
Had Trouble By the flying beasts

After securing the first ring from the Enchanted Forest of Veridia, Agarth embarked on his journey to locate the second ring. His destination was the remote planet of Aerion, home to majestic flying beasts that soared through the skies with grace and power.

As Agarth's spacecraft descended upon Aerion's surface, he marveled at the breathtaking sight of the planet's vast, open skies. But his awe quickly turned to alarm as he realized that he was not alone. A flock of enormous winged creatures swooped down from above, their razor-sharp talons glinting in the sunlight as they circled menacingly


With a sinking feeling in his gut, Agarth realized that he had stumbled upon the territory of the flying beasts, formidable predators known for their ferocity and aggression. As the creatures closed in, Agarth's heart raced with fear, knowing that he was no match for them in a fight.

Desperate for escape, Agarth sprinted across the rocky terrain, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to outrun the relentless pursuit of the flying beasts. But it was no use; they were faster and more agile than he could ever hope to be, and they closed in on him with terrifying speed.Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a figure appeared seemingly out of nowhere, wielding a weapon that crackled with energy.

With swift and precise movements, the newcomer dispatched the flying beasts with ease, driving them back with a combination of skill and determination.Gasping for breath, Agarth watched in awe as the stranger stood before him, their face obscured by a hooded cloak. "Are you alright?" the stranger asked, their voice calm and steady despite the chaos that surrounded them.Agarth nodded, still reeling from the adrenaline rush of the encounter. "Thank you," he managed to say, his voice hoarse with emotion.The stranger introduced themselves as Haromi, a skilled warrior who had made it their mission to protect travelers like Agarth from the dangers of Aerion.

(Haromi used The Enchanted Cosmos Freign to stop the Attack of the Beasts)

As they spoke, Agarth felt a sense of camaraderie and respect growing between them, forged in the crucible of danger and survival.With Haromi's help, Agarth was able to navigate the treacherous terrain of Aerion and locate the second ring, hidden deep within a network of winding caverns. As they journeyed together, they shared stories of their pasts and their hopes for the future, forming a bond that transcended the barriers of race and culture.By the time they emerged from the depths of the caverns, Agarth and Haromi had become fast friends, united by a common purpose and a shared sense of adventure. With the second ring in their possession, they set their sights on the next destination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to retrieve the seven rings and protect the universe from darkness.

As Agarth and Haromi ventured deeper into the heart of Aerion, they encountered more challenges than they had anticipated. The flying beasts continued to harass them at every turn, their relentless pursuit forcing the duo to constantly remain on their guard.

Despite their best efforts to evade the creatures, Agarth and Haromi found themselves cornered in a narrow canyon, with no way to escape the swooping attacks of the flying beasts. With grim determination, they prepared to make their stand, knowing that their only chance of survival lay in fighting back with everything they had.As the flying beasts descended upon them with ferocious speed, Agarth and Haromi fought side by side, their weapons flashing in the sunlight as they unleashed a barrage of attacks against their winged adversaries.

The air was filled with the sound of clashing metal and the cries of the beasts as they met their match in the two determined warriors.But even as they fought bravely, Agarth and Haromi soon found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of flying beasts that surrounded them.

With each passing moment, their strength waned, and it seemed that their fate was sealed.Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a sudden explosion rocked the canyon, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Agarth and Haromi looked up in astonishment to see a sleek spacecraft descending from the sky, its weapons blazing as it unleashed a devastating barrage against the flying beasts.

As the creatures scattered in confusion, the spacecraft landed gracefully in the midst of the chaos, its hatch opening to reveal a group of armed warriors who quickly came to Agarth and Haromi's aid. Among them was a figure clad in ornate armor, who introduced themselves as the leader of the group.With their help, Agarth and Haromi were able to fend off the remaining flying beasts and make their escape from the canyon. As they emerged victorious, Agarth felt a sense of gratitude and admiration for their newfound allies, who had risked their lives to save them from certain doom.

AGARTH-Hey, Haromi

HAROMI- Yeah, Speak

AGARTH- If you dont mind, then you can stay with me and travel together.

HAROMI- good idea, so will meet ya at Spaceship

AGARTH- Bye... k