


Vasari was ecstatic with the outcome. He had to admit that his performance was outstanding and it earned him 10 000 cloud points, a heaven-grade weapon or artefact and 3 heaven-grade cultivation techniques.

He knew that if those old codgers knew that he was not really that unwilling to perform the mission then he would not have gotten such generous rewards. It was basically pity money but he did not mind, he would get those elders back at a later stage but he knew that right now it was impossible.

'Well my plan to cultivate in the Summer Light field after school will just have to be on hold until tomorrow I guess.'


"The elemental manipulation stage is not as easy as it may seem. The requirement for this stage is to comprehend a basic Will for each of the four basic elements, fire, water, earth and air. Your understanding of the four elements will then allow you to sense supreme Qi which is just standard Qi fused with the four basic elements thereby improving it tremendously.

Some of you might be hearing the term Will for the first time so I will expand on that. Wills are how cultivators utilize the laws of the universe. By comprehending different parts of the universe like water, earth, fire, and even non-elements like the sword, spear, axe etc...cultivators can use those comprehensions to affect every aspect of their being.

Wills are the most rudimentary of comprehension and there are tiers of comprehension that exceed Wills.

You start with basic Will which is the most basic understanding of an element. An improvement from basic Will is to break through into advanced Will. When your comprehension of an element exceeds that of an advanced Will it is possible to birth an intent. Intent allows you to control an element as if it is an extension of your body and even when there are no Elemental Energies. It is said that you can only be called a true cultivator once you have birthed an intent since that is when your movement and martial techniques begin to show their true worth. I can't get too in-depth regarding Wills and Intents since everyone's experience regarding these matters is different and it will be up to your talent, hard work and comprehension ability."

Miss Covington took a breather to let her words sink in. The students all had pensive expressions as they took in her explanation of Wills as best they could although it was evident that they were having a hard time.

"Teacher, have you been able to birth an intent?" Someone in the class asked after a while.

Miss Covington smiled and nodded before confirming, "Yes I have, birthing an intent is a requirement to break through into the Arcane Core Realm but my intent is a secret." She put her slender index finger to her lips, creating a very sensual image.

"Miss Covington when will be able to get cultivation techniques," DT asked since of his friends he was the only one to not have any cultivation techniques. It pissed him off considering how if he had any martial techniques or movement techniques he would not have struggled so much against some oversized squirrels

"Once you break through into the supreme Qi stage the sect will allow you to choose 2 martial techniques under Earth grade and 1 movement technique under Earth grade. Similarly, once you complete the mana body stage and are ready to break through into the Nebula Realm the sect will gift you any Cultivation Method under Heaven grade. You can also purchase cultivation techniques at the Cloud Library or get lucky and come across some amazing cultivation techniques on your missions."

"Thank you, Miss Covington."

"No problem. Does anybody else have any other questions?" Seeing nobody raise their hand, Miss Covington dismissed her students.


"Vasari is something bothering you? You've been awfully quiet today even during lunch you hardly said a word. Is it because of that old man from yesterday? Did he do something to you?"

Witney bombarded Vasari with questions as they walked home. Ever since Elder Equus took Vasari away the previous day she has been worried and even struggled to sleep. She hoped that Vasari would not be in trouble since she thought it was related to the CloudBar incident.

"I'm fine, just thinking about plans for the future and the path I want to take."

Witney looked at his face with a pensive expression, her thoughts unknown to anybody but herself. She soon snapped out of her thoughts and held Vasari's left hand in hers.

"Well, whatever path you decide to take I will be alongside you." Vasari smiled after hearing her words. He felt warmth invade his heart but he knew only time will tell if she can stick to those words. After all, Vasari had a lot of secrets to hide.

"Woah Woah Woah! What is happening here?" Talia from the other side could not believe her eyes when she saw how lovey-dovey the two were. "Why are you two acting like a loving couple?"

A bashful smile that showed her joy appeared on Witney's face.

"Teehee was it that obvious."

"Don't teehee me. Since when?"

"Since Mammoth Grove~".

Talia stared at Witney in disbelief and hidden jealously, "We'll continue this conversation at home."

Witney said nothing but snuggled closer to Vasari while walking back to their residences.

Vasari dropped the girls at home before making his way into the city centre of Outer Haven.

After asking a few people for directions, Vasari arrived inside the building of the Summer Light field spatial tunnel. Surprisingly it was not too far away from the Dark Winter field, only about a 5-minute walking distance.

"H-hello sir, how may I be of assistance to you."

Vasari turned to the receptionist behind the desk who had an awestruck expression on her face as if she was seeing her idol for the first time which was not surprising considering the ever-growing fan base of the God of Handsomeness.

"Hi, I would like to enter the outer region." Vasari took out his cloud badge and waited for the receptionist to deduct his points.

"O-of course sir." The receptionist deducted the 25 cloud points used as the entry fee, leaving Vasari with 22 cloud points in the bank. Vasari nodded and walked towards the door leading to the outer region when suddenly the receptionist stopped.

"Wait s-s-sir, do you mind if I take a picture of us?" The receptionist started fidgeting with her fingers as nerves overtook her body. She did not want the God of Handsomeness to think negatively of her but she desperately wanted a picture with him so she took a gamble.

"Uhh...sure." This was a first for Vasari and he had no clue on how to deal with this type of situation so he went with the flow.

