
Reviews of The City of Terror


The City of Terror

Daoist Fierce Tiger

  • Overall Rate
  • Translation Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Have you ever read a novel that feels like it's forcing things to go fast? Well this isn't one of those, this novel forces things to go slow. It defies logic common sense structures numbers and directly counteracts itself just to move slower. This novel tries to go so slow that it ruins itself, I put everything bellow this to fill up that word quota so I don't recommend reading the rest of this review but I won't stop you. Complete trash. Ignore the ratings, the individual ratings should multiply the original rating of 5 stars rather than getting the average, if you have an ABOSOLUTE trash story and character but good translation quality and update stability it shouldn't mean that the novel is 2.5 stars. So basically we have a character forever doomed to be a retard who ABUSES plot armor and only sees things through plot armored glasses. The story doesn't flow AT ALL example: alright I have 8000 yuan savings plus 5000 from those gangster and a monthly pay of 1200 (next day) CRAP IM OUT OF MONEY! it was probably those weights I bought for 150... The author randomly adds in crap like that to force whatever janky idea he has into the story with no proper development and manages to make the character go from bellow average to slightly above average in half a year, author also happens to be less intelligent than the mc and constantly forgets things and just tries to put an excuse later like he hadn't example: alright il be treating the company to a round of hotpot later tonight (immediately goes home and passes out for three days and nobody mentions the hotpot) four chapters later (randomly inserts memory of treating everyone to hotpot in a conversation with someone as the author just remembered he skipped that) oh and did I mention that the enemies like a certain chicken can BOUNCE off a solid steel blade because the blade "has no flexibility" and.did I mention the author can't decide whether a weapon is a pitchfork trident spear club or a freaking dragon!? Author does no research on anything accept for slugs (don't worry he forgets it later and directly counteracts his words) and apparently chicken blood OF ALL THINGS is good for your health and sturdieness.

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Super racist, when the MC starts interacting with the weird but always inferior non-Chinese people, later on in the series. When reading about stat allocation, you'll be facepalming when the MC just refuses to invest in intelligence.


Ahora que lo pienso, los gemelos siendo idiotas idiotas no son necesariamente racistas. Quiero decir, también hemos visto a muchos chinos en esta novela con el mismo comportamiento ...


shame gotta increase the star rating cause of people treating this place as a forum so they vote 1 star :////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


------------------------------------- Now we even have to make 1 review each day for exp rofl that doesn't make sense to have to spam the novels review what is Qidian thinking? We can make a comment each day but why make many reviews of a same novel? -------------------------------------


If you charged SS for already read chapters then at least make it look better. 72838838383838 If you charged SS for already read chapters then at least make it look better. 72838838383838 If you charged SS for already read chapters then at least make it look better. 72838838383838


already become a 4-star creature, but act like a coward,,, already spent almost hundreds of chapter still can't tackle down the stupid farmer's market like WTF... always hope for external help like the dragon etc... F**k


Give it a try, at first the mc is a muscle head, and it makes you facepalm a lot. But the development of MC and the story is worth it. So I recommend this 😁


Was a good story but then it got racist, half breed Chinese girl, so he has to protect her from evil French guys when they sing Chinese pop songs at The karaoke (are Chinese pop song big in Europe?), the girl being a half breed, speaks half breed Chinese and does not know her motherland language? When he began describing how Europeans pores are open, and the poor farmer from Argentina, a big turn off.


Number 7 in my rank list. ❤️ Jack's 10 favourite Novels ❤️ 01) Lord of the Mysteries 02) The Sage Who Transcended Samsara 03) The Devil's Cage 04) Way of the Devil 05) Black Tech Internet Café System 06) Enlightened Empire (Webnovel original) 07) The City of Terror 08) Low Dimensional Game 09) The Legendary Mechanic 10) Gamers of the Underworld


Sooo good I loved it so much hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahah


Reveal spoiler


Other than the World background and setting the book is pretty bad, especially the quality. It mightve been good if its one of your first novels but if you read a lot than this is horrible, though I love the setting. I also gave 1 for updates as the novel is stolen from another translator so actual rating wouldve been .6 higher.


The story is typical post-apocalypse setting, but somehow readers seem pushed to accept this is what happened, just live with it. The ultra stupid MC is so irritating, there's no explanation how he suddenly gets into dust world.


Mc is too stupid and novel is too slow it's not worth reading For people who like smart MCs and he is kinda boring


Why would somebody vote this?


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racist........kinkm.........................................................................................................................................m............m....................................... .................


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