
CloudBar & terrible jokes

It took them a little more than 40 minutes to reach CloudBar and the sun was beginning to set.

"We are finally here!" Timo squeals before his legs give in and falls from exhaustion luckily Vasari catches him before he slams against the ground.

Carrying the heavy-breathing overweight youth on his shoulder as if carrying a sack of potatoes, Vasari walks to the entrance where a man wearing similar robes to Vasari except there was no student symbol embroidered on the sleeve and the man wore a pin on his robe that looked like a cloud chugging down a bottle of beer stopped him.

"Sorry young man but you have to wait in line like everybody else." The bouncer was not too rude since he noticed that Vasari was a new disciple and the cloth covering his eyes indicated his lack of vision.

"Oh okay then." Vasari nods and walks back to where the other 4 were standing at the back of the line.

"Hahahaha pay up Jaxon, I told you I would win." Asher laughs triumphantly after he noticed Vasari walking back with Timo on his shoulder.

"What the heck! Yesterday when someone tried to cut the line that bouncer beat him black and blue and even broke that guy's legs. When the hell did he get so meek." Jaxon complained while transferring 5 cloud points to Asher.

After waiting in line for 5 minutes it was finally their turn to enter the CloudBar and entered without any complications.

The CloudBar was a massive 5-storey building and was near the centre of the Outer Haven making it one of the most popular hangout spots.

The first floor of the building is for Outer Haven Disciples while the second floor is for Inner Haven Disciples, the third floor is for the Core Haven Disciples and the fourth and fifth floor is meant for the Elders of the CloudHaven Sect.

"Hi, how many seats do you require?" A handsome waiter asks Jett since he was in the forefront of the group and the waiter recognized who he was.

"A table for 6."

"Ah I am sorry but there are no more 6-person tables but we do have a 12-person table if you would like. It is just that you would be sharing the table with 6 others. Is that ok?" The handsome waiter puts on an apologetic expression on his face before offering an alternative.

"Ok, I guess that will be ok." Jett turns towards 4 young men behind. "Is that ok with you guys?"

Vasari puts a thumbs up while Asher, Jaxon and DT nod in agreement.

"Then lead the way."

The waiter led the boys to their table where there were already 6 young youths sitting on one side leaving the other side of the table vacant.

The boys nearly had a stroke when they saw who they were going to be sitting with. As avid admirers of young and beautiful women, they already had a good grasp on the prettiest girls from the group they passed the exam with and seeing arguably the 4 prettiest girls from their exam group sitting at the same table as them was pretty hard to believe.

"Hi, ladies. It's nice to meet you, my name is Jett. May I know your names?" Jett flipped an internal switch, flipping from neutral to flirty. It was time to release his built-up rizz, he couldn't let this opportunity go.

"Dude are you crazy! We already know who they are. That's the four rookie beauties!" Asher couldn't hold his excitement in as he blurted out while pointing at the 4 gorgeous young ladies.

Jett could feel a few veins popping in his head after Asher ruined his smooth introduction. He felt his rizz fading away and with it, his chances of obtaining one of the four rookie beauties. Fortunately, the girls didn't seem to mind and giggled after hearing the title they received.

While Asher was making a fool of himself Vasari put Timo in one of the seats before taking a seat for himself completely ignoring everyone else.

"Hello, my name is Witney. It is a pleasure to meet you." One of the 4 beauties introduced herself. Her golden blonde hair was tied into a high ponytail with a few strands loose falling in front of her face giving a cute yet seductive image. Her forehead was small and her black eyebrows beautifully contrasted with her blonde coloured hair. Pretty blue eyes, a small nose, heart-shaped lips, a sharp jawline and fair skin without imperfections made her a beauty worthy of her title.

The next girl to introduce herself was a girl who did not lose out to Witney in the looks department however her vibe was polar opposite. Black hair tied into a ponytail with a few loose strands hanging in the front. Thin black eyebrows stood proudly atop a pair of sexy phoenix-like eyes. Her cute snub-like nose and small lips were cute and elicited feelings of protectiveness from those who saw her. Her warm ivory-like skin and generous assets that even the sect robes couldn't hide finished off the charm of a cute and innocent type of beauty.

Her name was Jiang Xia.

