

"Leave her alone" Ramiel yelled at Krize. Krize got off of Eva "what do you think? Did you miss this whore?" Krize mocked there is a saying never touch a dragon's reverse scale and that scale happens to be eva suddenly Ramiel's power grew by a whole 5% his power was now comparable to a middle tier general and a 7th tier mage . The two men stared at each other Krize can feel the power of Ramiel that continued to rise and he became wary " I have killed lots of you before and I won't let a single one of you be left alive now that I am back." Ramiel said with anger looking at Eva who was crying on the floor. The demon's expression changes and he prepares to attack Ramiel but Ramiel is already there waiting for him. Both attacked each other in rapid speed, both had powerful attacks. In the blink of an eye, they were separated and the demons were fighting. The demons fought like crazy, their attacks were fierce as they clashed swords with their claws. Ramiel had the upper hand as he kicked Krize out of the window to avoid hurting Eva in the collision . Krize landed on the grass and stood up. He charged toward Ramiel his claws outstretched and aiming for Ramiel's chest but he moved to the side avoiding the claw. Both men moved around in a circular dance. Their movements were sharp and swift. They attacked each other in perfect synchrony, however Krize was to weak in compare to Ramiel, which made it easy for him to overpower the demon. Suddenly a loud crash was heard followed by the screams of pain and anger krize can be seen bloody and out of breath " you dare touch my woman " Ramiel shouted in anger and sliced his head off. The demons body lay in pieces beside Ramiel hurriedly went back to eva and picked up her. "I'm sorry I was late " Ramiel said softly. Eva sobbed in his arms.

Ramiel held Eva in his lap while rocking gently back and forth as she cried against him. Ramiel looked through the hole in the window. Krize was lying dead outside the building. "It's over" Ramiel sighed . After Eva's sobs had calmed down " My senses has dulled if I was in my prime back then this would not have happened " Ramiel said holding her even closer to himself and stroking her hair tenderly

After Eva had recovered enough Ramiel waited for Eva to sleep before heading down to claim the demon's head for proof to the guild

After Eva's sobs had calmed down " My senses has dulled if I was in my prime back then this would not have happened " Ramiel said holding her even closer to himself and stroking her hair tenderly

After Eva had recovered enough Ramiel waited for Eva to sleep before heading down to claim the demon's head for proof to the guild he headed back to eva and gave her an embrace , he wrapped her arms around her and let her rest on his chest as he continued to stroke her hair

" Thank you Ramiel " She said looking up to face him

After he heard this he kissed her softly on the forehead

Eva closed her eyes and they both went to sleep.

The next morning Ramiel showed the townpeople the demon head to tell them that the demon has been killed.

They all looked at him with confusion and concern.

Once Ramiel was done explaining everything the townsfolk thanked him one last time the town decided to throw a party therefore Eva and Ramiel decided to stay one last day in town to celebrate the kill of the demon.

After a long celebration Eva and Ramiel decided to head back to the inn to get some rest.

Ramiel woke up to see Eva still sleeping with her arms wrapped around his waist. He smiled as he watched her sleep peacefully, she looks so beautiful when she sleeps.

He got out of bed quietly so not to wake her up and laid on the floor near the bed where he could keep an eye on her while she slept.

As he lay there waiting for Eva to wake up he remembered what happened yesterday. The demon was as strong as a 5th tier magician if it wasn't him who went here there will be more victims.

He wondered how many people have died because of this demon, how many families would mourn their loved ones? How many wives would cry loosing their husbands. He sighed... It's sad but this is war ever and even after 500 years the dark continent demons only continues to get stronger.

Ramiel knew that one day the thing he dread the most might arrive the birth of the demon king someone even his prime self would have difficult fighting against.

The thought of the demon king made him angry.

Eva woke up from the sound of footsteps, she opened her eyes and saw a tall figure standing near the door.

She sat up quickly and looked at him curiously.

"Good morning my Eva. " Said Ramiel smiling

"Oh good morning Ramiel!" Eva said yawning

"How do you feel?" Ramiel asked looking concerned

"I'm fine I just need some rest." She said rubbing her eyes

"Ok then, I'll go take a bath now." Ramiel said before heading for the bathroom.

Eva stared at the door for a moment then sighed.

She still remembered the demon who tried to rape her she tried her best to escape its clutches, it was a good thing that she was saved by ramiel

Suddenly Eva felt a pain in her stomach and turned red in embarrassment.

Ramiel came running out of the bathroom and saw her crying

"What is wrong?" He said picking her up and carrying her towards the bedroom.

