
Chapter 79

And figure out they did.

It's been three months and they remained true to their words. I've started training with grandpa. He takes me to the vampires meet where lots of kids my age come. They even have classes and useless stuffs like that to train our senses. Well if I really think about it, it's not that useless. My reflexes have sharpened a little. I can feel it when grandpa takes me out to places crowded with humans. I can hear their pulses louder now and I can now see what they mean when they say people have different scents even though I still can't say which scent comes from whom. I still can't go among humans without having my system saturated with blood. Grandpa says it's just the beginning I still have a couple of years. By the time I'm nineteen, I'll catch up to my age and will actually look and feel like a nineteen year old.