
The Chronicles of Light and Shadows

In the four thousandth dimension, in a light-year universe parallel to ours, there is a planet called Adorin. Its history is no different from ours, but it is also nothing like ours. The universes are connected by golden threads, the stories are the same, but told in different ways. The goodwill always opposes the bad. But what is evil and what is good? This world lives this contradiction, everything that happens in it resonates throughout all the universes, in the end, it was the first universe created, where the first ray of light shone and pushed away from the darkness that coveted dominion over creation. If Adorin succumbs to the forces of evil, their consequences will be felt by all the universes parallel to his plan. Because it is the point of origin, something we know as magic is very present in it. Adorin has several clans. The clan of mercenaries who possess deadly weapons and learn the arts of murder since their birth say that a fork in the hand of an eight-year-old mercenary child is a lethal weapon against two experienced soldiers. The clan of necromancers who are known as the bearers of the keys of death, they contract with magical creatures and summon them to obtain their power, an obscure clan that hasn't been heard of much, due to their highly secretive activities. There is the clan of the magicians, they are more to the wise who dedicated their lives to knowledge and received the power it brought them. They are special humans who can manipulate the flow of magic through words. There's the clan of the holy knights, they hunt dark beasts that threaten the peace of the kingdom and through magical weapons, they can make their flow of magic release power. There is the clan of seers, a dying race, they are seen as cursed, and they curse, not always see the future is a blessing the flow of magic concentrates in their eyes, and over time, they lose their sight. But parallel to it and which has already become a myth, there is the clan of light, even in this enchanted world, the clan of light is seen as a fairy tale, formed only by the most prominent of all clans, who keep various secrets about the existence of evil capable of destroying the world, the demon king, an extremely powerful creature who is capable of disturbing the balance of this world and others. It has been 1000 years since the last great holy war, and the dangers have been forgotten by many, but this time things will be different, for there has been a singularity and from this historical contradiction the whole logic of the world is about to change.

Rian_Vieira · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Cap 21 - Mercenary (The pitiful young-man)

The woman and the boy called Noah put their hands inside the mysterious liquid, when they pulled them out of the vessel, a thin layer of the liquid got stuck in their palms. It was then that the most embarrassing thing happened to Spicer, so he would say the rest of his life. The two strangers began to pass that liquid over all his body, as they passed, the silvery blue liquid turned to a much darker shade and the liquid took on the consistency of mud. The sensation of the contact of the liquid with Spicer's skin was very cold, it reminded him when he had to enter a river almost frozen in the territory of the mercenaries. The truth is that Spicer doesn't feet cold, the temperature variation could be felt by him, but it did not cause discomfort. The two people did the whole process with a lot of professionalism, as soon as the liquid took on the consistency of mud they changed, Spicer was suddenly turned and realized that the table chains had a regulator, which allowed the chains to be loosened and also collected. At no time did the two healers look into Spicer's eyes, for they were afraid of the boy's gaze. Spicer was so ashamed that he was trying his best to control his murderous aura.

What used to be hideous scars was now almost imperceptible and pink lines, their work was done so well that the woman smiled at the young healer. When Spicer looked at the boy, saw that he was leaning on the end of the table that Spicer was on and looked for something to sit on, he breathed very deeply and hard, as if he was searching for air with his lungs. There were many droplets of sweat running down Noah's face, who was panting continuously. The young man started to fall a few times but soon recovered, it was then that the woman gave the healer a towel and a weak one with red liquid, by the smell, looked like tomato juice. The woman also looked very tired, but she was in much better condition than the boy. But as they looked at Spicer's new body without the scars, he realized that the boy's skills had improved a lot. Basically, the woman in red was mere support, the heavy lifting was all about Noah, who could absorb and release energy from any living beings. The woman in red, who was also a healer, could not contain her smile of satisfaction when the bosses saw the quality of her work they would see how indispensable she was for that type of trade.

