
The Chronicles Of Samantha Stone (GL)

Samantha Stone is a young witch. At 19 years old she begins her journey of magical knowledge, relationships, self discovery, and adventure. She volunteers at the local zoo and hopes to use her magical skills to help animals one day. Sam's new craft opens her eyes to a world of creatures and demons that she must face along with the obstacles of everyday life. Love unfolds, tragedy ensues, and demons arise in this dramatic LGBT fantasy series. Some chapters may include mild mature content.

SaraMB · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Part One - Chapter Five

Chapter 5: First Date

I told Liz what had happened that night with the troll. We tried to see if I could create another energy blast without a spell. No luck.

We decided to visit the crystal shop and gather supplies for charm bags that ward off trolls. Lucky for us, my magical creatures book had the recipe.

After combining dried blackberries, bog myrtle, boiled stinging nettle, and bark from an oak tree, we split the ingredients into two small herb bags. We tied them above our doors. We didn't see that old woman or anything looking like a troll again, so it seemed to be working!

I decided to turn my attention away from the creatures and spells for a bit and began talking to a guy on a silly dating site. I know... but I was not any good t meeting people in person!

He seemed like a nice guy, so I agreed to go on an official date with him. My first date, I might add. Don't worry! We video chatted plenty before, so I knew he wasn't some creepy old man.

I put on my favorite dress. It was a strapless black dress, rimmed in while lace. It hugged tightly at my waste, then poofed out like a ball gown, and ended at my knees. I did my make-up, which only consisted on a little foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, and pink lip gloss. I straightened my frizzy, curls.

MY mother gleamed as she saw me. I eye rolled as she said "I swear I'm not going to cry!" while a tear welled in her eye.

I'm just going on a date, I thought, Not getting married!

As I patiently waited for my date to arrive, my dad called. Great... My mom had told him about the date.

With a stern voice he asked questions about the boy like "How old is he?" and "Does your mom have a photo of his I.D.?" Then he began his long rant about abstinence, defending myself, saying no, and not letting the boy manipulate me. I couldn't roll my eyes any further as he spoke, but I just agreed. He is just being a dad. Both my parents like to over react to everything.

Finally my date showed. Jake Nelson. He was tall and well toned. He had a sweet smile and curly, walnut hair. He was dressed in a nice tuxedo. Good! I wasn't over dressed for a simple dinner date. We looked like we were going to prom rather than Applebees.

My mom was frantic as she said hello, though she tried to hide it. She insisted on taking photos before we headed out the door.

He opened the passenger door to his shiny, silver car. "M'Lady," he said as he gestured for me to sit.

M'Lady? I loved it. I hadn't heard that outside of movies.

We chatted about random things we liked and he was intrigued by my volunteer work at the zoo. I focused on that, since I couldn't tell a random human that I was a freak with magical abilities... At least not until I knew I could trust him with such a secret.

Jake opened every door for me as we entered the restaurant. The waiters greeted us with smiles and one of them gave a wink. I blushed. I usually liked being the center of attention, but this was all very new territory for me.

I felt nervous. Not so much about talking to Jake, but having people glance over at our overdressed attire, my naturally rosy cheeks that always appeared to be blushing, and my obviously awkward demeanor.

"If you want, we can get the two for twenty and share a dessert and appetizer. Or you can get whatever you want!" said Jake as he flipped through the menu.

"The two for twenty sounds great!" I said with a smile.

We could choose, artichoke dip, onion rings, mozzarella sticks, or two side salads. Easy enough for me! I chose the cheese sticks.

"Oh thank you for not choosing the salads!" He laughed.

I chuckled. "Does it look like I would choose a salad over deep fried cheese?" I pointed at my extra curves.

He smiled and his cheeks flashed pink. "I think you look beautiful."

That caught me off guard. "Thank you." I looked down. Why was I always so weird and shy?

He could obviously tell I was freaking out, because he quickly changed the subject. I was barely halfway though eating my steak when we were cracking up and telling each other stories. I felt like I could have known him for months with how our conversations flowed. Turns out we had been there for over an hour and I barely ate anything! I had been too busy talking and giggling away.

The waiter who had winked came by to ask how we were doing and if we needed anything. We realized they were closing soon and apologized.

"Oh, it's alright!" The waiter smiled. "You two take your time."

We took dessert and left-overs to go , and headed out. When we arrived at my complex, he walked me to my door. I kept thinking please don't kiss me. At least not here, not today. My plea was answered when he gave me a hug goodbye.

"When are you free next? If you want to go out again sometime, that is," said he.

"How about Friday?" I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Friday sounds good."

Before the creatures in the shadows could smell the scent of awkwardness, I said goodbye, and scurried inside.