
The Circle Of The Qur'an

An Islamic fantasy. Not your usual immortal cultivation system, but a no less exciting cultivation system is present. Hope you enjoy it! :))) "In a world of genius scholars and ascetic saints, of sinners and sorcerers, a world of scheming leaders and kingdoms in turmoil, and when spirits created from fire appear, only one would survive who brings to his Lord a pure heart..." A land where knowledge, purity of the heart, and morality is everything... Five youngsters from a backwater city, under the tutelage of a travelling scholar and Mujtahid, enter into a world of knowledge and pious asceticism, vying with the chosen in an epoch-making tournament. On the eve of the Grand competition however, a catastrophe strikes, and the scholar disappears.. Even before they had the chance to represent their city Tâ Hâ, the five Quraa' are forced to withdraw.. ... Washed ashore the Island city, Arkaan is a youth seeking to correct and make up his past, even if that means challenging the four tribes and echelon in order to revive the Scholar's circle, 'Inabah. He's a youth with a dark past, and the world he has entered is one of the cultivation of hearts. When Arkaan meets the five Quraa and offers his help, will they trust him and follow his lead? As the mysterious foreign sixth apprentice, and possessor of a mystic diary that has deep secrets even the King of the land seeks to solve, Arkaan would be plunged in a much larger world with plots even thicker than he could ever imagine. He must replace those at the top of Qur'an cultivation, purify his heart, and travel the land, meeting spirits and solving mysteries. A boy is washed ashore a backwater city. There - a story begins.. In Tâ Hâ was a Scholar, and - five Quraa', •An exiled prince(Infinite Spirit States: A myriad realms of the Qur'an) •A young scholar(Seven Paths: Way of the Harf) •A child saint(Unmatched: A call to the Heavens) •A repentant sinner(Reflection: There's no shame in tears) •And the Sayyid of their generation(Phenomenon: Exalted one of the Age)

Attaruwa · Fantasy
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121 Chs

80| Memoirs of Hâ Mîm

Ukashah stood in front of the mic silently. The whole Colosseum was quiet as if everyone was anxiously anticipating what the jade and stoic boy was going to say.

He tapped the speaker softly, and smiled softly at the crowds,"About affairs of the state, there's obviously no one amongst us who can hold a candle to the King of Al Qalb-ul-Ard.

Benevolent with his subjects, decisive among his adversaries! Undoubtedly, among his contemporaries, he is exceptional, and this is no lip service, as all would concur!"Ukashah sombrely continued,

"What need be our discourse on State Affairs? This gathering has been occasioned for a celebration of Kitâbillah..

If we really wish to witness astuteness and excellence in the former art, I bet the King wouldn't mind educating us all here!"

Vicious! The Hâ Mîm governor intoned, trying hard to avoid the laughter that was threatening to expose him to the King and destroy him consequently.

Give it to this boy, he deserves a medal! Ya Salaam! No one has ever countered Dhul Wajhayn* in this way before!

[*Lit. Possessor of two faces, or hypocrite. The Hâ Mîm Governor uses this name as his form of addressing the King. He doesn't use it in his presence though, only internally.]

Ukashah.. The redheaded foreigner stared at the teen boy in surprise.

Since when..did he grow, to become so..


He hadn't expected that, after all these years, when they had finally met, his nephew would have matured enough to handle his own affairs in such a way,

With such calm and composure! He was completely different from that bubbly child of sunshine he knew. The boy's smile was even perfect, though he knew, behind it was an indifference to the King.

He didn't know whether to be happy at how mature the boy had become, or.. to sorrow as to what experiences he faced, that must have sharpened him so.

The innocent boy he had once known, had learnt how to use words to manipulate his way out of things.

He had praised the King in his own presence, then humbled his own skills and that of the King, all at once!

He was essentially raising and lowering the same person at one and the same time.

Also subtly implying the King's presence in the gathering, which only a select few would pick up on.

This way, Ukashah had shown that even he, knew who was behind the veil. And this favoured his position, as a King was bound, not to act so impulsively towards his subjects!

