
THE CHRONICLE OF ZWEI : (Prototype) [Englsh Google Trans. Ver]

Gaesia, a world where humans have become extinct and animals live as the top of the food chain. Some of the animals that live in it have superpowers which are marked with different eye colors between left and right, they are called HC (Eitsee). Ragna, a red fox who was being hunted by Hyena, accidentally met a creature floating in a tube. The creature is a young white cat and named Zwei. Who is Zwei? What is HC? A prototype novel, typed in 2013 totaling 100 pages, in the future the story will be changed with different themes and plots.

ShaktiPutra · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The Introduction

The fox woke up, he found himself in a very dark place and can not see anything. Wherever he look, he only saw darkness. Suddenly he heard a noise and decided to head in the direction where the sound was heard. At first he walked slowly and then his steps accelerated. He watched from a distance a yellowish red light seemed to emanate. The fox gasped, before him now he saw a blaze that had devoured a forest. All the forest dwellers screamed in panic as they ran to save themselves. The red fox shuddered, his body trembling as if he knew what the horrors of the forest-dwelling creatures were like. He looked to the right with a feeling of anger and fear, he saw a small fox, a fox of the same type. The little fox looked shocked, he looked far ahead of him with a look of fear and regret. Realizing what the little fox was seeing, the fox looked away. Far away, in the burning forest, there was the figure of two more foxes. One of them is big, indicating that it is an adult fox and the other one is small one.

"It's impossible ... It's impossible ..." he said. He immediately ran towards the forest which was engulfed in flames. No matter what happens, he must save the two foxes. However, no matter how fast he ran, he could never reach the forest. It was as if the place he was aiming was getting further away. His breath continued to hunt, he shouted to them. His eyes began to water and he continued to run with feelings of despair. The fox stopped with panting, the forest that he could not reach was increasingly burning.

"This is all your fault .."

A voice came from behind him, a familiar voice that he hadn't heard for a long time. He turned slowly without turning around and saw the little fox earlier. The little fox was looking down and repeating his words continuously. The fox, which was about a year older than the small fox, turned around. He looked at the small fox with a look of fear and denial.

"This is your fault, if you were not born, if you never existed. If only ... If only ..." Said the little fox who then looked up at the fox in front of him. His eyes have different colors on the sclera. The right side is yellow, while the left is red. The little fox walked closer and made the interlocutor back a few steps with trembling feet.

"No ... This isn't real !!" Said the fox who was scared. The small fox before him suddenly caught fire. His body seemed to be covered in fire and slowly he began to swell. The little fox is now a giant size with a body that is not derived from flesh and skin, but from a burning fire. His eyes light up in a different color. The giant fire fox then growled and roared horribly and then lunged at the fox. The fox's face turned pale and he screamed as the giant open jaw pounced on him.

"GHUWAAAAAAAAAAAA ..." He screamed when he felt the fire that touched his skin. He roared and then woke up. His breath hunting, it turns out he was dreaming, a very terrible dream. Sweat soaked the entire feather on his body. The fox began to pay attention to its surroundings. He was in a cage made of iron. A cat is crouching asleep in a corner of the cage. The fox realized that the cage where he was, moving. There was a hysterical scream from the other animals behind him. He finally understood after seeing the many cages and animals in them. He was caught and was in a long carriage carrying animals prisoners. Mighty horses pull wheeled carts that carry about five cages per cart.

"Hey, where are you going to take us ?? !!" Asked a weasel from the cage in front of the fox cage. In the cage there are two other animals, squirrels and small hedgehogs. The weasel looked very upset while the squirrel cowered while crying. Horses pulling the cart where their cage is, sniffing and looking back.

"You will be taken to Rodenzam, the first post before you are diverted to Mardanzam, the second post of Gadrit fortress." Answer the horse.

"Why should we be treated like this, isn't Gadrit exist to protect mammals? Not arresting us blindly like this !! " The furious ferret followed by screams of support from other animals.

