
Chapter 74

He grinned "Told you didn't I? It's my growing days" he pointed at his biceps "I bet I'm going to look perfectly edible when I meet my mate and she will be like 'Whoaaaa! I bagged a Greek God for myself'" He puffed his chest.

I rolled my eyes. Well other than his empty head, he does look good. Not edible. Eww! No, but good nonetheless.

"If you are that confident" I said running next to him into the deeper part of the forest "Carry me"

He narrowed his eyes and turned to look at me as we ran "Like on my shoulder?"

"No silly" I shook my head "on your wolf"

I smirked as he pouted "You know I can't do that yet" he complained "My wolf isn't that trained. He flips when your kind comes close"

"See" I grinned "You are still a pup" I teased him.

"I'll carry you soon" he promised more to himself "I gotta work harder"

"I'm sure you will" I encouraged him.

He halted suddenly "You really want to ride a wolf don't you?"