
Chapter 42

The blush on her face deepened to the color of my now boiling blood "Ruby's a disaster" she dug her face into her plate as she played with her fork.

"You can wear the blue dr-" Daisy begun

"You still didn't answer Ethan's question" I surprised myself and of course those around me "I'm sure Jack would love to meet Houston and of course a little change in environment won't harm Dan" I kicked myself mentally as soon as the words left my mouth. I know my face was turning red, no matter how much I tried to maintain the nonchalance.

Her look was priceless. Her eyes widened at me as her mouth gasped open. Did she really forget that I was here while having a very elaborate discussion about her date?

Something stirred in her eyes as her expression hardened "I kind of have some business that can't involve Dan. Jack will have to meet Dan another time"

So she really is meeting him. Alone. She didn't even deny it.