
The God Baal

[User has successfully completed watching his Backstory. User has received 100 EXP. Does User want to Re-Watch? No EXP will be given.]


I quickly chose <NO>. So many thoughts were racing in my head after watching my Backstory. I was still in disbelief that I had died back in my old realm. All the memories of my old realm started playing in my head automatically. The time where I had enlisted in the Army straight after school due to me not wanting to work as a nurse full time. The day when I got promoted after successfully completing 2 years of compulsory training where the trainees are assessed by their performance for the whole two years and the last Summary Exercise or SumEx. But the only thought that keep going through my head was who will mourn me at my death. The only answer was my teammates which is fine as my parents passed away when I was very young and I was put through the foster care system. The time in foster care was when I really mature mentally but this will be a story for another time.

Due to my God's mind and my years training as a soldier, my mind is much more resilient to any abnormalities which helps in making calm and collected decisions. "System, why do my Luck have 999 points at the start state? And why is my starting choices only animals?" I queried.

[User was very fortunate that God Baal has chosen user as his representative in this realm. Hence User was given the title of <Baal's Chosen> and a start Luck of 999 points.]

"Okay. So I could be considered as lucky. Bobby would flipped if he knew about this. How about my start state? And what are they?" I questioned the system again.


[User has unlocked <Baal's Downfall>. Does User want to view? 100 EXP will be given]


Oh, an interesting option just popped up. A Backstory regarding my saviour and maybe there will be some clues on my reincarnation. Without any further deliberation, I chose <YES>.

[System has acknowledged User's choice. Initiating backstory now.]

Thunder. Lightning. An endless storm. A never-ending medley of raging winds and angry rain filled the world. And one day, I was born. Pure energy pulsated through my veins, giving me power that feels so natural to me. I was born out of the storm. I am a son of energy and I have gained sentience from it. I am Baal.

There was no need for me to evolve or train my way to Godhood. I was born a God. With the power that is my birthright, arrogance took a hold of me. I was proud and arrogant. I was the most powerful God in the realm. Whoever or whichever sentient being came before Baal, they will be reduced to nothingness. I roared this every time a challenger appears. Soon complaency reared its ugly head in my direction.

It was a normal day. I was frolicking with my ladies-in-waiting back in my homeworld where a sudden gigantic ball of energy slammed into my palace. "Who dares!" I bellowed. Luckily i have noticed the impending danger and protected whoever is part of my household.

"I do. Why hello brother," a sinister voice rang out from within the smoke. A brother!? I have a brother?

"I don't have any brothers. I was born out of the storm. Tell me who you are!" I questioned the mysterious figure.

"My oh my brother. You hurt me so. This little brother is called Astaroth. I am the 29th in the order where you O Glorious brother is the First of our kind. You do not know anything cause Father doesn't care about all this. He created us and leave us to fend for ourselves," Astaroth replied.

"Well if you revered me so. Why did you attacked me and my household?"I queried.

"Cause you are just so tantalizing. Your blood as the First will increase my power and propel me to greater heights. Think of it as a favour for your dear younger brother!" A cold aura washed over the world and the temperature started to plummet drastically. My household started to collapse one by one and I found myself unable to save them. Sweat started to form on my back and my throat started to get drier and drier. Is this what they called fear? This is the first time in a very long time that somebody made me feel this way. I tried moving but my body feels like it is filled with lead and my legs feels like it is rooted to then ground. I willed myself to move and activated the skill <Thunder Step>. I only managed to move a few metres as I feel like there is a force pressing down around me.

"Do you like my <Gravity Field> Brother?" An evil laughter rang out. "You are pathetic. Scum of the order. Your arrogance knows no boundaries. When was the last time that you strive to improve yourself? You stayed stagnant while the rest of us clawed our way up and now it seems that I will surpass you Brother!"

"Demon Art: Titan's Ice!" An extremely large shard of ice started to form in the sky of Phoenica. Its shadow covered the whole landscape. I tried to set up a defensive shield but a very small corner of my mind knew it was to no avail.

"Demon Art: Storm Wall!" Wind started to blow and a hurricane materialised around me. I knew I had to try something.

"Goodbye pathetic brother. I will be the First now. Don't worry, I am just taking away your birthright. May you find peace in your life now." Astaroth sneered at me, his evil smile mocking me as he disappeared from sight.

The shard of ice hurtled towards my world and the next I knew was an excruciating pain washed over me. I felt like my very soul was being ripped away from my material body. I knew then that I have lost my birthright. My powers were gone. Light filled my world and nothingness formed. I now knew that whatever had just happened to me was of my own doing and I had only myself to blame. All I knew now is that I need to avenge my fallen world and get back at Astatroth.

An idea started to root itself in my head. During the many millenia i have spent on this realm, I have hear of transmigrating people from other realm to another realm. But the only ones who can do that is a God. My powers are diminished and I only have enough juice to transmigrate one individual from the backwater realm of Terra. My conscious is slowly fading and I quickly arranged for the transmigration. Jack Frost I choose you! Evolve and avenge me!


[User has successfully completed watching Baal's Downfall. User has received 100 EXP. Does User want to Re-Watch? No EXP will be given.]


Wow. The God who chose me has a tragic ending to his story. I can only hope that he found what was he looking for. Revenge. But that has nothing to do with me. I just want to go back home.

[User is unable to return to his realm. Transmigration only works one way.]

Well that sucks. But me being me, I was being optimistic and I finally saw what an opportunity this is. The system reminds me of the RPG games I always play back on Earth. "System why are you in this form?And can you tell me what am I suppose to do here?"

[The system will automatically find a suitable form for the User so as to assimilate the User into the transmigration process much more easier. In this case, a RPG system suits the User' needs.]

[User has unlocked the Ultimate Quest: Baal's Revival]

[User Level is too low to accept quest]

[Start state has not been chosen]

[1) Red Bellied Spider


2) Golden Backed Mouse


3) Red Worm Lizard


"Why was I not a human or a higher being when I was transmigrated?" I queried.

[The God Baal's power was too weak for him to transmigrate User into a higher being. Hence,User can only choose from the three most common beast in the realm.]

Hearing this, my understanding of my current standing in the realm deepened. It seems that Baal needs my help and I for one owe it to him as he saved my life. Don't worry Baal. I got you. I chose to see the descriptions for all three options and I was quite surprised at the useful skills or abilities that they have.

[Red Bellied Spider]

{A spider that is commonly found in the forest or urban areas. This beast kills its prey by stalking its prey and pouncing from behind with a sure kill attack. Using its venom to paralyse its victims before using its highly corrosive digestive fluids to melt them. After which it will the slurp the contents.}

[Golden Backed Mouse]

{This mouse has always been the bane of farmers as it voracious appetite know no bounds. This beast have a knack for rapid multiplying its swarm and rampaging through the crops. With its hard but extremely sharp teeth, it can bite through anything that is in its path.}

[Red Worm Lizard]

{More related to a snake then a lizard, the Red Worm Lizard has an amazing regenerative capabilities. The Red Worm Lizard has long been researched by scholars and magicians in order for then to find out whether they can harness this ability. With such an ability, this beast live its life in relaxation but now its numbers in the wild is dwindling due to overhunting.}

Regeneration? Sure Kill? Teeth like wolverine? So many good choices. But I already know my choice. Weighing a few factors such as the danger level of the realm and seeing that I would always be in a fight, I have made my choice.

"System, I choose….."