The third girl introduced herself as Gia and she was definitely deserving of her illustrious title. She was like a foreign princess with her caramel-like skin tone and exotic facial features. Her black hair was held back with a well-decorated headband and she wore a bold pair of chandelier earrings giving her a mature appeal. Her breasts were not as big as Jiang Xia's but the way she loosely wore her robes made it more appealing to the eye.

Next to introduce themselves were the two forgotten young men sitting with them however their looks were not the least inferior to the 4 women. The first was the popular Alex Rales who was rumoured to be engaged to Talia Timore, the princess of the Timore kingdom, and the second guy went by the name Jude. Jude had golden bronze-like skin and short black hair cut in a low fade. Jude was considered just inferior to Alex in terms of looks but his strong build and unique features made him just as attractive.

The last person to introduce herself was Talia Timore who, even though was considered one of the four rookie beauties, was in a league of her own not just in terms of facial features but also her bearing seemed more refined than the others.

When Talia introduced herself Vasari finally looked towards them with a faint smile on his unearthly handsome face.

"Oh, it's the miss with the pretty voice. The heavens must be exhausting my hard-earned luck for me to hear such a soothing voice two days in a row. Not that I'm complaining though."

Hearing such a deep and charming voice, the necks of every single woman on the first floor snapped towards the direction of Vasari. He did not mean to draw so much attention to himself but he was not someone who would get flustered over something like this.

Talia faintly smiled after hearing Vasari's praise. Throughout her life, she has heard many people give her praises and she thought that she had gotten used to it but something felt different when this man praised her. It was so genuine and pure that all the other praises she received seemed fake and forced.

Seeing the girl that was meant to be his smiling at another man caused Alex to feel incredibly uncomfortable. She never smiled like that towards him before and it gave him a bad feeling especially when his newfound rival was so incredibly handsome that even he had to admit that Vasari was in a different league compared to himself.

"You must be Vasari, the one who caused such a commotion during the exams. I must admit that you are quite impressive despite your unfortunate defect." Jude commented and slightly jabbed at Vasari at the end since he found Vasari to be an eyesore. 'How is he so good looking, it does not make sense and look at all of these sluts eyeing him out like some divine candy.'

Vasari completely ignored whatever Jude said and kept his 'eyes' on Talia.

"I am glad you find my voice to your liking but I am sure you are overreacting a little bit." Talia giggled softly causing Vasari's ear to perk in delight which was noticed by Talia making her giggle again.

"Overreacting? Hmm maybe...I think hearing your voice more often will help me come to a solid conclusion."

Vasari pulled the chair next to him out from under the table slightly as if inviting her to sit next to him.

A few women in the crowd were left speechless while the majority were cursing Talia wishing it could be them. Similar thoughts echoed throughout the first floor of the CloudBar.


Alex and Jude both felt their blood seethe with rage but for different reasons.

'How dare this cripple flirt with my fiancé and even invite her to sit beside him as if he is above her.'

'This blind bitch dare ignores me?! Who do you think you are!?'

Both young men kept their thoughts in as they watched Talia slowly and bashfully make her way to the chair beside Vasari.

''If you don't mind me sitting here." Those who knew of the cold personality of the Timore princess would never in a million years think that she would act so meekly in front of a man even more so in front of a man that had no known backing.

"Of course, I don't mind." Vasari flashed her a charming smile causing her face to redden slightly and a few onlookers to experience a nosebleed.

'Oh my God, bro has unlimited rizz' Jett did not let this amazing learning opportunity pass him by as he diligently took notes on Vasari's performance.

"Miss Talia can you read what is on the menu for me please," Vasari asks Talia after she sits down. He leans towards her slightly, not enough to make her uncomfortable but enough for her to be aware of his presence.


While Talia reads what is on the menu for Vasari, the rest get their own seats. Although a bit awkward at first, once Timo woke up and started bantering with Asher, DT, Jaxon and Jett the table got more lively.

Soon even the girls started joining in on the conversations and even the foul moods of Alex and Jude subsided a bit but now and then they would glance at the impossibly handsome Vasari and Talia who always seemed to have a smile on her face when talking to Vasari.


And just like that a few hours passed and it was time for everyone to leave.

Asher and Timo seemed to be competing with each other as both of them were passed out drunk and leaning on each other.

"I think it is time to head home, these two need to get in a bed," Vasari said while standing from his seat and effortlessly picking both Asher and Timo before throwing them on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

"We can all walk together since we live in the same general direction," Witney suggests as she skips playfully towards Vasari.