Ukashah's revealing his knowledge of him, protected him from the King's acting with him out of character!

Unless the King wanted to pursue it further, and lose his position of dignity in the eyes of those who knew it was him, he wouldn't reveal his guise, and wouldn't counterattack.

If King Dhul Qarnayn did this, he'd appear petty in the sight of all the people gathered, for vying with a teenager.

Who was this teenager? Was he actually a commoner? To have realized the King's identity and still had the courage to counter him! How brazen!!

These were the thoughts of those who were in the knowing.

Not only had Ukashah succeeded in injuring the King's honour after boot licking him, but he had also directed the whole course of the convention back to its primary purpose!!!

A smile now crept unto Âyatullah's face, which the King didn't notice, as his eyes were now transfixed with Ukashah's soft but unwavering ones!

He had most importantly, reminded the King and the entire audience, why there were there in the first place!

If this was not the true bearing, and diplomacy of a Prince, then Âyatullah did not know what else it was!!

The scholars and ministers were all caught up in the very thoughts of Âyatullah, for they knew in whose presence they were sitting. The only exception was, - they didn't know Ukashah's true identity.

Though majority of the commoners, who formed the most in number were oblivious to the undergame, they were nevertheless, as interested as those who were in the know, as to what was happening.

A particularly pleasantly aged and richly-garbed man, stood out in that crowd as an influential merchant.

"Well what d'y'all say! The Qur'an convention has gotten a whole lot more dicey, ain't it?!! I bet that guest has left, - nothing more poisonous to say to that kid!!!"

At this, the crowd which was silently listening before, broke out into the unreleased tension and thoughts they were holding within.

"This is actually getting interesting! The student stands in his teacher's place. And his companion defends his honour!

But who's that guest of honour? He actually doesn't like the Tâ Hâ lads that much!"

"And here I was, thinking that no one would feel more disgusted than me about that island and its people!"

"Hey! Weren't you celebrating that Zak guy just before?!!"

"Don't look at me~~ I was only following the crowd!

Now I can vent!"

"Gentlemen,"The merchant who stood out, said among those on his side of the Colosseum,"I'm among the wealthiest merchants between the South and North of our country.

They call me Old man Khidr, and I can say that, anyone from amongst you who bet with me against Tâ Hâ would certainly lose miserably!"

"Heh! I guess you're another of those Tâ Hâ scumbags! You look rich though.."The man who had earlier spoken about his hatred replied. In his mind, if he could win this bet.. then he would have reached jackpot!

However, should he fail.. the consequences were severe..

Weighing everything, he exclaimed,"Oh people of Hâ Mîm on this side! I'm your brother and you know it! Who here would join me to show this man where he and his city belongs to?!!"

Khidr's eyes narrowed at how the man had played his cards well. In this way, failure or success would be shared by multiple people, and this was the best way of lowering the risk.

He had initially meant to shut the guy up, but the proclamation just now, meant the guy truly had a sour taste for Tâ Hâ, as well as was hoping to rob him of all his wealth!

Hmph!! Fatuous and grandiose dreaming!!! He'd show him his place!

"Very well!"Khidr said, looking derisively at all the people before him. He couldn't back down now, or it'd be a big disgrace for him among his merchant clique.

Looking on the bright side, who would have thought he'd have a chance at his betting customs here, to extort money from as many people, using the scholar and his kids.

He had already assessed the entire situation and had optimal information on the prodigy of the kids.. Unless something untoward happened, they were bound to win the quiz!!!

Ah! Today was his lucky day.

"Let's bet!!!"

"Hey, isn't that haram?.."Nearby, a few voices murmured amongst themselves, drowned by the vast majority, who were now trooping in to a promise of a possible wealth-making avenue.

The few who wouldn't join, were left murmuring amongst themselves about what was happening in frustration,

"Who is that person who's pulling the strings! He's actually that sly.

Now, more people are pulled into the mess he has created! A wager between he and the boys, has become a betting spree amongst the people!"

"He probably has something against that little scholar! No, The whole of Tâ Hâ! Its scholars and students of knowledge!"


