
Excuse Me?

~ ZARA ~

David took my hands from my face and I let him because I was desperate to touch him. But I was so fucking terrified that he was about to land some horrific truth that would just destroy me.

He was capable of destroying me. Did he know that?

I stared at my husband, my heart slamming and terror rocking through me like my bloodstream was pure adrenaline. His handsome face was so tortured… he was going to tell me he'd cheated, I was sure of it. Tell me that before we were married, he'd hooked up with one of the Select. Or that he was secretly part of my father's coterie and we were going to end up—

"I am the oldest of my parent's children, but not the only child. I have a twin, Zara. His name is Erik. When you got to the wedding last week… it wasn't me you killed. It was him."

The words didn't get in at first. Because I'd been waiting to hear about betrayal—personal, or political. But this?

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