
Chapter 53

"Of course you would have" he bit out "Because that's who you are. I know that. You think I'm angry at you?" he ran his hand through his hair, frustrated "I.... I claim to be your best friend. I have been with you from the day we were born. And all these years I cursed you not knowing what you were going through. I claim to understand you the best, yet I couldn't look through your façade and let you face all of these alone" He turned towards me, his eyes red "I'm ashamed of myself, Esther"

I took his hands into mine "I'm fine" I assured him "I really am. I'm not as miserable as you people think I am" I smiled "Don't curse yourself. You know I chose the wrong profession don't you. Remember when I played Juliet back in middle school. I was so good at it that I almost died at the end of the play just like Juliet"

A ghost of a smile lingered along his lips before vanishing into a gloomy sigh "You should have told me that day"