"Protect you guys? Hfft, Funny. You live outside the boundaries of the kingdom of mammals. Even some of you stupidly dare to live in Halgera. You don't pay taxes and live like wild animals, now you say that Gadrit, the outer stronghold of the mammal kingdom is there to protect you? Hahaha ... kiss my arse! " Said the horse and then looked away.

"This is all just camouflage. We were arrested not because of that, but because we will be made slaves! " Shouted a lemur. "My cousin has been caught and has not heard how he is until now."

"Yes, so does my sister !!" Exclaimed a pitbull-type dog and was followed by several pigs in a rear wagon.

The horses started to get angry because they prisoners start making a fuss and immediately stopped the cart. Then one of them neighs loudly. "Hey, I don't know what happened to your family. We only carry out our duties to escort you. Blame your bad luck and your family. We also need to eat, we can't strangle you, but those damn monkeys have a strong enough grip to crush our neck bones. So you all better shut up and let us work so we can live! "

Four carts, each pulled by a horse, returned to walk and pass through a humid, disgusting valley. Gadrit is at the intersection between the boundary of the mammal kingdom and the reptile kingdom, while Rodenzam can be found south of Halgera. The fox, who had been quiet and just watching, began to move his body and walked towards the cat who was cuddled in his sleep. The fox looked closely, he had never seen H.C with such brutal strength. The cat stretches and then wakes up from sleep. He raised one of his front legs and suddenly made the fox take a few steps back with a high level of caution. The cat stuck out its tongue to wet its raised legs and then rubbed it on its face, the cat's typical way to wash his face. The little white creature with the gray patterned tail of the ring opened its eyes and amazed the fox. The eyes are normal, the color of the cat's eyes is normal. The color is yellow on the sclera to the iris and of course the pupils are black.

"Who are you?" Asked the fox.

The cat looked at him confused as he tilted his head slightly to the right. He then replied that he also did not know who he really was. The fox automatically became confused and his confused feeling was very clearly reflected on his face. The cat in front of the fox then walks around the cage.

"Where are we now?" Asked the cat.

"We were caught and are on our way to Gadrit." The fox answered and again the cat who was his interlocutor looked at him in confusion as he tilted his head.

"Hey, how can I get out of that tube?" Asked the cat and this time the fox are the one confused.

"Didn't you remember that incident?" The fox asked back and was answered with a shake of head by the cat. The cat said that he could not remember anything other than a name. He had wake several times and realized that he was in the tube, floating for some time. But when he was thinking hard, dizzynes would spread throughout his body and make him sleep. The same thing always happened repeatedly, he remembered the figure of a large creature outside the tube. Familiar and somehow giving a feeling of comfort, the creature stood on its two legs. A creature that once ruled the world, a human being. The cat doesn't know what a human is, he just feels that he knows it. His memory felt faint, he didn't even remember that he was a cat.

"I woke up when you were still sleeping and muttering unclearly. I looked at my hand, oh I mean my front foot. I don't remember that my body was this hairy and my claws were this sharp. I didn't even know that I had claws. I just feel like knowing, my body is aware of all the functions that are in me. My body knows that I am a cat, even though I never felt I was a cat. " Said the cat while his eyes glazed out of the cage. The fox was very confused and occasionally felt like laughing at the joke.

"So what is the name you remember? Is that your name? " Asked the fox and the cat shook its head then looked at him deeply.

"That is not my name, I think it is my name. But I know that's not my name. I also wonder why there is a part of me that considers me named while the other part denies it. " Answer the cat.

"Ah, you managed to make me confused. I don't know what to call you if you don't tell me that name. My own name is Ragna Feris Foxhearthy. You can call me Ragna or Feris, however you wish. "

"Foxhearthy? The name seemed familiar in my ears. I think I've heard of it but somewhere I don't know. " Said the cat.

"Gosh, for the sake of all the inhabitants of Argus and Krae ', what is your name ?!" Exclaimed the fox who was frustrated by the words of the cat which was always confusing.

"Iridis, Zwei Iridis." Said the cat.

"Zwei, then I'll call you Zwei." Said the fox.

"And I'll call you, Ragna." Reply the cat.

