
Jealousy ?

For some days they spent the rest of the day in Hepis Eva went to her friend's place and helped out while Ramiel stayed in his room training and trying to find a solution on how he can meet with the current king.

After a week they met up again Eva was wearing a pink dress she had a black cloak covering her body. Ramiel sat next to her watching her talk to her friends he could see happiness and affection radiating off of her and he couldn't help but admire her

"How do I look?" Eva asked smiling at Ramiel

"Amazing..." Ramiel said without thinking He hadn't noticed his mistake at first, but it wasn't hard to understand, Eva is extremely attractive

"Thank you..."said Eva blushing and sitting down in her seat.

He could hear a few laughs coming from a group of trainee knights

, he recognized some of their faces and realised that these are the ones who have been flirting with Eva

They had been flirting with her nonstop ever since they had arrived at Hepis and he could swear they had been staring at her every single time she was near. But he thought nothing of it, but Ramiel couldn't help the feeling of jealousy rise up within his heart for some reason after staying with eva for quite some time he wanted eva just for himself when the young knights appeared and started flirting with eva

he could feel the anger rising inside of him, and his fists clenched as he kept watching the men flirting with eva.

Suddenly he felt someone tapping his shoulder "hey are you ok?" Eva asked.

"yes sorry I just spaced out.. I don't know what's going on right now"Ramiel answered "It's nothing." , but eva can see that ramiel was jealous and smilled

Ramiel sighed inwardly

After dinner Eva asked Ramiel if he wanted to go for some strolls along the lake and he agreed to accompany her.

They decided to walk around for sometime till they found an empty area and decided to sit down together

"I wasn't able to properly thanked you for saving my life from those bandits back then." Eva said with a smile

"no need for thanks we're comrades." Ramiel replied.

The sun slowly set over the horizon. The sky was painted in orange and red hues and the moon shined bright as usual. Ramiel could smell flowers blooming in bloom and grass gently swaying from the gentle breeze.

Eva leaned forward resting her chin on her hands and gazing at the sunset. Her dress softly swaying from side to side. She turned to look at ramiel whose golden locks swayed along with the wind. A gentle smile adorned his lips as he gazed into the sunset in front of him as well.

Eva can't help but admire ramiel and the thought of him being jealous over her got her curious and so she asks ,"Ramiel?".

"hm " Ramiel responds

"Do you mind me asking... Why were you so angry earlier?" Eva questioned

Ramiel looked surprised "What? I'm not angry."

"Oh come on you were glaring daggers at the knights back there." Eva stated "And why are you so defensive all of a sudden? Are you worried about something?".

Ramiel shook his head "No, I'm just stressed out with this whole situation."

Eva looks at him concerned and takes his hand into hers. "Whatever it is you know you can tell me, I will listen and care about anything that concerns you, okay?".

Ramiel smiled "Okay."

Eva looked at the sunset and sighed. "You know, my father used to tell me that the most dangerous monster isn't one you fight or defeat. It' s a part of you that you cannot get rid of. That monster is your conscience, and as long as you live by yourself with no one else to talk to you'll always feel guilty about doing bad things. You won't be able to stop feeling sorry and regretful. And that' s why you want to change, to make things right." she says.

A silence falls over both of them " Eva I like you." . Ramiel said quietly

Eva turned her face away from Ramiel as she was blushing. "Ramiel I..."

A loud sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the night. Both of them turn their heads towards where the noise was coming from; their eyes widening in surprise as they saw a sword flying towards them. Their eyes wide open but before it can reach them Ramiel quickly grabbed the sword easily and held it in between his hands and held onto the hilt tightly. The sword didn't move at all as Ramiel held the sword still "Impresive"

A voice sound from the shadows

, they turn towards the source of the voice and saw the same group of young knights that was flirting with Eva standing before them.

Ramiel gripped the sword preparing to fight them suddenly one of the young knight glared at Ramiel angrilly "Miss eva belongs to me I will marry her and after looking at you and her makes me sick." the leader of the group said .

Ramiel smirked at the guy

"She doesn't belong to anyone, but herself" Ramiel told him coldly

He raised his sword slightly, ready to fight any of these guys. "Get out of our sight before I kill all of you." Ramiel said

They laughed not noticing the situation since they are trainee knights they are a lot stronger than comonners they don't believe that Ramiel can handle them all by himself and they attacked together , however Ramiel was too strong

for them and he easily defeated them all. They tried running away but since they did not heed Ramiel's warning he decapicated them all leaving only a pile of bodies in the ground

Ramiel let go of his hold on the sword he walked toward Eva and pulled her close to him wrapping his arms around her waist holding her tightly against his chest. The two shared a loving gaze at each other and for a moment the world became peaceful. No worries or worries of tomorrow, today is all about today.

Eva rested her chin on his shoulder as he tightened his embrace her, she felt safe here, with Ramiel by her side she knew everything would be alright.

Everything will be fine now

"I'll make sure to protect you Eva ."