
Chapter 92

"Do you even know what he has become?" he ignored my words "Do you even know how I feel when I look into his lifeless eyes? That's my child, Anna" I've never seen dad this helpless before "That's the boy whose laugh could light up my life at one point. We haven't seen him smile in years. He's destroying himself little by little every day. No matter what we do, he wouldn't respond. We are trying to include him into our lives as much as possible and here you are...." He shook his head in disappointment.

My legs gave away. I held the edge of the couch next to me for support and thumped down on the floor "I didn't know" I whispered "Luc didn't tell me. No one ever told me"

"You had your own problems" Dad replied "We didn't want to tell you"

Tears made their way down my face "I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault"

"I'm happy" I said guiltily "I always thought he'll be the happy one while I suffer. I cursed him"