence in my counsel, and they will fight against ironborn, either way. Even with warnings to watch out for them, I am still worried.

Willas POV

Today was an important day for my family, finally, we will be tied to the royalty, with each year our hold on the Reach lessened, but now that Florents are disgraced and with this wedding, there will be no big problems to control it. Grandmother still complains how, now the king, swindled them of more than a million gold dragons. Getting to my sister's room I knock on the doors and wait for an answer.

"Come in" After a few moments Margaerys voice is heard.

"I see that you are already prepared for your wedding," I say coming into the room and seeing her in a beautiful white dress that had become popular for brides to wear.

"I am? Do you think, Lyonel will like it?" She asks with a small blush on her face.

"I sure he will only look at you during the wedding," I reply with a smile, she always wanted to be a queen and today her dreams will come true.

"I want him to only look at me for the rest of his life." She says with a smile on her face, gone her blush like it never was here.

"I have full confidence that you will," I say, then look around the room looking for any holes that someone could watch or listen to us. "After the wedding, you will need to try to conceive a child with his grace."

"Jeez, don't say it like." She pouts at me.

"This is serious, Margaery, his uncle attacked him, who knows how others will try, and if they succeed, he needs to have an heir," I tell her. "Otherwise our position will get worse."

"I know, no need to tell me what do to." She says and looks away. "Don't try to play games around his grace, big brother, he is not a fool."

"You're right he is not, we won't be able to control him, but still you can give him a few pushes in our favor." After telling her that I leave to get prepared myself.

Tyrion POV

Seeing my nephew take his new wife to the bedding, I left to do my job, with the wedding done and uniting three kingdoms, it seems that nobody could stand against Lyonels rule, but I know better here are always enemies. I have to see that those enemies don't have even a chance to fight against us. Firstly we need a new fleet if my nephew suspects the Greyjoys will try to take their crown back with any chance given.

Gold, we needed gold, even confiscating everything that Baelish has left in the King's Landing and with our own earned we simply do not have enough, and the King has forbidden to get another borrow it from anybody. Well once my father comes here, he will demand a position of the hand or repay the debt to him. Soon Iron bank will show up to demanding their gold. We need a plan for it, so I went to the master of coins.

"We need to increase the tax, on other Kingdoms." After greetings he suggests.

"That could cause problems, Robert lowered them for a reason," I answer and take a sip of my wine.

"They were good reasons, but the tax is too low, that why income to the crown become so low," Willas responds to me. "King Robert was generous, but that not how you rule the seven kingdoms."

"Fine, I will take it to his grace, but if he doesn't agree you need to find a new proposition," I reply to him, but already know if it is a sensible thing to do, Lyonel will do it.

After small talk with Willas it becomes dark, so left for my room, tomorrow will be another day full of work.

Lyonel POV

Waking up to see a pretty girl next to me is an amazing feeling, the only problem that I wake up because of throbbing pain in my right shoulder. Quietly leaving my bed, to not wake up Margaery, I left for maester chambers, maester Marvyn has to put his ointment on my shoulder every morning, so I can move it normally, it is pain in the ass.

As I enter the chambers and see Alleras lying on the table, probably fell asleep while studying. It is early in the morning, looking through the window, I can see the still-rising sun. That it pained me wake her up, but if maester Marvyn is not here yet, I will have to go to his student.

"Hey, wake up," I tell her with a loud voice.

"Huh, your grace, I must have fallen asleep, my apologizes." She quickly wakes up.

"It doesn't matter, get the ointment, I have the stuff to do and my shoulder pain doesn't help," I order her and sit down near the table. "You should be more careful, is a wonder how no one has found out who you are."

"What do you mean, your grace, who am I" She stops in her tracks and looks at me.

"Your chest biding comes loose in your sleep, so there no need to lie." Pointing at her chest I say. "Do not worry, I won't tell anyone and I don't care if you want to study, I have bigger problems to take off."

"Oh, thank you, your grace." She quickly fixed her biding and left to do her job.

"So where has maester Mervyn gone to, now?" I ask as she starts to apply ointment to my wound.

"He has left for the library, at least last time I saw him." She replies.

"Hah, go check on him after, we don't want to let him get buried under books," I say and get my bandages replaced.

"Aye, I will check on him." She agrees.

I starting to like the girl, hope she won't be too angry when I use her against her father, I don't want to kill her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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