'Ahh it sucks being so handsome.'

The receptionist got up from her seat and walked to Vasari's side before taking out her ManaPhone.

The receptionist was a charming tall girl standing roughly 183cm tall so she could almost perfectly lean her head on Vasari's shoulder, which she did before raising her ManaPhone in one hand in front of them.

"Say cheese!"



"Thank you so much! Thank you so much!" The receptionist hugged Vasari before quickly running off to her desk.

Vasari shook his head and entered the door leading to the outer region of the Summer Light field. Knowing that it was a spatial portal, Vasari did his best to grasp the profound properties of space energy but the jump was too quick for him to grasp anything of significance.


Landing perfectly on his feet, Vasari instantly felt the rise in temperature and the scorching sand between his toes. He estimated the air temperature to be more or less 55 to 60 degrees Celsius and sand was hotter than that.

"This place would be a cakewalk if had shoes or boots. My feet are baking." It would be a lie to say that Vasari was finding the environment to his liking.

"Let's just get this over and done with."

Vasari sat in a lotus meditative position and soon entered a meditative state. He was thankful that the sect robes were made from such high-quality material otherwise his ass would be frying right now.

Using his consciousness to scour his body, Vasari was able to easily discover his dormant yet potent yang energies. His inner yang energies were much more abundant than his inner yin energies which was only natural considering that he is a male. Vasari also found that above his genitalia a giant ball of pure yang energies swirled about. He guessed that it was most likely his primal yang that he has not yet released.

Just like females who have a Primal Yin which is protected behind their hymen, males have a Primal Yang which is released after their first ejaculation. Unfortunately, most males waste this powerful energy source on carnal desires. So instead of releasing this energy into a woman, they release it on their hands...What a shame.


30 minutes later Vasari walked out of the Summer Light field brimming with power and confidence.

By understanding the properties of yang, Vasari was easily able to find the method to awaken/control his inner yang energies. Brute force, it was the complete opposite to the method used to awaken his inner yin energies and now that both his inner yang and inner yin energies have been unlocked, all he has to do is practice until he has full control over it before moving on to the Elemental manipulation stage.

The receptionist stared at Vasari wide-eyed and felt her little sister leaking more than she did 30 minutes ago. Vasari's masculine charms were further accentuated after awakening his inner yang energies, which was not a good thing for those men with partners.

Vasari thanked and bid farewell to the lovestruck receptionist before making his way home. Vasari could feel his body once again becoming stronger, he felt his skin had become more durable, his muscles bursting with power and his libido rising constantly. If it wasn't for his strong mental will and already decent control over his inner yang energies, suppressing the burning lust caused by his rampaging Primal Yang would be nothing more than a pipe dream. He was tempted to ask the receptionist for a night of fun but he remembered a bubbly and passionate girl who always seemed to want the best for him and he just could not bring himself to do it.

'Should I just go to Witney and ask for help? But I don't want her to think I'm just using her for sex. Sigh, I'll use this opportunity to temper my mental fortitude and increase my control over my inner yang energies by putting myself in a higher-pressure environment. Tsk I'm so smart and considerate.'

He patted his back in self-praise as he walked through the ever-busy streets of Outer Haven.


In his room, Vasari sat on his bed with his blindfold draped over his lap. He was currently performing a hand sign and when he opened his eyes an intense aura enveloped the room before receding into his eyes.

His right iris transformed from a dull grey to a majestic golden and royal blue intermixing to form an imperialistic-like colour. His left iris transformed from a dull grey to stunning cyan and bewitching dark violet fusing to create a colour that seemed to signify destruction and the endless void.

The eye of boundless creation and the eye of supreme destruction.

He wasted no time and entered his right eye's inner world and checked on the two scale-covered eggs before doing the same in his left eye's inner world.

Seeing that everything was normal and nothing unusual occurred, he sighed in relief and decided to take a shower.

Since he opened his eyes and still had some time before it started to pain, Vasari decided to check out his appearance in the mirror. Truthfully, he had never seen himself in a mirror before and just based on the reactions of those around him, he knew he was considered fairly handsome.

Vasari looked at his reflection in the mirror hanging above the sink in the bathroom. Long, straight midnight black hair freely cascaded his back. His skin is white, but not overly pale and neither a feminine pinkish-white. His eyebrows were dark, long, straight and sat perfectly atop his gentle fox-shaped eyes. The bridge of his nose was high and his lips gave off a rosy and healthy glow which always seemed to be slightly raised on the edges, showing his mental state of having the utmost confidence in himself.

"I don't have anyone to compare myself to so I don't know where I would rank in looks but if other people think I'm good-looking then I must be above average at least right?"

If only Vasari knew that there were pictures of him with billions of likes and women who were willing to spend the rest of their lives with him even if they were lowly maids.

"Anyway it's already passed 3 minutes and I'm still able to use my eyes, this is a good thing, a really good thing.'

Just then Vasari felt a sharp pain in both his eyes and as he would normally do, he made the hand sign and tried to seal it, but something different happened this time.

A wave of information flooded his brain causing immense pain as he was assaulted on two fronts. Physical pain coming from his eyes and mental pain coming from an excess of foreign information.

Vasari felt like he would lose consciousness soon but he had to seal his eyes before then, otherwise, it was likely that this day next year would be the anniversary of his death.

"Fuck!!" He screamed before gritting his teeth and shutting his eyes closed


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