
The Chronicles of Salakar: The Eternal Adviser

Anime_ksad · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: A Whisper of Destiny

In the world of Salakar, where magic flowed through every living being and where continents floated like colossal puzzle pieces through the cosmos, there existed a quiet enclave of knowledge and wonder known as Happy Valley. It was here, amid the serene landscapes and the laughter of scholars, that Charlie Baba had spent the most formative years of his life.

Charlie was no ordinary graduate of X.W.N University. He possessed a secret, one he'd carried since birth—a secret that set him apart from the students who had studied beside him in the hallowed halls of Happy Valley.

The university's towering spires, adorned with shimmering runes and glowing enchantments, were a testament to the dedication of its scholars. But none were as dedicated as Charlie. He had spent years mastering the arcane arts, honing his combat skills, and delving into the ancient tomes of magic.

As he stood at the edge of Happy Valley, overlooking the vast expanse of Salakar, he took a moment to reflect. His graduation had been celebrated with pomp and circumstance, his achievements lauded by professors and peers alike. Yet, it was the knowledge he concealed deep within himself that gnawed at him—the knowledge that he was a reincarnate from Earth, a realm forgotten by Salakar's denizens.

Charlie's System Interface glowed softly in his vision, displaying his skills and levels—a constant reminder of his extraordinary existence. It showed his proficiency in combat, his aptitude for forging weapons and armor, and his skill in potion-making. But it didn't reveal the most profound part of his being—the secret of his infinite lifespan.

The allure of Salakar was undeniable. The magic that coursed through its continents was intoxicating, and the prospect of living for eternity was enticing. However, Charlie had discovered a caveat in his reincarnation—his immortality was not absolute. If someone were to end his life, he would be denied the infinite lifespan he so craved.

With a heavy sigh, Charlie left behind the safety of Happy Valley and ventured into the unknown. He had dreams of becoming a wealthy hermit, residing in solitude, and offering guidance to the youth of Salakar. But before he could embark on such a path, he needed to gather the wealth and wisdom befitting a hermit of legend.

His destination was the outskirts of Happy Valley, where a shop sponsored by the university awaited him. His role there was that of a recipient, but he was also an adviser when needed—a bridge between the vast knowledge of Happy Valley and the common folk of Salakar.

As he approached the shop, Charlie couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited him beyond the comfortable confines of academia. The magic of Salakar whispered secrets in the wind, promising challenges, friendships, and mysteries yet to be uncovered.

And so, the journey of Charlie Baba, the Eternal Adviser, began—a journey that would take him to the far corners of Salakar, where Dungeon Gates loomed, and the planets themselves waged their silent wars.