
The Chronicles of Light and Shadows

In the four thousandth dimension, in a light-year universe parallel to ours, there is a planet called Adorin. Its history is no different from ours, but it is also nothing like ours. The universes are connected by golden threads, the stories are the same, but told in different ways. The goodwill always opposes the bad. But what is evil and what is good? This world lives this contradiction, everything that happens in it resonates throughout all the universes, in the end, it was the first universe created, where the first ray of light shone and pushed away from the darkness that coveted dominion over creation. If Adorin succumbs to the forces of evil, their consequences will be felt by all the universes parallel to his plan. Because it is the point of origin, something we know as magic is very present in it. Adorin has several clans. The clan of mercenaries who possess deadly weapons and learn the arts of murder since their birth say that a fork in the hand of an eight-year-old mercenary child is a lethal weapon against two experienced soldiers. The clan of necromancers who are known as the bearers of the keys of death, they contract with magical creatures and summon them to obtain their power, an obscure clan that hasn't been heard of much, due to their highly secretive activities. There is the clan of the magicians, they are more to the wise who dedicated their lives to knowledge and received the power it brought them. They are special humans who can manipulate the flow of magic through words. There's the clan of the holy knights, they hunt dark beasts that threaten the peace of the kingdom and through magical weapons, they can make their flow of magic release power. There is the clan of seers, a dying race, they are seen as cursed, and they curse, not always see the future is a blessing the flow of magic concentrates in their eyes, and over time, they lose their sight. But parallel to it and which has already become a myth, there is the clan of light, even in this enchanted world, the clan of light is seen as a fairy tale, formed only by the most prominent of all clans, who keep various secrets about the existence of evil capable of destroying the world, the demon king, an extremely powerful creature who is capable of disturbing the balance of this world and others. It has been 1000 years since the last great holy war, and the dangers have been forgotten by many, but this time things will be different, for there has been a singularity and from this historical contradiction the whole logic of the world is about to change.

Rian_Vieira · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Cap 14 - Necromancer

The location of the second exam shortly after starting the test had turned into a pandemonium. The place was a very dark forest, whose name was Forest of Death, few rays of sunlight could win the treetops. This was one of the least visited places within the Institute, it was only possible to access it with permission and an experienced necromancer always had to be with him. For the second exam, they cleared the area of ​​any spirits that might pose a danger to the aspiring necromancer.

You could hear screams everywhere, the spirits had a peculiarity that held Elyse's attention. She had her eyes closed and was looking for a steady flow of fluids from dead creatures. They could only have been invoked by one of the examiners, the girl deduced, otherwise they could not have such a material body. Usually, spirits seem translucent due to the low energy to materialize, these are simpler to be subdued by necromancers. But the more real they became, the more dangerous they were. A necromancer when summoning a spirit transformed its flow of magic into spiritual fluid, this kept the spirits of the dead under their control and could use them as they wished.

Elyse noticed that they were quite fast, their lives were filled with hatred and fear. Typical feelings of wars, but a spirit was very peculiar and everything about him left the little girl very intrigued. Elyse felt a different aura emanating from that spirit. The closer she got, she became aware of an insatiable thirst for blood, he was dangerous, his aura emanated power. He could not be stopped and posed a danger to everyone who was taking the test. "Damn it, how did they let such a creature be on the training ground? Do they want to kill us all? ".

It was very simple, she would ignore it as much as she could and would let any other unfortunate person who could not measure the size of the danger in front of him lose his life trying to move a mountain. So she decided to follow the most logical path, that of ignoring that presence. And she left for the other spirits that he could subdue.

Elyse found herself surrounded by three warrior spirits, which proved to be a challenge for her. However, the girl never liked to play tug of war, she preferred to read the battle and win using purely strategy. Every movement that these spirits made left a signature on the spiritual flow, no one there could read the disturbances caused in the spiritual field with Elyse. She dodged each attack of the three creatures with some ease, a hand passed close to her face when she emptied graceful movements to deflect. Two of the creatures attacked her quite quickly, one aimed at her neck while the other came from the side and attacked her hip. Elyse waited until half a second before the contact she bent in the air, causing her body to pass between the two creatures. It was then that before she touched the ground, she felt a disturbance coming from the ground, the moment the third creature attacked, Elyse jerked her head back, taking the whole body with her.

