
The City of Wind and Ice

TimeLost_0644 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The North.

{Beginning of Chapter 2}

A few weeks have passed since the hunt that Philomel and Bylur had, they were once again running out of supplies and decided to leave for a hunt again, of course this time  they were aiming for something bigger, something juicier, a real beast of the north, because the north is the  region known for its powerful but tasty beasts and monsters

Philomel: "Bylur.. are you sure we should venture out so far? the snow is quite fragile, we could easily fall through it and  get stuck in god knows what position or place.."

Bylur: "I thought you're an elf, can't you use mana? i already know you can use magic since you're continuously shielding yourself from the frost using mana like a layer of skin, so why don't you use it below yourself on your boots like platforms?"

Philomel: "That's a thing..? i  thought it takes barrier magic"

Bylur: "Well usually yes, but in this case you have snow below you, its not like you're creating a new surface below your feet, you're reinforcing a already existing surface below yourself, its a more efficient way to do it, if you get skilled enough you'll be able to do that to air but untill then you'll need barrier magic"

Philomel: "I see.. so what you're saying is i can just reinforce the area around me using mana instead of producing physical things with magic, its more efficient that way no?"

Bylur: "Well.. i never thought about that actually, yeah you can, no other mage has done that before and i suppose it works around the idea of defensive magic which is weak to physical attacks, but i'd suggest keeping it to  mobility, we don't need you to start a revolution in magic just yet"

Philomel: "But..  doing so i can do this!" Philomel picked up some snow and formed a snowball in her hand, she poured mana into it and more specifically inbetween the gaps in the bonded snowflakes and water molecules,  then she threw it at a nearby Bear wolf with noble grace and a hunter's precision

Bear Wolf- (a wolf that is imbued with transformation magic through unnaturally high condensation of mana in the area)

The Wolf got hit in the side by the snowball, and following the impact of the snowball came a Explosion that  could be compared to a modern day explosive, except it didn't blow the wolf apart, it merely killed it by overcharging its body with so much mana that it could not process it and died from its brain being fried.

Philomel smiled  and giggled, what a terrifying yet beautiful woman, her giggle was full of emotion and joy, not only because she had just created a new spell but because they had food for the next few days, 

Philomel: "See? its more efficient than just physically murdering something and it doesn't cause harm to the environment"

Bylur slightly chuckled

Bylur: "You're quite terrifying you know? i barely just told you about this and you managed to make it lethal already, well if you believe it to be a good way of hunting  do so but promise to not use it against humans unless necessary"

Philomel: "Of course i won't, i'm not sure  what kind of consequences that could have.. they have terrifying potential.. and stimulating their brain with mana might only start a chain reaction that i do not want to provoke, i admire their potential but fear it"

Bylur picked up the dead wolf  and threw it over his shoulder

Bylur: "Let's hunt something else while we're already out here.. how about a wyvern? you think you can help me hunt one?"

Philomel: "Well.. I'm not exactly the strongest elf around but i have hunted one in the past, but i had to trap it inbetween gates in order to kill it with long distance magic"

Bylur: "Surely it was a long time ago, you must have greatly improved since then, No?"

Philomel: "I guess  so, we could try although i have no experience with ice wyverns  that are around here"

Bylur: "But i do, Follow me"

Bylur said, dashing through the snow without a sound. He led her to an open plain in the forest. It was breathtaking how beautiful it was. The snow was so pure it was reflecting the light like crystals, and the trees that surrounded it imitated colorful crystals which split the light into many colors, the wyverns often fell asleep in the plain because it reminded them of crystal caverns in which they often lived in.

Philomel: "Woah.. but what are we doing here? aren't we supposed to be hunting wyve-"

Philomel was cut short as bylur gently put a hand over her mouth to shush her, then out of nowhere a wyvern landed down, it moved around before it got into a comfortable position and fell asleep after 30 minutes, then bylur took  away his hand

Bylur: "Now.. how do we kill it without it waking up."

Philomel: "Up untill now i've been the only one to use magic, why don't you try?"

Bylur: "If you insist.. but it might be hard chewing through frozen meat."

Philomel: "I'll bare through it"

Bylur pointed his hand at the wyvern, a magical circle forming infront of his palm, the circle had  runes and symbols of ice encrypted into it, then the wyvern suddenly  died, it was weird for nothing really physically happened to it. That is on the outside, on the inside of the wyvern Bylur froze its heart and blood solid and it was incapable of  flowing, this also froze its veins which brittlely shattered under the weight of the wyvern.

Philomel: "That.. was brutal."

Bylur: "No, it was quick and efficient."

Philomel: "Let's just take its corpse back.."

Bylur: "Of course, see you back home"

Philomel: "Wait what-"

Before Philomel could ask what he meant, Bylur had already sprouted dragon wings from his back and picked the wyvern's body up and flew away

roughly 6 hours later

Philomel  bangs on the door, before kicking it down, she looks at bylur, obviously mad with her  hair covered in flakes of snow as she had to find the house through a snowstorm

Philomel: "You're lucky i can't hurt you right now."

Bylur: "Come on, its just a little snowstorm, nothing you can't deal with right?"

Philomel grew silent, she was mad and if she couldn't physically hurt him she would do it mentally, by this she of course chose to be silent for a entire week untill he begged her to stop

after 2 weeks of silence Bylur couldn't handle it

Bylur: "Please just speak to me, i cannot go on further like this its just annoying we sleep in the same room, we even shower  in the same hotsprings and yet you haven't said a word for 2 weeks, i beg you i'm sorry for what I've done"

Philomel: "Fine, i  accept your apology, but don't expect me to be merciful again"

Bylur hugged her relieved that she  forgave him

Philomel: "H-hey you're way too strong let go of me!"

Bylur let go and quickly apologized, of course he was unaware of how much stronger he was compared to other races seeing as he only knew he was powerful, he didn't have anyone else to compare his strength to

Philomel: "Hey.. there's a upcoming star shower if you'd.. Like to watch it together you know?, those are the best especially when sitting atop a mountain, the last one was 9 months ago before i ventured out on a journey here"

Bylur: "Of course, I'd love to, when is it?"

Philomel: "Tomorrow of course, its going to be at night so i'll wake you up when the time is right"

Bylur: "I can  stay up late myself you know? just cause i love to sleep doesn't mean i have to do it all the time"

Philomel: "i don't trust your sleeping habits, now let's get to bed, i'm tired"

Bylur: "Of course, Sleeping princess."

Philomel: "and i suppose you're my prince..?"

Bylur nods in agreement jokingly obviously.

{End of Chapter 2}