"Haha, that would help me a ton," Vasari replies and looks down at the approaching Witney who was 30 centimetres shorter than Vasari. She had a slight blush on her cheeks since she also had a few drinks.

The rest of the boys did not seem to be in good condition either with Jaxon, DT and Jett drunk dancing together even though no music was being played. Alex and Jude seemed to be in fine condition but they were slightly tipsy from a couple of shots that Gia and Witney made them drink.

Witney gathered everyone together before they left CloudBar and started walking home.

The walk that seemed to take forever earlier in the day felt like it went by in a flash now. The group of 12 (10) enjoyed their walk together as they joked around as normal teenagers should. The pressure placed on their shoulders by their families or themselves to pass the sect exams was not something that people so young should experience and them letting loose and acting their age was a good way to release all of that pent-up stress.

"What do clouds wear?" DT asks out loud for everyone to hear.

"I don't know...what do they wear?" Gia asks in confusion while looking up at the night sky.

"Thunderwear! Bwahahaha!" DT bursts out laughing causing every else to laugh.

"Vasari your turn," Witney says after enjoying a good laugh. She was walking closely to the right of Vasari since they left the CloudBar and she would get closer and closer throughout their walk much to the annoyance of Talia who was walking on the opposite side of Vasari.

"Ah you are putting me on the spot, it is hard to think of one now haha."

"C'mon Vasari we all told a joke already you are the last one." Witney pleads as she takes the hand of Vasari and holds it tightly.

"Ok ok, I got one." Vasari gives up and decides to tell a joke that he once heard a long time ago.

"If there is one thing that I can't deal with, it's a deck of cards glued together."



"Pfft okay remind me to never ask Vasari to tell any jokes again hehehe." Witney couldn't help but laugh after hearing that dad joke but Vasari's delivery made it much funnier than it was.

Talia and the others laughed and agreed with Witney. They continued with another round of jokes before they came across the house where DT, Jett and Jaxon were living together.

The 3 boys bid their farewell and the 9 remaining (7) carried on their way.

"Vasari, do you have anything planned until we start school?" Talia asked as they were getting closer to where his house was.

Vasari thought for a little before replying. "I was planning to use this week to cultivate since I have delayed it by a few days due to the sect exam."

"Oh that's good I was planning on doing the same." Talia was a bit disappointed but she didn't know why she felt this way.

"Aww Vasari is such a diligent boy, cultivating so hard when we just arrived in the sect." Witney teased Vasari and playfully pinches his arm but finds that she can't even twist his skin even a little which surprises her greatly.

"Haha someone once told me that I need to be strong if I want to have a beautiful wife and I need to be the strongest if I want to have lots of beautiful wives."

"Oh, so you want to become a playboy huh." Witney narrows her eyes and having learnt that pinching doesn't work she squeezed his hand which she still has not let go of.

Vasari uses his right to remain silent and decides to not say anything while flashing a smile towards Witney.

"Hey don't think you can just smile at me and avoid the question."

Vasari tilts his head to the side, "I can't?"


Witney, Talia, Gia and Jiang Xia who were listening in on their conversation all shouted at the same time. Noticing they were caught they all blushed in embarrassment which left the spectating Alex and Jude speechless at the sight that many would sell their soul for.

'How does this guy have 4 hotties wrapped around his finger when he hardly even talked to them.' Jude questioned himself. If before he felt hatred towards Vasari, now there was only respect for the unmatchable rizz that Vasari possessed and he could only admit defeat.

Alex on the other hand was fuming.

'Calm down Alex. King Timore has already basically accepted the engagement so there is nothing to be worried about.'

That is what he repeated in his head but seeing Talia being so meek in front of Vasari was infuriating him to no end.

"Well, this is my place here. You guys have a safe walk home and I'll see you soon."

Vasari waved them goodbye and by the time the girls broke out of their stupor they found Vasari out of their sight.

"Where did he go?" Jiang Xia asked as she looked around.

"He lives there so he went inside," Alex answers without turning around.

"Oh..." The disappointment in Jiang Xia's tone was clear and it represented the feelings of the 3 other girls.

The 6 remaining youths walked silently to their residences.

Jiang Xia, Talia, Gia and Witney lived together and reached their house that was not too far from Vasari's.

Jude and Alex were actually the lucky ones to live with just the two of them and their house was right next to the four rookie beauties.

Next chapter