
The Christmas Arrangement

As the holidays approach, Tessa -- a warm, ugly-sweater loving personal assistant -- finds herself spending yet another holiday away from her family. Unable to fly home, she must find something else to do with her time. Little does she know, she's in for the holiday of a lifetime when she gets called into her boss's office three days before Christmas.<br><br> Colette Sylvestre is not someone you could call warm -- collected, intelligent, charismatic, maybe, but not warm. She is, however, in the running to take over her family business, a prestigious publishing house; all she has to do is convince her grandfather she has settled down enough. Her cousin Bernard, however, is determined to undermine her and take the position for himself. To convince her grandfather, Colette must bring a date back home to celebrate Christmas with her family. The only catch? Colette is currently single.<br><br>n a spur of the moment decision, she asks her personal assistant Tess to be her date for the holidays. What follows is a series of holiday related hijinks, from a fancy gala ball to awkward conversations with Colette's family as Tess tries to convince them she really is Colette’s girlfriend. When Tess realizes her little crush on Colette might not be so little, things are complicated even more and she has to decide whether or not to tell Colette.<br><br>Will Colette return her feelings? Will they be able to convince her family their relationship is real? And, most importantly, will Colette ever forgive Tess for her frankly awful sweater choice?

A.J. Morrow · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 3

“Quite. What I have in mind, though, isn’t part of your job description.”


Colette sighed. The crease between her eyebrows grew more pronounced. “As I’m sure you’re well aware, Sylvestre Publishing is a family business, and my grandfather owns the majority of it. He wishes to retire soon and let someone else take over, but, since it is a family business, he also wants assurance that there will be a new generation to pass the business down to.”

“I’m not sure I understand,” said Tess.

“In order for me to take over the company, and not one of my dim-witted cousins, I need to prove both that I’m capable of managing it and that I’ll be able to pass on the company when the time comes. In other words, my family wants me to ‘get a move on’ in the dating department.”
