
Mammoth Green Turtle

Five minutes before the deadline, Vasari and the girls landed on the ground outside the Cloud Pagoda built in the heart of Inner Haven. 

They arrived a few minutes later than expected because Witney wanted to say goodbye to her friend, Xena, whom she regularly kept in touch with.

This naturally caused Gia to stress about the time and start arguing with Witney, who was adamant that she was stressing over nothing. In the end, Vasari had to step in before a fight broke out. It was rare for his girls to argue so aggressively, but he understood the nerves they had to be feeling. 

Vasari looked around and noticed that most disciples stayed in a designated group with their Factions. He spotted Adrianna with a small group of girls from her Vehement Valkyries Faction who managed to earn a spot in the competition. She waved at him, and he waved back before moving his attention to the 9-storey pagoda.

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