

In a world where power reigns supreme, Subh Born into a family of revered beings, he is the only one without supernatural abilities. When tragedy strikes and his grandmother is brutally murdered, Subh is falsely accused, cast out, and left to navigate treacherous waters alone. Determined to unearth the truth and reclaim his rightful place, Subh embarks on an epic journey filled with danger and discovery. Alongside unlikely allies, he delves into the dark underbelly of his family's legacy, uncovering long-buried secrets that threaten to unravel everything he holds dear. "THE CHRONICLES OF SUBH: ECHOES OF FURY" is a gripping tale of redemption, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a hero who defies fate itself. Join Subh as he battles against all odds, forging his own path and challenging the very fabric of destiny to emerge triumphant in the face of adversity.

silverhorn · Fantasy
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11 Chs


With a grand sweep of her hand, Grandma concludes her tale.

"And so, Subh, what have you learned from this epic saga, woven from the fabric of destiny itself?"

Subh, his mind still reeling from the cosmic odyssey unfolded before him, takes a moment to gather his thoughts. Finally, with a gathering of insight, he responds, "I've learned that true strength resides not in dominion over others, but in the bonding of purpose. Every being, whether mortal or divine, must strive to harmonize within themselves and amongst their kin. For only through collaboration and humility can we navigate the immense expanse of existence."

Grandma smiles benevolently. "Wise words, indeed, my child," she whispers. "Embrace them fully, for they shall light your path amidst the vast cosmos."

Then Grandma asks Subh, "Whom do you want to become like from this story?"

Subh replies, "I want to become like Supreme Being 1."

Grandma, with a soft smile and voice, says, "You will become as powerful as Supreme Being 1. No, I think you can surpass Supreme Being 1."

Subh replies, "But how can I surpass the strongest being in the universes, who never used 1% of power? And I don't even possess any power like you all."

Grandma's eyes twinkled with a wisdom born of ages past. "Powers, my dear Subh, are not always what make a being great. It's the strength of character, the resilience of spirit, and the depth of wisdom that truly define greatness."

Subh pondered her words for a moment before asking, "But how can I surpass someone as powerful as SB1 if I don't possess any powers?"

Grandma, her voice soft but firm, says, "True power lies within. It's the ability to face adversity with courage, to embrace challenges with resilience, and to lead with compassion and integrity. These are the qualities that SB1 embodies, and these are the qualities that you, too, can cultivate within yourself."

Subh's gaze met Grandma's, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. "I understand," he said silently. "I may not have powers like SB1, but I can strive to emulate his character. I can be a beacon of hope, a voice of reason, and a force for good in the world."

Grandma smiled, her heart swelling with pride. "Yes, my dear Subh," she said, "with the strength of your convictions and the purity of your heart, you will not only surpass SB1 but also become a legend in your own right."

Subh said, "Yes, Grandma, I will do as you say. I love you so much."

Grandma replied, "I love you too, my child."

"It's already late, Subh," Grandma said, her voice carrying a gentle urgency. "Go to your room and rest. Tomorrow is a new day, filled with endless possibilities."

Subh nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Thank you, Grandma," he said, his heart swelling with gratitude for her wise counsel.

At the room of Subh:

Raghav, father of Subh: "You are finally come to your room. We were waiting for you."

Subh: "So... sorry, my lord."

Kalyani, mother of Subh: "You really are a worthless son."

Subh: "I am really so sorry, mother and father."

Kalyani: "Hmm."

Raghav: "You pour me the drink."

Subh: "Yes, my lord."

Kalyani: "Husband, do you know your third brother's middle son is so powerful that he can match the power of the great emperor general? And here is our trash. He has no power; he's just a useless piece of trash."

Raghav: "You! You've brought shame upon our clan, Subh. You should've died the moment you were born. If you weren't born, at least we wouldn't have this worthless son."

Kalyani: "What can we do now? As long as Mom is here, we can't do anything."

