
The Chronicles of Mikayla

Darkness encompasses her soul, trapping her in a world where blood brings blood, chaos breeds chaos, and love is but a myth. Death and violence is seeded in her very being, stitching every fiber of her body with the threads of wickedness, ravenous anger, immeasurable anguish, and bitter hatred. Her very purpose was evil itself. Her fate was to become a seed of destruction, and for a time, she really did believe she'd be able to escape it. But her naive nature lead to chaos, disaster, and death. "Trust is useless, and love is a fantasy, only everlasting darkness and hell's hatred are my true allies." No one can blame her for what she is, nobody can blame her for what she became. They are the ones who made her this way.. They all had it coming. After losing her lived ones at a young age, the newly reinvented Mikayla resurfaces as an out of control young adult fighting to keep her inner beast subdued while the world throws every imaginable and unimaginable obstacle at her, her only way out is to surrender to the chaos or fight for the love she believes in

Lucid_Gamer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Shallow Valley

The old wooden floor groaned miserably with every step she took, never breaking contact with the red eyes that followed her.

The cafe was full to the brim with customers, and they all wore the same look of distrust and bloodlust, but worse than all those sunset orange eyes were the crimson ones that shadowed her every move, every muscle that jolted was registered, every breath she took was noticed.

So Kay tried her hardest to suppress as much of her instincts as possible as she made her way to the counter to place an order to go.

Men, women, even children, it was an entire pack of Werewolves practically nipping at her heels just with their stares, the Alpha was a young brunette woman with pink highlights framing the rim of her hair, burning red eyes and a dark shade of lipstick and eyeshadow.

She was sitting at a table by herself while the rest of the cafe was occupied with full tables, some were even standing.

"Uh-Mornin." Kay said awkwardly to the young man behind the counter still staring at the Alpha shamelessly. "What's for breakfast?" She asked, but when the waiter began talking, his words were immediately drowned out by the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. "Yeah, I'll just have that, quickly please."

The woman in the back of the cafe smirked at her, knowing what was probably going through her head. "I shouldn't have bothered coming in."

For the five minutes that she waited, she didn't take her eyes off the Alpha not even once, if anyone made a move, she was fully prepared to crush some bones and make a quick retreat, but as it was, this pack was huge, she doubted her ability to take on even half of them.

Eventually her order came and she quickly took and paid for it in a bid to leave, but when she turned around she was completely blocked off from the exit.

"You're out of bounds little Blood-Hound." A tall muscular man said, baring his teeth and letting out a low growl as he placed his hand on her shoulder, this is Wolf turf.

She averted her to the floor and tensed a bit when his grip tightened. "I just came here, I'm only passing through." She replied to the man shrugging his grasp off. "I'm not sticking around so please just let me pass."

"A loner." He chuckled. "So then I could kill you and nobody would care then right?" He placed his hand on her shoulder again, this time exerting enough force that she felt the floor beneath her almost give way.

"Blood-Hound." The woman at the back suddenly spoke, and immediately the cafe parted so that she was able to see Kay.

A look of surprise graced her face when she realised that instead of sweating bullets like she expected, the newcomer wasn't even nervous- in fact, she looked like she was on the verge of explosion.

"Yes?" Kay answered lowly, giving off the presence of a seething beast.

"Come here." The Alpha waved her over, and immediately she felt hands pushing her toward the woman, she tried to turn but they were quick and she ended up almost stumbling onto the table, but caught her balance last minute and just quickly sat shrugging off the hands that guided her.

"Lay off asshole." Kay threw a hand behind her causing someone to fall, the immediate response was everyone else ready to attack her but their Alpha quickly held up her hand causing them to halt.

"You're a bit strong-willed to be an omega aren't you?" The woman asked Kay with a smirk, her eyes never fading to their original colours.

"It's because I am that I've been alive all this time." Kay retorted.

"I smell blood on you, human blood."

"That was an accident, an old woman crashed into me last night, she ended up breaking." Kay replied truthfully, though leaving out the part that it was a truck and not some car that hit her and then a tree or something of the sort. "I don't want any trouble here, I'm heading into the city."

"Blood-Hounds are trouble, your kind is notorious for Mass breeding and turning entire communities into their kind." The Alpha snarled. "Your ability to turn anyone without being an Alpha and with a 100% succession rate is annoying."

"What're you saying?" Kay asked cautiously, sensing someone behind her raise their hand, it was that big guy again, his heartbeat had a pattern she found specifically amusing.

About a beat or so per minute.

"I'm saying, since it won't start another war, you won't be leaving this cafe with your head." The woman frowned. "You have about half an hour left to live."


"Begging for your life won't do you any good now, so just enjoy your remaining twenty nine minutes." A random extra in the crowd behind her chuckled.

