
Laws And Titles

In his days in the facility, Acher's understanding of the world had exceeded normality, as the main pursuit of this facility was the concept that governs the concepts, behaviors, and nature in the world these concepts are known as the Universal Laws. These laws are fundamental principles that establish order and maintain balance in various aspects of existence. They are not man-made, but rather inherent to the fabric of reality itself.

The origins of these laws are shrouded in mystery. Some believe that they are fundamental principles that have existed since the beginning of time, while others theorize that they may be a product of a higher power or a governing force of the universe. Regardless of their origins, these laws are considered to be deeply ingrained and influential in shaping the world.

As Asher has discovered, certain individuals possess unique abilities to manipulate and control the power of these laws. These individuals are referred to as "Titles." Titles are individuals who have awakened a special connection or affinity with a specific law, granting them the ability to harness its power. Each Title is associated with a particular aspect of existence, such as emotions, behaviors, or natural phenomena.

The extent of an individual's control over a specific law can vary greatly. Some Titles may have a profound mastery over their associated law, while others may only possess a limited degree of control. Furthermore, the discovery and understanding of Titles and their abilities are ongoing processes, and much about them remains unknown.

The existence of these individuals with Title abilities adds an intriguing layer to the mystery surrounding the Universal Laws. They are seen as unique individuals who can potentially influence or alter the balance established by these laws, for better or worse.

In the present moment, Asher's gaze fixated on six ethereal white orbs, each representing the soul of a fallen woman. One orb in particular emitted a unique aura that caught his attention. "It appears that this soul possesses a special ability," he remarked.

Shadow, his companion, inquired, "Are you referring to a Title?"

Asher paused for a moment, contemplating the possibilities. "I believe so, although I am not entirely certain," he responded.

Shadow pondered the rarity of encountering a soul with a Title. "It is uncommon to come across a soul with a Title so easily. Is it possible that she was an experimental subject?"

Asher nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it is possible. We may be fortunate, although it seems she possesses only a third-degree Title," he remarked, glancing at the body of the fallen armored monster.

Shadow then asked, "Do you wish to revive the owner of that soul?"

Asher's determination was evident as he replied, "Yes, that soul belongs to her," his gaze turning towards Maya's lifeless body.

Stretching out his hand, Asher surrounded himself with the ethereal orbs containing the souls of the fallen women. Infused with an indomitable surge of energy, he channeled his will through the orbs, manipulating their essence with precision. The orbs hovered in the air, responding to his command by swirling and shifting, merging the souls within them. Their energies blended and intertwined, creating a macabre symphony.

A heavy anticipation filled the air as Asher's focused his gaze on Maya. Her battered and broken body lay before him, lifeless. With unwavering determination, he directed the collective energy of the white orbs toward her, infusing her with their pure essence.

The chamber filled with a surge of ethereal energy, crackling and pulsating with an otherworldly aura. Maya's body twitched as the energy coursed through her, mending her injuries. Her eyes flickered open, now glowing with an unholy light.

Maya's gaze reflected confusion as she struggled to comprehend her surroundings. Fragmented memories and disorienting sensations clouded her mind. Slowly, she pushed herself up, her movements unsteady and disjointed, as if relearning the control of her own limbs.

Asher couldn't help but notice the transformation in Maya's appearance. 'She even becomes more beautiful,' he thought silently. Her skin grew healthier and more radiant, and her facial features became harmonious. Her revival had subtly altered her appearance.

Observing Maya's revitalization, Asher's expression turned cold as he commanded in an indifferent voice, "Kneel."

In an instant, Maya's body obediently complied, sinking to the ground before him. Though confusion lingered in her eyes, a flicker of recognition sparked as she stared at Asher, a mix of curiosity and servitude.

A hush settled over the chamber as Asher stood before Maya, his eyes locking with hers. His voice cut through the stillness, resonating with newfound authority. "Maya, you have been granted a second chance at life. From this moment forward, you will serve me unquestioningly, your every action guided by my will."

Maya furrowed her brows, her mind grappling with the weight of the command and the surge of power pulsating within her. Conflicting emotions waged war within her, yet a primal instinct drove her to heed Asher's words. She nodded, her obedience tinged with lingering confusion.

"Rise," commanded Asher, his voice echoing with dominance. With an almost unnatural grace, Maya obeyed, her body ascending from the floor. Her gaze remained fixed unwaveringly on Asher.

As Maya's memories began to settle, her eyes gleamed with newfound clarity. She spoke, her voice tinged with confusion, "Sir, can you please tell me what I have become? I am no longer human; I can feel it."

Asher's voice carried a calm authority as he confirmed her suspicions, "Yes, you are no longer human. You have become a Revenant. You're almost immortal now, normal injuries can no longer claim your life, and you possess the ability to grow stronger by consuming spirits and souls. Can you feel it?"

Maya's voice carried a mixture of awe and uncertainty, "Yes, I can feel it. I am stronger now." She raised her hand, and a white aura emerged from her skin. "And what is this power?"

"Were you indeed an experimental subject?" Asher inquired.

With a composed voice, Maya responded, "Yes, I was held here as an experiment sample on the 27th floor. I kept it hidden from others, fearing their reaction if they were to discover the truth."

Asher acknowledged her concerns and continued, "Well, your fears were not unfounded. Nevertheless, have you heard of Titles before?"

"Yes, I overheard the doctors discussing them, although I did not fully comprehend their meaning," Maya replied.

The power bestowed upon individuals by the laws is undeniably immense, yet acquiring this power is an arduous journey. It begins with the realization that one possesses a title, followed by the daunting task of deciphering the precise law associated with that title. Only through this intricate process can the law itself acknowledge and bestow the title upon the rightful bearer. However, this seemingly straightforward task is, in fact, a labyrinthine challenge, as it requires delving deep into the recesses of one's own soul to uncover and assemble every hidden clue. Even the most gifted individuals, despite their exceptional talents, often dedicate decades of their lives to this relentless pursuit.

Asher explained slowly, "But, for reasons unknown, when a person dies and returns to life, they regain the ability to wield their Title without the need for prolonged self-discovery. And that, Maya, is what has happened to you. You now possess the knowledge and power of your Title. I am confident that you already know how to use it."

Hearing Asher's words, Maya slowly raised her hand. Two circular gates materialized behind her, emanating a dazzling white light. Two large blades emerged from the gates, radiating an aura of power. "Yes, my Title's name is the BladeBound Title," she declared, her voice emotionless


Hi guys, I want to say something, first of all, Maya's image will be in the comments soon, please check it out, second of all soon I will change the Title of the novel to " The Chronicles of the Fallen World " so please be informed.

Maya's Image will be in the comments

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