Ragna then tells about his pursuit by a group of Hyenas until the Hyenas were killed. However, he did not know how he had gotten inside the cage. Suddenly the horse that pulled the wagon where the cage was located spoke.

"The monkeys had a fuss about how the two of you were found. Well, it's quite strange to see two animals that survived while the Hyenas died patheticaly. But I can't believe the little cat was the culprit. Haha, I mean, just try to be logical. I know the Kolbog, the leader of the Hyena which is a HC category animal. He is strong but his temper is very bad. I heard he has slaughtered dozens of lions by himself. No one will ever believe your story, red fox. " Said the horse.

Zwei only turned briefly towards the horse then turned back to Ragna. He said he did not know anything about it, he also did not remember ever looking in the mirror so he was not sure whether his eyes were different colors or not. Ragna scowled in confusion, only this time he had met a very strange animal. Not that cats are strange animals, but Zwei looks very strange to him. The cat looked strong even unlike other animals in panic confinement, Zwei was very calm as if he knew nothing would happen to him.

"Then why did you get chased by Hyenas?" Zwei asked.

Ragna held his breath then speak that he was a nomadic adventurer who was starving. When he entered Halgera, he smelled the food and immediately traced the origin of the scent. He saw a crowd of Hyenas who were eating processed meat.

"I heard them talking about catching mammals, but it's not clear for what. Because I'm too hungry I can't think healthy and try to steal their food. The Hyenas can't take joke, I just stole a piece of meat and they threw a tantrum like I stole their entire food ransom" Ragna said.

"Processed meat?" Zwei asked while tilting his head slightly.

"Don't joke, you don't know?" Ragna replied and the cat answered with a shake of his head. "How long have you been in that glass jar?"

"I don't know, I've tried counting but forgot halfway." Zwei answered innocently.

"That thing is both a savior and the destruction of this world." Chirps the mink in another cage. Zwei take a glance then looked back at Ragna who looked like he would immediately explain something.

"Processed meat is artificial meat that is deliberately created so that carnivorous animals do not prey on other animals. To some extent it helps create peace so that meat-eating animals and plant-eaters can live in harmony without worrying about hunting and killing. Based on history, the population of animals in Gaeasia is very small compared to ancient times. Too many species are extinct because they can not go hunting or their natural prey is gone. With the presence of processed meat it is hoped that all animals in Gaeasia can survive without extinction. " Ragna said.

"Bah !! That's bullshit, right now maybe it can solve the problem of extinction, but later? Do you see what the source of raw material is? Most of the insects's meat and plant, it's the same they become herbivores. If the plants are extincts, insects become extinct and the population swells even more because of the destruction of the food chain, then war will re-occur! " Denied the mink.

"Well maybe what you said is true, but still it's better than my family become dinner" said the mouse mother who glanced at the cat.

The journey to Rodenzam will soon end, maybe in a day or two. Fog began to cover their sight. Strange and creepy noises began to be heard as they passed through the muddy, gravel road. Several times a suspicious look was seen watching the group. Some animals squeal in fear and rage while others can only be silent and goosebumps. Ragna, a fox from the type of red fox is used to his own behavior so he can control his fear. The fox remained calm even though its alertness increased by a few percent. He knows that the valleys that still exist in the Halgera region are inhabited by various kinds of carnivorous animals such as foosa, valley wolf, large python snakes or caracal cat families that have hunting capabilities like clouded leopards. Their entourage was not accompanied by escort, the horses would not be able to move if there was an attack.

"Why are they so tense?" Zwei asked and made Ragna stunned. The cat really did not seem to know the risk of the trip. The fox explained that not all meat-eating animals like processed meat, many of them still hold ancient customs.

"Hunting for fresh meat. The taste and sensation is clearly different than enjoying processed meat that is easily obtained as long as you obey paying taxes and want to be under the rule of the mammal kingdom. Many animals rebel against processed meat and monarchy in this world. Eat or be eated, hunt or be hunted. That is the law of nature. Cats have a high feeling and alertness, you or your body should be aware of the danger that exists. " Said Ragna, but the cat remained unmoved. As if he doesn't know or doesn't care what he really feels.