"I believe we all came here, hoping to witness a healthy competition among students of the Qur'an.

Considering this afternoon's hot sun is overbearing, and most of us here are fasting, I hope you'll reconsider your request.. "Ukashah said once again, when the noise had died down and the King had yet to speak.

The place went silent, as everybody watched to what the Honoured Guest would do.

"What are the people saying?"The King turned to his subordinates, his tone plain.

The Hâ Mîm governor smiled anxiously at him, which seemed to say volumes. He made the signal 'You should probably drop it' to Dhul Qarnayn.

The King's eyes narrowed as he looked to the Qaadi. If anything, his word would be final as he held most authority over the event as Qaadi, considering the King had kept his identity hidden from the common mass.

The Qaadi gulped, his knees going weak from anxiety. A silent war of cryptic word exchanges was going on, and he was caught in the middle of the firing. Yaa Rahmân Yaa Rahîm, have mercy.. He cried in his soul.

"Very well.."King Dhul Qarnayn said finally, releasing the poor judge of his anxiety. The King's voice hadn't reduced in the least bit dignity that it possessed,"Let's proceed on the celebration of the Qur'an!"

Wild murmuring arose suddenly from the crowd, and halted, as the King continued,

"It seems to me however, that you lads from Tâ Hâ have something out of the ordinary to show the crowds today.

Personally, I found the general performance boring and discouraging..

What are the scholars doing in the schools and Circles these days?

I've long contemplated a question..

'What does the Qur'an mean to the people today?..' I came here hoping to understand and have an answer..

So you can imagine my disappointment at all the Mujawwad and Murattal of today.

Young man, if your squad from Tâ Hâ is able to rekindle my interest in this round, and help answer my question, I would be grateful, and would duly reward!

Take this from a man who never goes back on his words. As long as you're in need of my help, I'll offer a hand..bi'iznillah!"

Ukashah, this is your opportunity to have the King of Al Qalb-ul-Ard's protection!!! The redheaded foreigner looked at his nephew seriously, hoping to communicate his feelings.

The King was actually spreading his wings of protection for Ukashah, against the rebels through this!!! It seemed he had already acknowledged Ukashah.

Knowing King Dhul Qarnayn, it was something he wouldn't give easily. Especially since it would drag him into the quarrel, and affect the southeastern borders of his country..

Even protecting Ihtishâm, was because of his promise to King Sulaymân aforetime..

Dhul Qarnayn, was essentially a King that prized his own benefits over being graciously selfless, and benevolent. Unless he had some profitable returns from a decision taken, he most likely wouldn't agree to it!

However.., even he had those morals of his he'd never compromise, and one such, - was not going back on his word!!!

In the end, he couldn't have fathomed the thought pattern, that Ukashah, in his heart, had already rejected all help from the world.

And that His only Helper, would always remain that One who never abandoned him, even in his most dire of trials.

When both parents had been killed, and their horses died to safely carry him across the borders.., and whilst all others had fled from their side in the heat of the turmoil, ..or simply remained mute in the face of the oppression they felt that day..something, his people still feel to this very day..

Where was King Dhul Qarnayn? And where were the Five Royal Tribes of Baladus-Sulaymân, and their affiliates??

Where were their relatives, when they needed them most?.. His eyes turned to Âyatullah, looking silently..

Where was his loving uncle, Âyatullah Al Hamdy..who'd bring him sweets and laughter, with stories of adventure,..whenever he arrived.

From that look, Âyatullah could already tell what was in the boy's heart. He knew his beloved nephew all too well. He knew his decision..

He sighed. Ukashah.. Perhaps, in this lifetime you'd never forgive me.. and, I need not explain myself.

But at least, I can live, knowing that your deceased parents, my sister.. agrees with that grave decision I took that day..

A family and a country.. How does one weigh between these two on a scale?

Ukashah would choose his Maula...always..

Ukashah's Maula(Patron) had always and would forever be Allah!!! And that would never change, ..even to this day! Right from that day, he'd decided it, when he met the scholar who showed him the light and graces of Allah in his predicament, where once in the dark of ignorance and giving up to fate, ..he could not see it.

