
The Chosen's Odyssey

concentrating on IRL commitments and can’t find the time to update regularly, so I’m taking a short break to sort everything out. ————— In a world that had endured a galactic war lasting centuries, a young boy takes an entrance exam for one of the most prestigious sects. He possesses an otherworldly handsome face and a charming smile that could captivate even Immortals and Deities alike. With secrets that many would give anything for, he embarks on the challenging journey of cultivation, filled with successes and setbacks, highs and lows, and plenty of action in between. Join him as he conquers the thrilling and erratic world of cultivation. ------ This is a novel I'm creating in my free time as a hobby so any advice or criticism is always welcome. ;) I try to upload 4-5 times a week depending on irl commitments. ----- Cover art not mine if you are the artist contact me and I will take it down.

Unorthadox01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
222 Chs

Eyes & girl talk

The next morning in residence 87 four breathtakingly gorgeous women sat around a table while eating breakfast.

"Ahh Vasari is so perfect. It is so unfair that he was born blind."

"I know right? I would have pounced on him in the CloudBar already if there weren't so many people around."

"Hehe, no way~"

"Maybe we can persuade him to become our gigolo. Not to be rude but he won't survive without his vision for long in this sect, especially without a backer."

"Don't underestimate him. I think he is stronger than most people think."

"Of course, you wouldn't agree Miss Pretty voice, Vasari obviously likes you more than us so why would you agree to share him."

"Oh~ but rumour has it that she is getting engaged to Alex and I doubt Alex will like her having Vasari as a boy toy hehe."

"Enough you know that she doesn't like Alex and hates being forced into this situation. Why must you bring it up."

"Y-you're right, I'm sorry Talia."

"It's alright Witney."

"Ok, what would you do if Vasari asks you to be his woman but he has other women as well." Jiang Xia quickly changes the subject to avoid some awkwardness.

"What? Like a harem? I wouldn't mind but it depends on the other women he has. Like if it's with you girls then I won't mind but if he just takes any slut off the street then it's a hard pass from me."

"I agree with Witney, his other women need to be just as pretty as us and must be talented as well."

"I'll only join a harem if the man is stronger than me and not by a small margin, he must be able to dominate me in a fight."

""And in bed""

Witney and Gia looked at each other before bursting out laughing.




"I am never drinking again."

"Same here. My head fucking hurts."

"Shut up! Why are you so loud."

"You're the one screaming idiot."

Vasari lay in his bed while listening to the downfall and misery of Asher and Timo experiencing a hangover.

"I should start cultivating. I would like to fill all my meridians before school starts in 5 days but it will be a close call."

Vasari got off his bed and sat on the floor in his standard meditative position.

"Ah before I start..." Vasari reached for the back of his head where the cloth covering his eyes was tied and loosened the knot. The cloth fell off his head and landed on his lap. "Let me check on my babies."

Vasari opened his eyes revealed to be completely dull and unresponsive. Both his pupil and iris were a dirty shade of white that was borderline grey.

Vasari formed a hand sign and closed his eyes once again. He held the hand sign and closed his eyes for a minute before he opened his eyes again but something miraculous started to occur. Both of his pupils turned to normal black before his irises started to change colour soon after.

The dull grey of his left iris started to transform into the most stunning cyan colour. This cyan colour filled the bottom half of Vasari's left iris before the grey top half started transforming into a bewitching dark violet colour.

The same thing happened to his right iris but instead of cyan and dark violet, it was gold and royal blue.

Suddenly the colours in his irises started spinning clockwise, it was as if they were following each other, forming something similar to a Tai Chi symbol. The colours gradually increased their speed until it was impossible to tell the colours apart. It was at that moment when a soft popping sound reverberated throughout the room and the colours stopped spinning.

The right eye of Vasari gave the feeling as if the entire universe was constantly being born in an endless loop of creation while his left eye was the complete opposite. Destruction is endlessly encapsulated within the right eye of Vasari.

"With no creation, there can be no destruction. Without destruction, there is no creation. A fitting quote for someone like me who has both the Eye of Boundless Creation and the Eye of Supreme Destruction."

The Eye of Boundless Creation and the Eye of Supreme Destruction were both heavenly eyes that were ranked 2nd and 3rd on the heavenly eyes rankings. There are 12 heavenly eyes in existence and the people born with them are so few and far between that many take them as myths and legends. It should be known that only one user can wield a heavenly eye at a time meaning that a wielder of a heavenly eye had to perish before another can be born, and Vasari had not just one heavenly eye but two!


