
Chapter 44

"Of course I did. A blind man would notice your awkwardness"

"I'm fine" he said

"No you're not. You should sometimes explain yourself to people. You live in a society with people having different ways of perceiving things. You can't always blame them and give up on them. That applies to your family as well. How would they know how you feel and why you do certain things if you don't explain it to them?"

"Does it affect you that much?" he asked "When people get me wrong"

"My wolf doesn't like it when people misunderstand you" I snapped.

"What about you" he looked intently "What kind of a person do you think I am?"

"Me?" I know exactly what I have to say "I don't try to understand you. I don't want to"

He looked on silently for a while before letting out a sigh "Yet you seem to be the only one who understands me these days. We wouldn't be having this conversation otherwise"