And that was why, if Ukashah ever faced any problem, he'd turn to the Qur'an.

"First of all, I'll like to say this, revered Guest of honour..

We of Tâ Hâ, were taught by our teacher, ..to never read for fame or worldly benefits..but for the love of Him.

He reminded us of the words of Abdullah bin Mas'ûd, radhiyallahu anhu, when he mentioned the time to come when the learned would be few, and the reciters would be many.

However..they'll not implement what they carry in their chest..

As regards your answer, I believe what you seek, is apparent, only if you listen to the voice of the heart that recites, and not the reciter himself.

Among the many of our fellow competitors who have already recited, I've listened, and have heard from the hearts, - that not once had they given up on the path of the Qur'an!

As many times as we faltered, we rose up again.

When they wavered on the path, we cried for guidance.

As students of knowledge, we struggled everyday, just so we'd attain compatibility with the Book, so we read it always,

Seeking to draw closer..

They did not know that, the truth of the matter, ..was in the struggle,

and not in the journey itself.

It was always founded upon the sincerity to walk the path, since time immemorial..

..not merely the success in reaching the destination. So sinners would even be doted upon by Allah, as long as they sincerely came back, trudging..towards Him with unyielding emotions.."He remembered Urwah, who had acquired such a level, that his Qur'an moved all hearts in unforseen ways.

Till now, even though Abdul Bâqi and Zayn topped in the Circles of the Qur'an, Ustadh had always referred to Urwah, - as the Best Reciter!

"As such, I'd humbly advise, if you may hear.. to listen once again, this time with an eager heart.. For there were some amongst them, from whom I realized new things..

Each of them have a bond with the Qur'an in one way or the other..but to understand it, one must listen attentively with one's heart.

The feelings and bonds between the reciter and his Qur'an, is witnessed only by the present heart!

So please take meaning from my words just now, and find your answers by witnessing your own self!"

"How brazen! Someone ought to teach that boy a lesson! Even if he were not the King as we're speculating, that's no way to speak to an elder."One minister spoke among his group.

"I believe the boy has not said anything disrespectful.. He only expressed his views.. I did like to think of his method of speech, - rather as similar to those children raised of noble birth and royalty.. There must be something to his background, I say.."

"In the expression of opinions among those of high pedigree, this is not unusual, as long as they're matured enough."Another minister added.

The rest kept quiet, looking at the King. This was the second time the boy's words had sent him silent for a bit longer than normal.

King Dhul Qarnayn smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes so no one could see beneath his veil. The boy was good, and strongly felt for not only his friend, but also the other students who had recited before them.

He didn't want them to be looked down upon.

This was an admirable quality, once found in a royal born like him. So it only made the King to admire the boy more.

His only problem was how consistently the pokerfaced boy was rebuffing his every comment..,"I agree..

As long as you can back your words with your performance in the competition, I'll take your speech as sincere advice and in defense of your friend, as well as not wanting your fellow competitors to be looked down upon since you're all students of the Qur'an..

However.., you've not told us your name, young man. What's your name?"This was his final test to assess the boy's shrewdness.

He must know his enemies could very well be hiding in this very crowd!

Since you rejected my help, let's see how you'd handle this!

Ukashah smiled sombrely,"I'm Abdullah Ibn Islam(lit. The servant of Allah, son of Islam)"

"Bakh! Bakh!"King Dhul Qarnayn laughed, this time sincerely. The boy was indeed shrewd. He had successfully warded those who would be there seeking to confirm his identity and trouble him, unless they knew him well. For even he, with his sharp memory, and Âyatullah, with his closeness to the boy, had to think twice about his identity.

This sombre boy was vastly different from the amiable boy they all knew, personally, or from hearsay.

However, in doing so, the boy had also not wanted to lie, so he had used the tactic of an incident narrated from an ahadith.

Abdullah Ibn Islam er...

"Well then, Ibn Islam, you and your two companions, who would go first?"

"Since respected elder allows, I hope my friend completes his round.."since he hadn't quite even yet started.. Ukashah replied boldly, glad that the King didn't drag that one too.