What kind of heaven-defying luck was that!!

Unfortunately for Vasari, his body was too weak to handle the power of 2 heavenly eyes and he could only keep them open for a limited time. Because of this limitation, he had no idea what these heavenly eyes could actually do. However, he instinctively knew what the names of his eyes were and another piece of information that only wielders of heavenly eyes knew about.

Heavenly eyes had their own inner world. It acted almost like a spatial ring except it was possible to bring living beings inside and grow vegetation. The space of the inner world was practically endless but the size depended on the wielder's cultivation.

With Vasari's cultivation at the mere 1st stage of the Mortal Ascension realm, his inner world was roughly a hundred metres (328 ft) squared in each eye.

He sent his consciousness into his right eye's inner world which was pure white in every direction that one looked. Vasari turned his head to the right and not far away were 2 large scaley eggs that were 80cm (31.49 inches) tall and 30cm (11.8 inches) wide.

"Looks like you guys are doing fine. If I remember correctly, you guys should hatch in the next year or so."

Vasari smiled while he observed the eggs for a little while longer before sending his consciousness into his left eye's inner world which was pitch black but Vasari was able to see clearly. He looked around and found another 2 scaley eggs that were the same size as the eggs in the white inner world. He observed the eggs for a couple of seconds before patting them gently and leaving the inner world.

Vasari looked around his room for the first time and also took out the map that the sect gave him. He quickly memorised the map that only showed a portion of the Outer Haven before putting it back.

"2 minutes 37 seconds. Almost double the time from when I last opened my eyes...not bad." Vasari once again made the hand sign from earlier and closed his eyes. After a minute he opened his eyes and they returned to being a dull grey colour and his vision was fully sealed.

*Sigh* "I wonder when I'll be able to use my eyes properly." Vasari sighed dejectedly while tying the white cloth around his head.

"Anyways, the only way to solve that problem is to cultivate and get stronger. Let's begin."

And just like that, 5 days came and went as Vasari cultivated in his room while taking a break every now and then to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the night before school officially began Vasari managed to completely fill all 100 of his meridians to full capacity.

With all his meridians filled with Qi, his body felt so much lighter yet stronger than when he took the entrance exam. If he had to guess then he would estimate himself to be at least 3 times stronger than before.

Now for him to break through to the Yin Yang control stage he needs to learn basic control of his innate yin and yang within his body but he honestly had no clue how to do it so school starting could not have come at a better time.


Vasari, Asher, Timo and Hassan were running desperately through the streets of the Outer Haven.

"Stupid pig, I told you to wake up earlier today but instead you wanted to play on the Mananet the whole night. Now we are going to be late for the first day!" Asher screamed while dodging a few disciples who were taking their pet beasts for an early morning walk on the sidewalk.

"Shut up, they updated the Knights and Fairies list last night and I had to see all the new girls who made the top 100!" Timo was practically squealing as he moved his fat arms and legs as fast as he could. He could feel himself losing weight with every step he took and he hated that feeling.

"Less yapping more running!" Hassan was the first of the boys ready this morning but because he wanted to socialize and travel to school with his roommates, he waited for them which caused him to be in this dire situation, sprinting as if his life was on the line.

Vasari smiled slightly while following behind them. He found this to be quite fun.

Running through the busy early morning streets of the CloudHaven Sect, dodging signs, evading disciples and shortcutting through alleyways, the group of 4 boys quickly arrived outside of the CloudHaven School grounds.

There were 3 buildings with the main school building being 3 storeys high and long enough to fit 10 decent sized classes in. The second and third buildings were relatively similar in size and design.

Just outside the main building, 346 students were standing around as they waited for something to happen.

"Hah hah hah we...we m-made it." Timo felt like dying, his hard-earned fat was being used for something stupid like exercise. He decided to eat it all back after school

Vasari and the boys quickly joined the sea of students. When the clock ticked over to 08:00 the front entrance door to the main building opened with 11 figures walking out into view of the 350 students.