After drinking the liquid, the young man had gained more energy. It was then that he got up and put on an outfit in Spicer, it was a kind of long cloth, which as the young man's skillful hands were weaving, began to take the shape of pants and a blouse. Spicer's arms were exposed, but all his change and legs were fully covered. Even with his hands and feet chained, the young man had managed to dress the mercenary without too many complications. After the prisoner had been dressed, Noah took a basin of water and went to wash the mercenary's hair. That same night, the prisoner would be taken to the mastermind of the entire human trafficking scheme. What made the healer feel bad, one more life would be destroyed like his by the hands of that damned bastard. When washing Spicer's hair, Noah was confused. He had already performed that same ritual with several other people, bringing him to the healer's room, treating the marks left by a miserable life, fixing his hair and nails.

If Noah were to define his work in the mansion he would have said, "I am obliged to fix people so that they are broken", it made him cry every night after he left this room. He had never taken a word out of his mind, "tool", that's what he was. He couldn't decide on own way and had no freedom to do anything. He just did what he was told and in the dead of night when no eye was being directed at him, a remnant of humanity that had yet to be manifested. That's why his eyes were so dark, absolutely every night in that beautiful place Noah was crying like a baby that couldn't be nurtured. Upon feeling the touch of Spicer's hair, Noah actually suspected that it was not human hair. Not only because of the completely black and shiny color but because of the touch, basically his hair couldn't be felt by Noah's hand, it was like he was handling only a handful of cotton. After finishing it all, he realized that it was not even necessary to comb the mercenary's hair, apparently after everything that happened to Spicer that night it did not affect his black hair at all.

With copper-colored eyes, Spicer for the first time actually aimed at the young man who had treated his scars. Apparently, he was a bastard son of a nobleman. His hair was golden, his features were strong. The healer, if he were not so thin, could be a knight. If Spicer were to narrate the boy's appearance, he would say it was pitiful. But even so, something about that boy made Spicer curious about him. And in fact, even then Spicer would have his curiosity satisfied.

Spicer also looked at the woman in red, now with a new look, for him, the healer had a darker past than the stones of the Hostral mountains, a dark place that was in the mountain range after the Independent Northern Kingdom. And in fact, the woman carried on her back a past that left marks that could not be erased, because her soul was torn to such an extent that she strayed and decided to become one of the worst types of people imaginable. She felt uncomfortable at the beginning of that work, but over time she got used to the point that she increasingly wanted to be more important. From a healer who had spent a few years at the Academia de Devas, it has now become a fundamental piece that moved that disgusting scheme.

-Noah, remove as much energy as you can from the prisoner. -That statement made Spicer's eyes squint. –Let energy only so that he can walk without much difficulty.

Noah approached the mercenary, his eyes showed evident nervousness, with his back to the others it was impossible for them to notice those expressions. It was then that Spicer felt the young healer's touch on his face, his body was unable to be hit by the temperature variation. But that touch made Spicer feel cold for the first time. It was as if his life force was being drained, little by little he was feeling weak. This was something Spicer could never calculate, all of his plans have just been compromised. Noah sucked up so much power from Spicer that he thought it was going to explode, his body couldn't handle that absurd amount of vital energy. When his hands released Spicer's face, the mercenary's countenance was no longer the same, now he was just a cornered beast that, even surrounded, still held one last fierce look, but which no longer had the same effect as before. Noah pulled Spicer by the wrist, loosening the chains that held him and placing him sitting on the table. When Noah stepped away from him, the mercenary realized he didn't have the strength to run to the door. The boy's lips formed the word, "Sorry".

(Hi, it's me! That one who knows everything. Later on I will talk a little more about Noah's past, but I am choosing the words very carefully. Sometimes I find it difficult to approach more delicate subjects, such as his past, but I believe that I have to keep in mind that I must be as faithful as possible to Adorin, because at some point the story no longer depends on me ... It begin to organize itself, I am only responsible for writing. See u!)