Kay sighed and laid her breakfast on the table. "Is this really necessary?" She asked, looking up at the Alpha.


She began eating her boxed sandwich.

"Where are you coming from?" The woman asked. "Even after what you've been told, I can't sense any fear coming off you at all." She said intrigued.

"I'm from Europe, but I've recently been at a small town a few miles south of this place." Kay said before squeezing the cup in her hand causing the lid to fly off with a pop, before turning the whole thing to her head.

"Interesting." The woman said with a frown. "I heard something wiped out the whole population there a day ago, seems you left before this happened, lucky."

"Oh no I was there." Kay breathed out as she roughly placed the empty cup on the table. "It just sucks that you're the first thing I come in contact with, when I really just want to be left alone."

Realising something's off about this one, the woman arose to her feet and placed both hands on the table. "Who are you, what is your name?" She asked.

"Me?" Kay looked up at her with bright golden eyes. "What's the point of telling you that?" She asked also standing and then snarled.

The Alpha instantly grabbed Kay by her throat and spun with her, throwing her through the glass window and jumping out, accompanied by her entire pack, Kay crashed on her back only once before flipping backward to her feet.

"You provoking pile of stinking wolves, do you think numbers account for shit?" She tightened the bag on her back and locked the belly strap. "You think imma back down because you have a so-called Alpha!?" She snapped, going lower to the ground and spreading her hands in a gesture of attack. "I won't show any of you mercy."

Three from the pack charged through the crowd, attacking her simultaneously.

Kay grabbed the wrists of the two flanking her, twisting and breaking them then raised her heel into the chin of the third, causing him to flip backwards and land on his neck right in front of the Alpha, it didn't break but he was unconscious.

The two that were still in her grasp Kay raised them both off the ground and smashed them into each other before stepping on the side of the one on her left causing her entire arm to tear from it's socket, then she used this hand and rammed it into the chest of the other causing a splash of blood and grime to exit his mouth and back, instantly coating and running on the asphalt.

The Alpha was shocked into paralysis in a instant. "Nobody attack her." She quickly ordered as the pack became restless when Kay snapped the neck of the gorily amputated woman.

She was still hesitant of this Alpha because she seemed somehow different, which is why she had said "so-called." Moments before, she was something else as well, more than the werewolf she pretended to be.

The blood on her face flowed slowly down to her lips and entered her mouth, and Kay spat it out quickly. "Disgusting."

The Alpha was snarling by this point.

But before she made a move, a massive dog landed in their midst, it had the characteristics of a Rottweiler, but it was almost as big as a horse, it's eyes glowed gold, the fur on its mouth feet and underbelly were blood red and it's tail was brushing the ground.

"Blood-Hound, you are interfering with matters unrelated to your filthy pile, get out of my way." The Alpha said, stepping forward, but then another Blood-Hound landed in front of Kay, and then another, in just a few seconds, the entire street was choked with their presence, hundreds strong.

Each of them resembling one breed of dog or another, but the biggest one was in fact a Bloodhound, the only one present, it was almost twice the size of the others and it's fur was crimson, it's eyes were completely black with red pupils and it seemed capable of standing on its hind legs at will and without problems. It's muscles rippled as it walked up to the alpha, stopping directly in front of her and giving a small bow.

"Luke.." the Alpha Werewolf growled. "What's the meaning of this?"

The Alpha Blood-Hound raised his head and sighed. "She is meant to be one of us." He replied slowly.

"She's killed three of my-"

"You angered an unprovoked Blood-Hound, did you not expect her to fight back regardless of your numbers?" He cut her off.

She snarled and stepped forward and he did the same. "You would start a fight for the sake of this omega!?" She snapped, her skin slowly growing darker, as well as her pack's.

"If fighting is your choice, then so be it." Luke raised his head towering above her.

"Summer, let's back off for now, the sun will rise soon." The muscled Werewolf man said stepping forward and placing a hand on her shoulder.

She clicked her tongue and turned her back on the Blood-Hounds.

"This isn't over." She said before they all sped away like shadows.

The Blood-Hounds now turned to Kay as their Alpha approached her. "I didn't need your help." Kay said, relaxing a bit now that the immediate threat was gone.

"We Blood-Hounds, take care of our own kind." Luke replied before turning and walking away. "Come with us." He said before the entire pile began moving as well.

She was truly amazed though that so many had come to her aid, this was the biggest gathering of Blood-Hounds she had ever seen, and they all seemed to fall under the rule of a single Alpha, she felt compelled to follow this Alpha, maybe this is what she had been feeling, the pull that she felt at night seemed to be because of this giant pack.

She had been sensing them since she came within a thousand mile radius.

"Welcome to Shallow Valley."