Raghav: "I don't know why Mom trusts him so much. Doesn't she realize that if anyone finds out we have a powerless child in our clan, our reputation will be ruined?"

Kalyani: "Right now, we can't do anything. Besides, Mom is very ill. Who knows how long she'll live? The day she passes away, this boy will be thrown out of the clan."

Raghav: "You're right. Let's wait until then."

Subh, thinking to himself: "Will Grandma really die? But Grandma promised she'd always be with me. How could she break her promise?"

Father of Subh: "What are you standing there thinking about? Come here and serve us drinks."

Subh: "Yes, father."

Some time passed...

Servants: "Lord, lord!"

Father of Subh: "Why are you shouting like this in the middle of the night? Have you gone crazy?"

Servant: "Lord, Grandma is dead."

Subh, shouting: "Grandma!" (running towards Grandma's room)

Father of Subh: "What? How can this happen? Mother was fine when we last checked on her."

Mother of Subh, thinking: "Finally, she's dead, that old woman. Now I can take control of the clan's power."

At Grandma's door...

Subh, in tears: "Grandma, Grandma... you said you'd always be with me... why did you leave me alone?"

Arjun, second child of Grandma: "Mother... what happened? How could my mother die like this? She was fine a few hours ago."

Vikram and Aditya, third and fourth children of Grandma: "Did anyone come to Grandma's room before she died?"

Grandma's older son: "It was Subh who was with Grandma a while ago."

Other cousins: "Yes, we all saw him in Grandma's room."

Aditya: "I think he's the one who killed Mom."

Vikram: "Yes, I agree with my brother. Mom was fine before Subh went to her room."

Subh: "Mom, why would I kill Grandma? She was the only one in the clan who liked me."

Subh's mother: "Son, we didn't know you'd kill your own Grandma."

Subh: "I didn't kill Grandma. Why isn't anyone listening to me?"

Father of Subh slaps him and punches him twice with a fire fist: "You wretch! Why did you kill your Grandma, who loved you despite your lack of power, bringing shame upon our clan in the eyes of others?"

Second, third, and fourth children of Grandma and other family members: "Expel this monster who murdered his Grandma and lacks any power! Keeping him in the clan would only make us a laughing stock!"

Second child of Grandma: "As the new clan leader, brother, you should remove this monster from our clan. Since he has no heir, I can take over and lead the clan."

Father of Subh: "Subh, I cannot overlook this. As the leader of this clan, I hereby declare that you are expelled from our family. You have no further connection to us, and everyone is forbidden from speaking to you. Pack your belongings and leave this house."

Subh: "You're all wretched! All you care about is power, power, and more power! Fine! I, Subh, will return to this house once, and then I'll show you all. I'll kill every last one of you! From that day on, I'll form a new clan!" In anger and tears, "And to Grandma... your grandson is leaving, but I promise I'll find whoever did this to you. They'll pay for it with a fate worse than death! Goodbye, Grandma. Please watch over me from above."

All the family members: "Do you really think you can do whatever you said? What you claimed is nothing but empty words. Hahaha, you wretched fool!"

Subh silently leaves the room, his eyes burning with determination. He packs his belongings in silence, ready to leave his family behind.

Third and fourth children of Grandma block his path as he heads towards the door.

Subh: "Why are you blocking my way?"

Third child of Grandma, without hesitation, delivers a devastating blow to Subh's stomach, causing him to vomit blood.

Subh writhes in pain, clutching his abdomen.

Fourth child of Grandma: "You wretched creature! How dare you bring harm to our mother!" snaps Subh's arm with brutal force.

Subh grimaces in agony, tears streaming down his face.

All the cousins laugh maliciously at Subh's suffering.

Subh stops crying, gazing at his cousins with a steely glare.

Cousins: "You fool! You think you're some kind of hero?" They beat him mercilessly, then cast him out of the house into the cold, unforgiving night.

Third and fourth children of Grandma: "Don't you dare set foot here again, you wretched creature!"

Subh silently heads into the wilderness, his heart filled with rage and determination.



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