"Is that so?" Zwei's comment was relaxed.

"Hey, don't talk to much if you don't want to arouse their appetite!" Exclaimed one horse. Ragna glanced to the right and saw a glimpse of the shadow behind the white fog.

"Jackal." Ragna murmured.

Carnivorous animals that are still a family with wolves that would rather hunt in silence. Its body is smaller than a wolf and its speed becomes advantage in every attack. His olfactory ability is comparable to sniffer dogs making it able to detect the presence of prey even in foggy conditions.

"We are fortunate that there is no H.C among them and they rarely target animals as big as us. But with so many small animals like you it will obviously make a big difference. Ah, I hate this job. Why those damn monkeys always leave first. " Sighed a horse behind the wagon where Ragna and Zwei were.

Not long after the group finally through the misty valley safely. Ragna looked far back and saw shadows gathering. The fog faded as if a magical wind was blowing and disguised it. Visible hordes of jackal standing there staring at the group of horses and captive animals. The jackal crowd split like a gate with two doors open. A large jackal of the Canis Aureus type or golden jackal appeared and stood in the middle of the jackals. It is certain that he is the leader of the jackals there. His eyes were different colors and his gaze seemed to pierce the body of the red fox. The horse estimate was wrong, there was an H.C among the jackals. However, for some reason the jackal did not attack them but let them pass.

When the group had disappeared from the sight of the jackals, one of them asked the golden jackal with a different eye color. He asked why they were not allowed to attack the group earlier. They can be a delicious meal and become a food reserve for the next three days.

"Not!" The golden jackal answered. "Thanks for the curse of my eyes that allows me to feel the turmoil of the opponent's aura and always helps me create the right tactics in hunting, we and our families have never starved. But not with this group. "

"How come, boss?" asked another jackal.

"One of them is a nightmare. He has an eye curse that is more dangerous than mine. The aura that enveloped him felt as hot as the embers which had burned down the Albronzia forest on the northern edge of Halgera. I did not say that if I fought with him I would lose, but I can be sure half of us would not be safe and I would not risk it. While there is one more who ... "Said the golden jackal stopped at the end of his words. "Ah well, we better go. We are not lucky this time. "

The jackals grunted disappointed moreover it was the second time they had released a potential prey, previously the Hyenas. The Jackal hates them so much that they don't even want to eat it even if they have to. When the jackals had turned around and left the golden jackal alone, the jackal leader closed his eyes for a moment then opened them quickly. A stream of energy radiated from his eyes that had different colors. He could feel all the energy that was churning around him and even saw the form of that energy. His feelings radiated far away, chasing a group of horses carrying carts full of prisoners in captivity. The animals seemed to emit a different aura and the vision of the golden jackal seemed to pierce them one by one until finally stopped at a small animal. A gray-tailed white cat with a ring motif and named Zwei Iridis.

The golden jackal couldn't feel anything. Empty, like a lifeless animal. Zwei seemed to notice something and then turned his head in the direction of the golden jackal. Their distance is too far so they cannot see each other. But when their views formed a straight line, the jackal's leader snapped. His eyes widened and his surroundings turned dark then his eyes rolled. The golden jackal glared at the sight of a headless body. He felt how his skull touched the ground and finally realized that the body was his. He was decapitated, he somehow felt that he was decapitated.

"BOSS !!" Call a voice and make the golden jackal flinch. Sweat ran from his head and he glanced over his body. Still intact, yeah, still intact. The golden jackal was hallucinating and he had been saved by a call from one of his men. His breath roared and then he looked away and left the place where he had been standing before.

"Hey, Zwei. Is there something strange? " Ragna asked, watching the cat who was staring blankly back.

"Oh no. I just feel like someone is watching me. " Zwei answered as he shook his head and then curled back up in a circle.

They reached a cliff and if they looked far ahead, they would see a wooden building that looked like a fortress. That is Rodenzam, the prisoner's first destination before reaching Gadrit.

I'm Sorry if the language is confusing.

im editing what i understand and leave it for Google Translate for the rest.

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