"Nothing... " She sobbed.

Ramiel put her on the bed and covered her up with her blanket. He wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed about this" ramiel said kissing her cheek

"It's not like I wanted it..." Eva said trying to stop her tears.

Ramiel put his hand under her chin and tilted her head up.

"Just tell me anything, I won't leave your side no matter what happens" Ramiel said

Eva smiled at his words and buried herself in his chest once again

"Thank you... But you don't have to worry. We can always fight another day." Eva said wiping away her tears.

Ramiel didn't say anything he took her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss.

They stayed in each other's arms until Eva fell asleep only then Ramiel returned to finish his bath.

Eva and ramiel finished dressing up and they are about to head back to their city they gave the town people their goodbyes and headed off riding the horse they used going here in the first place.

"So we're finally heading home now?" Eva asked

Ramiel nodded as he rode along beside her

"Yes, the demon has been dealt with and everyone celebrated successfully so there isn't much left to do"

"That makes you happy doesn't it?" Eva said looking at him

"Of course it does. I will be able to afford us a house with that much gold " ramiel said smiling

Eva reached over and hugged ramiel's waist

"We haven't talked about our future yet." She said

"What do you want to talk about?" Ramiel asked looking ahead of him

Eva looked at him for a moment " lets talk about it once we reach the city"

"Okay" Ramiel said

"You know, you should prepare yourself." Eva said

"Prepare myself for what?"

" responsible for me ! " eva angrilly said with a smile

Ramiel chuckled "Ah, yes. That too ."

When they arrived in their city they quickly went to the guild to deliver the demon head to the guild master was surprised and excited at the same time.

"Now that's something, a demon head " he looked at ramiel " based on this demon's appearance he must be at least a lower level demon, but still you were able to defeat it as a reward we will promote the two of you to the A class".

"Thank you,guild master" eva and ramiel hapilly said

"You both did well, and I hope we can continue having the services of such fine mecenaries." The guildmaster said before leaving to inform the higher ups about the event. Ramiel recieved the 1000 gold plus an additional 200 from the guild and their name cards were upgraded showing the letter A.

Ramiel was happy to that he and Eva was promoted to the A class afterwich they quickly went shopping

"Let's go to the weapon shop first. I need to buy some weapons" Ramiel said

"It's been a while since I bought a new sword, maybe I should try those new swords from the east" ramiel said

"There are a lot of them in the market today but they're expensive and some have strange names." Eva said

Ramiel nodded and led the way to the weapon store.

Eva also bought herself a few daggers and a small bow and arrows. She noticed that the bows and arrows are all short and light weight.

meanwhile Ramiel bought a new pair of armour, he would rather craft his own sword they paid the shopkeeper around 20 gold, 1 gold = 10 usd , and left without much delay after thanking the man.

Ramiel and Eva had lunch together and decided to return back to the guild to find a new contract

They arrived inside the guild mostly everyone have hard of their names they approached the female worker who gave the a smile " there is a contract suitable for the two of you" she said

Eva picked up the paper and read it

Contract "Join the Hepis kingdom slay the 7th tier magician of the opposing kingdom."

Eva looked at ramiel with an eyebrow raised "so what do you think?"

Ramiel looked at Eva "I think it sounds good"

"Then why don't we sign it right away" Eva suggested

Ramiel nodded his head " if this will give me a chance to meet with the king then why not " He thought.

The two of them signed their names on the contract. After signing it and putting in the name card the female worker placed the contracts in front of them, Ramiel picked them up and placed them on his backpack.

"Well, I hope you the best of luck" The femal worker said

The duo smiled and waved bye to the lady before they started walking to the exit

The sun already began shining brightly in the sky causing eva to groan slightly as she was blinded by the bright sunlight. They continued walking through the streets and eventually arrived at the gate " The other knights must have already been dispatched to the front line are task is to assasinate the magician before the engage in war." Ramiel said looking over the map

"Alright, let's get going then " Eva said

They rode the horse and started heading towards the border separating the lands of the kings.

Meanwhile in the kingdom of Aecotor a woman dressed in black robes with blonde hair stood outside the castle looking into the distance. Her heart beat with excitement ever since the last war she is Masha the 7th tier magician of Aecotor she is preparing to leave for war against the other kingdom of Hepis suddenly an old appeared before her he was the king of Aecotor he was a bald old man with thick eyebrows and had silver hair he wore his hair combed back neatly as he greeted Masha

Masha bowed down and spoke "Good evening, your majesty"

The king nodded his head "It's alright, I wanted to see how things are going on your end"

"Everything is progressing as expected, the enemy is weak and they have lost almost every army they sent here in the past months" Masha replied

"Then do you know when they will attack next?"