The man in the forefront of the eleven was a handsome middle-aged man with wavy black hair reaching to his shoulders and a well-trimmed beard that complimented his well-chiselled facial structure. He wore a royal blue multi-layered robe with multiple small clouds floating freely across the surface of the robe. It was truly magical and many were instantly drawn to it. The robe he was wearing is only given to the Inner Cloud elders of the sect indicating what kind of status he boasted.

The 10 others standing behind him, bar one, wore a light blue coloured robe with multiple pure white clouds embroidered on the robe. These robes are given to the Outer Cloud elders of the sect.

"Ahem! Welcome young ladies and gentlemen to the CloudHaven school. I am your principal and you can call me Principal Balan. Behind me are the 10 amazing teachers that will guide you onto the path to becoming an amazing cultivator in the not-so-distant future. The CloudHaven School is only the starting point of your journey in the CloudHaven Sect but a good start is often the key to winning any race and we, the teachers, pride ourselves on giving our students the best start possible. "

Principle Balan paused briefly before continuing his speech.

"You will soon be divided randomly into 10 classes of 35 students. Throughout the year you will be given different tests to complete and you will also be graded on how well you do. There will also be a leaderboard with the top 50 students ranked on it. If you are on the leader board by the end of every 3rd month then you will receive extra resources from the sect such as increased cloud points and special pills that will greatly improve your cultivation and strength."

The student's excitement was clear when they heard about the amazing incentives and their competitive spirit as cultivators was fully ignited.

Vasari chuckled softly, 'this Principal Balan guy really knows how to rile up a crowd'

"Now I am going to call out 35 names and you will follow Miss Covington to your class." Principal Balan points to the women closest to his left. And what a woman she was. Standing at 180cm (5.9ft) tall, wearing a sexy yet professional white shirt, black blazer and a black pencil skirt sent the young men into a heated frenzy when they saw her succubus-esq proportions. Her black hair was tied into a high ponytail and she let her bangs hang freely. She wore a pair of reading glasses but her dark blue eyes could still be seen shining through the lenses. Her nose was tall and her lips were perfectly coated in a classy nude colour lipstick that complemented her porcelain-like skin tone.

"Asher Silva, Bob Murphy, Brandon Gibson, Cora Andrews..."

Principle Balan called the names in alphabetical order. Vasari did not know who these people were besides Asher but he soon heard more familiar names being called out.

"Davion Thornton" (DT)

"Jaxon Ellis"

"Jude Booth"

"Talia Timore"

"Timo Stein"

"Obviously those 4 are in the same class haha" Vasari couldn't hold his laugh in but suddenly halted when he heard what came next.


"...Fuck me"

"And lastly Whitney Jacobs. If your name has been called come forward and follow Miss Covington to your classroom."

"Let's go! Oh, my days our teacher is smoking hot!" Asher couldn't hide his excitement as he proudly strutted through the crowd of youths with a grin spanning ear to ear etched on his face.

Timo similarly strutted forward with a mocking smirk infuriating the onlookers who were staring at him with unconcealed envy.

Vasari followed along quietly but he could feel countless stares aimed directly at him. They were mostly from females but even some males couldn't help themselves from averting their attention from Miss Covington to Vasari. His aura and bearing were just too dominant and not to mention his looks that will definitely be used as study material later tonight by some women.

Alex Rales was fuming when he heard them call out Talia's name which meant that he wouldn't be in the same class as her but nothing made him angrier than when he heard the name Vasari being called out not long after.

'I'll have to speak to Jude later and ask him to keep an eye on him.'

Vasari soon arrived in front of the principal and teachers behind 34 other disciples.

"Alright, my new students follow me." Miss Covington smiled and flashed them a wink before walking ahead into the building. The boys were hypnotized by her swaying hips and almost forgot how their legs worked causing the girls to roll their eyes before following after their new teacher.

'boys will be boys' Another female teacher, who although pretty in her own right was in no way comparable to Miss Covington, thought but suddenly snapped her head towards a certain youth who seemed unbothered about his surroundings.

It was not only this teacher but the 8 other teachers and even the principal snapped their heads towards this student.

The reason?

They felt suppressed and uncomfortable when this boy walked past them as if they were not fit to be in the same space as him but it was not even for a split-second before that feeling disappeared and they chalked it down to it being an illusion brought on by his outstanding looks.

'I see...so even with their cultivation they are affected but it lasted not even a 100th of a second.'

A small smirk adorned the handsome face of Vasari when he entered the building, leaving the sight of the students and teachers outside.