1 Magic !

As you should know, I'm not from here. Well, you know the steps ! I don't really feel the need to explain, but if you insist...

Long story short, I died, and the next thing I know is the light. The light at the end of the tunnel. But a kind of a tunnel you experiment one-time in your life. Strange, yeah ? Warm, moist, not very confortable as I am getting squeezed out. That is the story of you, me, all humans. (Normally.)

So, to return a the heart of the subject, I was birthed the 31st of July in 1980. And I have a twin brother named Harry. No need to shout, I know, don't be jealous. So we can finally return to the story, I will stop talk like a narrator out of a story.


Gasping for breath, I finally reached out of this damn tunnel. And I realised that I was birthed. Panicking for my dulled sense of view, it seems that i can only distinct forms for a few second before it finally clearing up. As I began to see who is holding me, the person in question began to talk.

"Your name shall be 'Ophiucus James Potter' and your brother 'Henry James Potter'". And just before fading to sleep, a feminine voice exclaim "He is a metamorphmagus !"

You see, being a baby is hard. You cannot control your body, and it is especially frustrating when you start to empty your bowels. My previous life is like a hazy dream, something I can't really remember, but I know it's here and just a case of madness. But there is something that top all of the things I have lived, it's magic ! Fucking magic !

Between my long sleeping times, I did discover that gift of mine ! A metamorphmagus ! As my parents discussing, I did pick some knowledge about this : One, I can change my body as I want. Two, It's instinctual, so at this stage of my life, I don't have a real control. Three, waking up with different hair color and eyes is awesome !

And my family. My twin brother, 'Harry' (because 'Henry', too old fashioned for me), is the copy of our dad with his hair (untidy jet-black hair), and green eyes inherited from our mother. We can't really have a better physical description, we are babies !

For me, I don't really have a fixed appearence, but it's as if he was placed in a photocopy machine, and I am the result. But my gift of mine will one-day modify my appearance, for the better of me and my brother, and the despair of the others ! Ahah, I can't wait !

One day, I heard people shouting, my brother in is crib started wailing, and for me, I did the most brave action of the year.. I hid under my blanket ! When my mother runned in front of our cribs, a really creepy man (without a nose !) is talking with a.. stick in his hand ? My mother, began shouting before a flashing green light happened, and I blacked out.

When I waked up, I didn't know how much time passed, but there was new people with me and my brother. A fat man with a moustache, named Uncle Vernom and a women, Aunt Petunia. And the most horrible thing possible, a bundle of fat and annoyance named Dudley.

The following years were not that great. Times to times, the behavior of the new family is almost abusive, we do the majority of the chores in the house, and Dudley has awakened my anger countless time, before Vernon remind my place. But the one who suffered the most is Harry. For me, I hid my ability has a metamorphmagus quickly, made me alike Harry with just purple eyes to distinguish us. The bad subject at the house is magic. Never say the word, or you get a good beating. Accidental magic is very hard to control, especially in this condition. One time, Harry at the elementary school as disappeared on the roof (me included in the package) or a bad case of shaving, that Harry grew back in one night.

Ah ! Before I forget, living in a cupboard below the stairs is hard. Like, don't do it.

Until that night, the Letter, with a big L, has finally come. To make a good summary :

"You two are sorcerers" said a gigantic big bearded man. Guess what ? Harry just froze, Vernon has started to scream in anger before Hagrid (Yes, the name of the giant) bend the weapon like it was nothing.