"In a week's time probably"

"Good, make sure the preparation is ready"

Masha nodded her head

"Is everything alright Your Majesty? You look troubled."

The king shook his head as if trying to push away the negative thoughts of his mind.

"Its nothing"

"Are you certain? " Masha asked

King nodded his head as he got on his carriage.

He entered the carriage as the guards closed the curtains.

The carriage moved forward slowly making its way back to the castle while Masha smirks " After I'm done with this war I will finally have enough resources to reach the 8th tier when that happens I will get my revenge on those scum from the middle kingdoms " She clutches her fist in anger " I will make them pay for everything that has happened."

As Masha walked through the corridor of her house she rides the carriage guarded by knights wearing orange armour with their heads held high and a white cape hanging from behind.

After exiting the carriage a servant opened the door for Masha. She got out of the carriage and looked towards the open field she has reached the frontlines waiting for the enemy 's attack.

A knight in orange armour approached Masha from behind and handed her a black robe "I will wear it as my armor" she told him

The knight saluted her with respect before returning to his post.

Masha looked at her armor in awe. It looked elegant and powerful

3 days later Ramiel and Eva arrived in the frontlines their they saw more than 150,000 mix of trainee knights, comonners and some knights the and in uphill was the camp of the princess and her bodyguards .

"This battle has become much bigger" Eva commented


The knights were all gathered near the front lines awaiting orders.

On the opossite side more than 300,000 fully armed knights wearing orange were waiting for oders from Masha.

Eva was standing close to Ramiel and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"It seems that Hepis is at a big dissadvantage." Eva said

as she looked towards the scene

"If they fight Hepis won't last a week" Ramiel said

"Do you think Hepis will win?"

Ramiel shrugged "I really don't know the odds are against us."

Eva nodded her head " We should finish our job and kill the mage maybe that can help Hepis."

"Yes let's get on with it."

They both looked into the horizon and started planning their strategy for the upcoming battles.

" You should stay here the frontline is dangerous, but here in camp it is the safest place" Ramiel said

"But it doesn't sound safe, I don't want to stay here alone." Eva insisted

"I'll be with you"

"No you have to stay here, I could lose you" Eva insisted

"You wouldn't lose me " Ramiel said with confidence " I'd never die"

Eva didn't say anything but she knew he is true. He may come and go from places but his presence remains constant, he is by Eva's side always.

She smiled lightly

"Okay but be carefull out there" Eva said hugging him tight

Ramiel hugged her tightly "I will never let any harm come to you" he said kissing her forehead.

the two then separated Eva smiled softly and waved goodbye to him "I'll wait for you!"

"I promise"

The sun started setting signaling for the battle to start.

Soon the group of soldiers in both frontline charged against each other

. Their swords clashed against their shields, the ground where they stand started burning in flames as their bodies sweat profusely from the fight, the air filled with the clashing of swords as well as loud shouts of the combatants.

Some of the soldier were hit by lightning bolts from spells and were hit by a magic missile or two. Some soldier fell from the skies and were injured from falling on them. One soldier had been pierced by arrow and he was bleeding badly due to his injuries.

Soon the battlefield was full of blood and gore as a result of the fighting and cries of pain.

Ramiel ran straight to the frontline his face was covered with dirt and sweat and he tried his best to move and avoid getting hit by the magic missiles fired at their direction he was trying to find the source of this spell and stop the spell caster so he could save as much life as possible the battle went on with hepis side loosing ground since the opposing enemy has hundred thousand more trained knights compared to Hepis. Soon Hepis' army started collapsing one by one, but Ramiel helped them out he's combat ability shocked the opposing army greatly back in Aecotor camp Masha was shocked by the sudden turn of events one man was easily dodging her magic bullets and killing of knights one after the other


"What is this? How did he do that?" She asked herself.

Soon her soldiers were cut down giving the troops of hepis a chance to fight back "I will get him!"

She screamed with excitement as she launched a barrage of energy blasts towards her attacker. Once again Ramiel dodged each blast with ease as he jumped backwards landing safely on his feet "Found you !" Ramiel smilled

Masha quickly threw magic attacks at Ramiel while he just blocked each shot "What are you waiting for? Do something" She ordered

Ramiel smirked "They won't be able to guard you against me"

Masha frowned as she threw multiple spells to Ramiel only for him to jump over each and every of the attacks "How does he dodge those?!"