"Go ahead!"King Dhul Qarnayn laughed. It was obvious he was happy with the boy and wanted to see how far events would play out.

He was now as anxious as the entire gathering to hear what the boys had to recite of the Holy Qur'an.

"I believe it's my turn now.."Zak stepped forward quietly. The first round focuses on Sawt..and Tajweed..

Ukashah, yours goes deeper, so it'd be a waste to use it here in this round.

For Abdul Bâqi, I need not even say..

He shivered, remembering the dark boy's recitation - he, who excelled at what he kept his heart to..

As Zayn was his main competition, it was obvious his level was defined.

He looked at Abdul Bâqi. He had been silent the whole time, brooding..Yh, Zayn and Urwah were yet to return, what took them so long?

He looked in the direction they'd left in, and then back to the Qaadi.

We're showing our bonds here.. So we might as well compete in the sections most appropriate to us.

"Before you recite, yaa walad, please tell me, - what does the Qur'an mean, to you?"The Qaadi's eyes crinkled, shining like the stars of the night sky, as he looked at Zak."Our Guest of honour would probably want to know.."He looked at the King, who turned away with a slight scoff. Ahh~~ he still couldn't forget.

Zak smiled even though he realized the Guest of honour, - probably didn't like him that much, and didn't bother showing..

"From a very young age, ..I've always loved the ahadith.., and have read the Kutub Sitta(Six Books, reference to these is made in Crescent 3), the Muwatta of Imam Mālik, the musnad of Imam Ahmad, ..and a whole lot other treasured books of ahadith..

Yet, my encounter with the Book of Allah and journey to Him, ..only truly began six years ago.., when I encountered Ustadh..

Meeting him and my fellow companions in the Circles we so loved, I realized.. I've only been picking gems from rivers, ..which led to the vast ocean, filled with an inexhaustible treasure!!!

The wisdom and elegance of words from ahadith, took their source, from the vast ocean of the Qur'an. I realized, that one can only drink from the fountain of eternal youth, to describe what it feels like..

For the cup offered by the honest voyager, would only keep one thirsty, craving for more...

I guess that was how I first felt, ..sitting there, with them..

In our gatherings of recitation, each ayah approached me, in the subtlest of ways whilst listening to them, each containing a mystery from God..

Each having its peculiar secret about the world, and fragrance, - wishing to share with me.

When I read the Holy Qur'an, I saw words take form before my very eyes..like a deep brook, flowing into the boundless ocean, where contemplation never seemed to end..

An eternity of knowledge and boundless time met in an elegant display of words, divinely related from the Prophet, alayhis salaam, ..even to this day.

Nay! Words cannot even describe!

He who sees it from reading and contemplating, might not pay justice to he who desires to understand, ..unless.. they both dive into the ocean together!! Seeking mysteries of wisdom that words eternal, bring from the Divine!!!

Thus, is what the Qur'an means to me!!!"

"Maasha Allah, Zakariyya!!!

If words would not do justice, then show us, - what your perception of the eternal ocean of Al Qur'anul Karîm is!!!"The Qaadi said elatedly. The boy had described his own passion for the Book of Allah in such a wondrous way!

He only hoped when he recited, the wonders and mysteries he spoke of..would manifest within, to its fullest!


It was the first recitation that day for Zak...

The Qaadi had only given Zakariyya Ibn Ya'qûb one ayah, of which he was to complete.. or at least, recite to where all those making assessment could evaluate all aspects;


Tahazzun(emotion, lit. sorrow),



and the Ikhlas(sincerity),

- to measure the level of Tarteela(hymnody).

...Wa rattilil Qur'ana tarteelaa(...and recite the Qur'an in Tarteelaa.)

But that was the first and last recitation Zak would ever make in that august gathering..that day!

For it awakened hearts that were once dead, with its rains, and made dry eyes to shed tears for the first time, as it sent shivers down the spine of everyone present that day.

Âyatullah Al Hamdy, who was noted to have christened the recitations of five great reciters of decades before, named Zak's recitation,

Seven Paths: The way of the Harf!!!