
The Serpent Among Us

~ ZARA ~

I'd lost sight of Stark, I didn't know how he was going to get on the stage. And at the rate I was going, it would take an hour to get up there myself.

Tears of frustration pricked my eyes and I cursed—and prayed.

He can't do this. He can't put himself in their hands like this… she might be one of them, and even if she's not… he's mine. He's already broken, please… please!

I was scanning the wall of people in front of me looking for any way through and beginning to consider trying to storm the steps at the side despite the fact there were four guards there, when I spied a massive man a few feet to my left. He was tall, but it was his sheer size that caught my attention—and apparently the attention of those around him, because while everyone else was plastered to each other's sides and backs, there were a couple inches of space around him. As if no one wanted to take the risk of touching him.

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