Just as she finished shouting these questions Ramiel's sword pierced through her abdomen as she cried in agony her eyes were wide open as blood poured out of the wound.

"What.." she gasped.

Before Masha could complete her sentence Ramiel raised her up in the air and crushed her skull in one swift movement like she is made of glass.

Once the light faded out of Masha's eyes, Ramiel dropped her lifeless body on the ground as a smile spread across his face "That was easy."

Suddenly another person stepped out of the shadows his hand glowed red with magic power as it aimed at Ramiel who was still smiling at his victim.

Ramiel turned around and faced the unknown enemy . His expression changed however he didn't expect what happened

The attacker threw an invisible force field which collided right onto Ramiel knocking him on his feet as he crashed into the ground his head striking a rock "Ow..." he groaned.

The opponent stepped out of the shadows as the light faded completely out of his eyes. He stared at Ramiel who was on the ground and smirked looking at his unconscious form "It looks like you got hurt huh?" The attacker teased

"Who.....are....you?" Ramiel said looking at the stranger with a confused expression. He tried moving his limbs but he found he couldn't

"My name's Vardan I did not expect you to easily kill off Masha, but she was to weak I would have suffered the same fate if I did not know what you were capable off." The mysterious guy said walking towards Ramiel " You are still to weak, so I won't kill you yet. This is your victory afterall all I am here for is masha's defeat." He smilled and dissapeared " strong a 9th tier mage." Ramiel said as he stood up and picked masha's head and signalled the end of the war.

The next day in the royal castle of Aecotor

The king's throne room

was bustling with activity as the people were discussing about how to deal with their enemy. Everyone was looking towards the throne were the old king sits in disbelieve " How could masha die that fast." he shook his head as he clenched his fist in frustration

The king's personal advisor was pacing back and forth in the hallways

He stopped abruptly and stood opposite the king with arms folded over his chest " I beg your majesty we must act immediately" he shouted

The king looked at him with furrowed brows "You want us to attack the enemy now after what happened yesterday, and now you tell me that we need to act quickly?" He asked

The advisor took a step closer towards the king.

"What do you suggest then!?" The king asked

" The surviving Knights said that Masha was slain by a young man a mecenary in fact maybe if we can provide a much higher reward he might join our side. " He's advisor said nervously

"I'm afraid that's not an option, he won't fight against us over money he must have another purpose on helping hepis tell the knights alive in the frontlines to retreat back to the kingdom we have lost this war."

The advisor's breathing became heavy as he started sweating in frustration.

The king then stood up and walked down the steps and headed back to his chambers.

He opened the doors of the chanber and was greeted by a mysterious man if ramiel was here he would remember him as the mage who easily defeated him.

The king glared at him with anger he took a deep breath in before speaking

" What do you want from my kingdom!" The king demanded as he clenched his fists.

"I heard what happened at the camp and I came to help you" He replied casually.

"Help me?" the king scoffed

" Yes, the demon king is about to ressurect and he needs a loyal kingdom to aid him." the mysterious man said

"A demon king?! The king exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, he is about to awaken and none of you will be able to stop him so I suggest you give up and we will give your kingdom a chance to be part the demon army." The mysterious man said

The king laughed " I might fight with the other kingdoms over greed, but there is such thing as a bottom line that I will not do fuck off." The king erupted and a massive amount of power was being released from him

The mysterious man smirked

"I see your stubbornness has survived even though you have lost so much"

"I've lived long enough to know when to stop." The king snapped

and attacked the mysterious man with an enormous amount of magic powers and energy blasts as the mysterious man effortlessly dodged all the attacks.

After a couple minutes of intense battling between the two figures the mysterious man was finally forced back on the ground holding his shoulder. " This won't be the end the demon army will soon arrive and your kingdoms will shatter"

With no mercy the mysterious man continued attacking the king with spells and attacks.

As the king was slowly gaining the upper hand the stranger suddenly disappeared

"Where did he go?" The king asked.

Suddenly the mysterious man appeared behind the king sending the king flying to a far away corner where he slammed into a stone pillar and slumped on the ground in pain

"What kind of magic trickery are you using??!" He roared.

The mysterious man then appeared in front of the king. Before the king could make any move he was blasted off of his feet.

The mysterious man approached the king and put a knife on his throat and sliced the kings head off .

Blood gushed all around the king as his head fell to the floor making loud thudding sounds.

" That was time waste "

said the man before disappearing with a puff of smoke.