In the meantime she had read every feeling of those spirits, now it was his turn to attack. When those three spirits launched themselves at him, mentally she issued an order opening her eyes to the limit of the possibility, "Stop!" The three creatures stopped in the air, unable to move. Elyse froze the spiritual flow around them, making every feeling of hatred, fear, and thirst for revenge flow. When changing the emotions of those spirits, they were overwhelmed by the little necromancer and began to fall apart in light.

It was then that she realized that three stupid students had taken the path that would take them towards the center of the sinister aura that she had felt. Without thinking straight, Elyse ran as fast as she could to not allow those people to have such a terrible fate. Later, Elyse would scold herself for the bullshit she had done, she was not emotional ... All your decisions should be made by logic and reason. Upon arriving at the site, she concentrated her energy and created a circle of spiritual prison. If that spirit wanted to break the circle, it would have to kill Elyse. It was at this very moment that the three figures emerged from the forest when faced with that scene, they were scared. A girl in black was inside a circle of blue fire, with a deadly look, looked at those boys, and said, "This is my prey! Get the hell out of here! ". Only after realizing that those three children had left, can Elyse calm down. To have your heart hit by the overwhelming presence. Elyse couldn't breathe when she heard a voice from something that had been around for centuries.

-So I'm your prey girl? Isn't that too much of your petulance? -There was a man with his face directed to the few rays of sunlight that entered the forest sitting on a rock only a stick long. Still looking up, he looked away only at the insignificant creature that disturbed his peace. -What should I do now?

She analyzed her situation and tried to concentrate, the only certainty is that she would die, but she would not die without doing anything. A Bard did not back down in the face of death, but she accepted her as a friend, her life was a price to pay after having walked with death for so long. Generally, necromances use their power to overcome the strength of the spirit, initiate an arm-wrestling for control. One must show that it is stronger than the other, however, it expends a very large amount of energy. So Elyse intended to do it differently, she didn't have time to read her enemy's emotions as with the previous ones, she just channeled the emotions of the spirit and tried to soften his hatred. It was then that Elyse tried something very bold. When the creature realized what Elyse was doing, she was startled.

It was then that in less than a blink of an eye Elyse could no longer see the man, so she felt the presence behind her. He had his back to her ... But the feeling Elyse had was of an immense creature with fangs out, enveloped in immeasurable darkness trying to devour him, she felt death squeezing her neck very tightly. Then Elyse completed his move. It struck the emotions of the spirit. Projecting the strongest, happiest, and warmest memory she had. It was then that a lapse of energy dissipated behind her. The spiritual flow changed, the creature had been left without reaction. And a tear flowed from one of her eyes, without the girl ever seeing it. Elyse was successful in subduing man's spirit. When Elyse turned, she saw that he had a sword on his back, and his feelings were very strong.

-Who are you girl? -The spirit turned to look in Elyse's eyes, which made her startle and remain unresponsive. -You don't know how to talk?

-Hum ... - She started trying to find words, without success. –I am Elyse Spell. Why didn't you object to my domain? The aura you were emanating could not be dispelled by that.

-Because you were the first to approach me differently, girl. -He laughed when looking at her. -Most necromancers want to tame me by force, it was what the more than a thousand before you tried to do without success. I became something natural in this forest, I watch you and all the exams and I have a lot of fun.

-You already killed? -Her eyes wavered, but soon she composed herself. She held her gaze and no sign of fear emanated from her, only surprise.

-Yes, but if you want to know if I would kill those three children. I wouldn't hurt you. -The man was walking to the big stone with Elyse in pursuit. -I stay here to warn you that there are fights that are better to be avoided, most when feeling my presence avoids me, but the fools that come here I just scare. As the necromancers failed to exorcise me, and I don't disturb anyone, they just ignore me. I can be the equivalent of the guardian of the forest. Lol

{Hi guys, it1s me, that one who knows everything! Our little Elyse is quite rational, but in those moments she acts out of emotion that shows her true nature. See you...}