
The Chosen One: Flames of Sorcery

It begins with King Aric, the just and honorable monarch of the powerful kingdom of Evaria. He leads a disciplined life, but his heart is restless, for he has fallen in love with his beautiful maid, Alia. Despite the risks, they indulge in an affair that results in a pregnancy. The King is unaware of this, but Queen Nadia, his wife, discovers the truth about Alia and her unborn child. Queen Nadia is a powerful sorceress, who has long harbored dark secrets and ambitions. She practices dark magic and is in league with a malevolent entity Dagon that seeks to enslave the world. The news of the pregnancy enrages her, for she believes the child in Alia's womb is a threat to her plans. She unleashes her powers on Alia, but the maid manages to escape with the help of a shape-shifter named Kael. Kael reveals to Alia that she is carrying a special child, who will be known as the Chosen One. He will possess immense powers and be destined to save the world from an impending doom. But first, he must be protected and his identity kept secret from the agents of evil, who will stop at nothing to destroy him. Thus begins Alia's perilous journey, as she traverses the kingdom, seeking refuge, while evading the Queen's henchmen. As Alia races to protect her son, The Chosen One, the Queen amasses her forces, unleashing dark magic and creatures upon the land. The kingdom plunges into chaos, as battles rage, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. And in the end, the Chosen One must face his ultimate challenge, as he confronts the evil being that seeks to enslave him and the world. Will Alia succeed in protecting the Chosen One and help him in fulfilling his destiny? Or will the Queen and her dark master triumph, plunging the world into an age of darkness and misery? Find out in "The Chosen One's Journey", a tale of magic, love, betrayal, and redemption.

Pieces_3546 · Eastern
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32 Chs

Chapter 14: The Prince's Dark Powers

Lady Isabella waited until everyone had retired to their rooms for the night before sneaking out of her chamber. She moved silently through the castle, her fear and anger giving her the strength to push aside any obstacle in her path. She was determined to avenge her son's mutilation by Prince Nefarion.

She had a small dagger in her hand, hidden under the folds of her gown. She made her way up to the Prince's rooms, avoiding any guards who might have been watching. She knew it was a risky move, but she was willing to take the chance.

With a steady hand, she pushed open the Prince's door, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of him. She heard a soft snoring sound coming from a large canopy bed in the center of the room. Slowly, she made her way towards it, her dagger in her hand, ready to strike.

As she reached the edge of the bed, she felt a sudden chill run down her spine. She turned to face the Prince, who had woken up and was smiling at her. Lady Isabella found herself frozen in place, unable to move or speak.

The Prince's smile turned into a sly smirk, revealing his handsome devilish features. "What do we have here?" he murmured, his voice dripping with dark amusement.

Lady Isabella tried to scream, to move, to do anything, but she couldn't. She felt a coldness emanating from the Prince, freezing her in place. She tried to struggle, but it was useless.

"Now, now, my dear Lady," the Prince said, leaning towards her. "You should know better than to try to sneak up on me."

Lady Isabella's heart was racing as she realized that the boy wasn't normal. She had heard rumors of the Queen practicing dark magic, but she had never believed them. Now, standing before her, was proof that the rumors were true.

The Prince leaned even closer, his breath hot on her cheek. "I could kill you right now, but I won't. Not yet, anyway. I think I'll let my dear mother deal with you first."

The Prince released Lady Isabella from his grip and stepped back, his eyes lingering on her. "I'm going to call the guards now," he said, a wicked grin forming on his lips. "You will be punished for your actions."

Lady Isabella retreated, her breaths coming in rapid, panicked bursts. Regret gnawed at her, the weight of her grave error sinking in. She couldn't escape the impending consequences. Fear coursed through her as her wide eyes locked onto the Prince before her, a formidable force in his own right.

The Prince's sinister powers had eclipsed anything she'd ever witnessed, plunging her into a chilling dread for her very existence.

With the entrance of the palace guards, Lady Isabella grasped the stark reality of her defeat. Their rough grip sent shivers of terror down her spine. In that moment, she could only imagine the ominous fate awaiting her.

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