
Chapter 23

My eyes darted to him and I could see the hurt cross his face before he schooled it.

I was feeling guilty.


"Ahh.....hahaha.... mommy.....stop......tickles" Dan was squirming in my arms.

"But I'm loving it" I laughed pulling him closer

"But I'm awake now" he couldn't understand that when I was tickling him to wake him up why wouldn't I leave him after he was awake.

"mommy loves cuddles" I gave him a loud kiss on his cheeks, he hates it.

I adjusted him so he could look at my face "We have a guest" I told him "You saw him yesterday, remember?"

He brought his little brows together, thinking hard. So that is where he got it from.

"Uncle Ethan's brother?" I was surprised how detailed the image of Dennis was in his head. Ethan must have shown him his family pictures and Dan could recognize Dennis from just that.

"Yes" I played with his hair "He'll be staying with Jack for a while. Would you like to meet him?"