
Sweetness and Trouble? (Zero)

After the most eventful night of my life I woke up to my back aching, I looked to my side and see Karlel's piercing blue orbs staring into my silvery-white ones. I smirk and sit up immediately regretting it and falling back shouting profanities.

Karlel stared at me amused at the effort I just made. I stuck my tongue out and slowly sat up. I harumph in triumph and then swung my legs over the side grimacing at the quick movement. I stood up even slower than sitting up and fell onto the ground. "Fuckkk youuuuu!" I screamed at Karlel. I crawled over to the bathroom and into the tub. I turn the water on and bask in the feeling of it. I hear the door open and turn to look. It's Karlel, the bane of my existence right now.

I saw him climb into the shower. I pouted at the fact he was so good in bed.

When I got out of the bath I could walk again.

I walk out of the bathroom and I'm grabbed by my waist. I make a squeaking sound and lift my head up, it's Karlel. I sigh at the scare he just gave me and turn around in his arms. "Good morning Love, how did you sleep?" I ask in a teasing tone.

He makes a pouting face and pulls me closer, "I barely slept because of your gorgeous face Mal Mal," he replies. I giggled and plant a kiss on his cheek. He begrudgingly lets me go and picks up some clothes he left here.

I chuckle at the obvious point that he doesn't want to leave and grab my clothes. A black phrased Jumper and a pair of black tight jeans. Along with a pair of black boots. I smile at the Karlel that is staring at me with puppy dog eyes.

He might not let it out a lot but he really just wants a big happy family, he told me when he was drunk a while back when we just got here. His mother never really cared for him, his uncle was always busy and his father died in a war. I was saddened at first then I had an amazing idea. I was going to be that light he needed.

I looked over at the Elf-Angel mix with pity and took my shoes off. I slid my jumper off and my pants. "If you really want another round~," I mocked. He smirked in a 'challenge accepted' way. I smirked and he stood up latching his arms around my waist once again.

I laid a soft kiss on his lips and he deepened it. I was a little surprised but didn't show it. Instead, I granted him more access. He plunged in and was rubbing my back and waist now. He pushed me onto the bed and we did another round, for a demon like me who has so much stamina I could get fucked for a whole day, I must confess and say Karlel is a beast. I was almost out of stamina just after that round.

I was panting after both of us finished and was near to passing out.

~Karlel's POV~

I must say, this was one of the only times I could go full beast mode and not kill someone. Mali truly is amazing. I laid a few kisses on his jaw and saw him drift into unconsciousness. I smiled softly and pulled out of him. I slid his lace underwear back on him and slid my underwear back on as well.

I pulled the blankets over him and pull together our stuff. I'm not the best at cooking but I try to make one of the simpler dishes Mali likes. Garlic Noodles. I finish up and see it looks good. I smile at the fact my hard work paid off. I put two servings on plates and set up the table. I hear noise from the bedroom and look to see Mali woke up and is now trying to stand. I smile and walk over to him. I pick him and carry him to the table instead.

He frowns at the fact I could pick him up but enjoys the food anyways.

~Mali's POV~

I enjoyed the food, I'm glad Karlel made it. I joke about how it was awful but when I see him taking it seriously I tell him it was a joke and exactly the opposite of awful. He brightens up so I do also. I stand up slowly and hug him. I get hugs back. I smile at the sweetness of this moment. "Mali, I love you." I smile and lay a kiss on his cheek.

"You understand why I do what I do right?" He nods and I smile. "I love you to Kar." I hug him again and just enjoy the moment while it lasts.

~???'s POV~

Malifous Roco, It's been forever since I've heard that name. The last time I heard it was when his father died. But now he's back in town eh? This will be fun, he's probably the same ugly useless little boy he used to be.

I can probably please my father somewhat by hurting him, not killing but hurting. I dismiss the servant who told me the news that he is back in town. I chuckle at the possibilities. I can probably hurt him easily that ugly rat.

He used to want to join my group until his father was killed by my father and he ran. I don't know where he ran but he did. "Servant! Bring me the newspapers from back when I was 180 to now!" 'Wait why did I do that? He's a little bug. He won't be in any of them, but better safe than sorry eh?'

~Mali's POV~

I feel a chill go up my spine as if someone is thinking evil things about me, and they have bad intentions towards me. I write it off though as the temperature. I break out of the hug and smile. "I'm going to go put a sweatshirt on!".

"Okay, I'm going to eat then." I nod and run into the bedroom grabbing the jumper from before. I snuggle into it, comfortable now, but deep down I can still feel that uneasy feeling.