
The Feeling

Spencer sat awake by the fire all night, trying to figure out how Kildoana could've known about his feelings. The missing chunks of time had been bothering him for some time. When Mordo disappeared he couldn't remember anything past standing between the Sorcerer and Mordo.

"Let's see, I remember them coming up to the gate. Richard and his insidiousness, Leviticus stopping Richard, and Richard being kicked out of the King's Guard. Then it starts getting hazy on the ride here. And I can't remember anything after that until Mordo and I returned with the firewood. What happened during that time? I know it wasn't just collecting wood. Would Mordo tell me if I asked him? No, I can't ask him," Spencer's mumblings woke up Mordo.

"Spence? Is there something wrong? You look pale," Mordo asked worried. 

"Oh no, it's nothing go back to sleep Mordo. I just figured I could take the first watch. Good night," Spencer said trying to reassure his younger brother. Mordo shrugged his shoulders and rolled over. Vincent and Roma woke up as dawn slowly started creeping in. 

"Help us wake everyone else, please. We need to get going as soon as possible today," Vincent told Spencer. 

"Yeah, just a second," Spencer agreed getting standing up. He gently shook Mordo awake and told him to start waking the others. In a few minutes, the whole party was up and eating breakfast.

"We need to leave as soon as possible. This is the fourth day of the journey and we are barely halfway to the next checkpoint," Vincent said as everyone finished eating. 

"Actually Vincent we are about a day's ride away from the next one," Spencer spoke up. "We covered a lot more ground yesterday than you think." He took a map out of his saddle bag. "This is where we are right now," he said pointing to a large rock formation on the map. 

"Uh there's no rocks over here Spencer," Marco said.

"Look over there," was all he said pointing to the edge of the river. Seconds later the sun hit the spot Spencer pointed at and the rocks appeared. "The nymphs made this formation to help travelers in the daytime. The Lakona flowers glow softly in the dark to help travelers. Anyway, they changed the position to the next checkpoint months before the Prince and Princesses' birthday. By moving it up, they could accommodate the large influx of nobles from the Nakataen Countryside and Nimway. The King said that it was a better place for the second one anyway so the change has become permanent," Spencer explained tracing his finger over the trail. "I used to be posted at the second checkpoint. I was transferred last week when the next batch of recruits came through. If we take the trail through the forest here it will cut half a day off our journey. Normally you wouldn't be allowed because it was made for the soldiers, but since I'm with you we can take all the military shortcuts." 

Spencer rolled up the map looking at Leviticus. "That is the reason you were told to take a soldier right?"

"Yeah, it was. Let's head out. Marco, how many checkpoints are there between here and your estate?"

"Two more. This next one and the third one; which is about two leagues east of the gate onto our estate." 

"Ok. Spencer will lead us to the next two checkpoints using military access routes and after the third checkpoint, Marco will take over," Levi ordered. The group set out once the route was settled. A pair of lieutenants guarded the opening for the path. 

"Hey, Spencer. Who you got there with you," one of the men asked.

"The prince and princesses of Nakatae, Romans, and Dragon from the Liyem's Guild as well as Lord Marco Beauchamp and Miss Kara Beauchamp. My brother Mordo is with us as well and the last lady is to remain unnamed on Prince Leviticus's orders," Spencer introduced the group.

The Lieutenants shared a look. "Look Spence I know you have your orders and all but we aren't allowed to open the gates for people who haven't been properly identified. This path is strictly off-limits to non-military personnel and isn't on any maps."

"You don't understand MY orders then," Leviticus said leveling a glare at the man who dared to refuse them entry. "She is not to be identified to anyone beyond those in our group for her safety. We have already had one attempt on her life. Now, let us through the gate." Leviticus's order caused the Lieutenants to freeze

"Yes Sir, Prince Leviticus, Sir! Shall we alert the Guard House that you are on your way?" The lieutenants called after him. Levi turned and smirked mischievously.

"No," his one-word answer left the soldiers speechless. 

"Yes Sir," the first one said, after he recovered, saluting him.

 The guards moved to the side and opened the gate to let the group pass. The dense forest canopy made it hard to see the path ahead. The wood that surrounded the path seemed devoid of life. The silence left Spencer with an eerie feeling as he mulled over the nymph's words. He stole a glance behind him. Spencer watched Mordo struggle on his horse as Ava tried to help him. A smile crept onto his face as a small laugh made its escape causing Mordo and the princess to look at him. 

"Uh is everything alright Mordo?" Spencer questioned sheepishly when he realized he had been caught staring. 

"Y-yeah," Mordo looked down in embarrassment, "it's just been a while since I've rode this often and I was a little uncomfortable. Lady Ava was kind enough to help me." 

Spencer nodded and turned back to the front. "I've got to ask them about it when we get through the next guardpost," Spencer muttered to himself trying to steel his resolve. Hours trickled by as the group made their way down the path. The clearing was now in sight. Spencer could hear the rushing of the Laadan River. 

"Hey, Spencer!" Ava called out.

"Yes, Milady?"

"Levi wanted me to tell you that we are going to stop and rest the horses when we get to the clearing. The horses need to be watered and fed. Also, Roma has a lunch prepared." Ava relayed the message with a smile.


The group rode into the clearing and dismounted. Roma pulled a brown cloth sack out of her saddle bag and set it on the ground. "Ok, so who is gonna take the horses for water? We will probably need two people."

"I can," Spencer and Mordo volunteered at the same time. Roma looked at the brothers and nodded.

"Here take this as well." She handed them the sack from the ground. "There are some apples and carrots in here for the horses. And they can graze until we are ready to go as well."

They nodded as Spencer grabbed the sack and walked to the river bank. Mordo was talking about something that Spencer hadn't caught. 

"And what have you been doing for the last five years, Spencer?" 

"Huh?!" Spencer gasped in surprise turning his head to face Mordo. Mordo started laughing. 

"Is there something on your mind, Spence? I was just telling you about what I have been doing since I left five years ago." 

"Uh, nothing important, I was just distracted by the beauty of the Laadan. What were you saying Mordo?"

"Oh, I was just telling you about all the places I've visited after I left. What have you been doing all this time?" 

"I was just training to become a knight in the King's Guard. I wanted to go into the Queen's Guard but was told I didn't have enough manna to start the magical training. I'm still just a soldier but I'm pretty close to climbing the ranks I think," Spencer explained joyfully. The horses had finished their snacks, quenched their thirst, and started grazing while the brothers caught up. 

"Hey if the horses are done it's time to get going," Leviticus called out, "We need to make it past the next checkpoint tonight." 

"Alright, just a minute," Spencer called back gathering up the horses with Mordo. The hours melted together as they rode under the thick canopy toward the second checkpoint. The sun had just started setting when they rode up to the gates.