
Chapter 20

I was prepared for a Dennis who would want to snatch what was mine from me without a word but I was not prepared for a man who would lay it all bare in front of me. He wasn't ashamed of showing me his wounds. He wasn't pretending to be someone he wasn't. He was simply telling me what he wanted and why. But that was hurting me more than it should have.

He was neither snatching away, nor begging anything from me. I swear he's the most infuriating man I've ever met. He was driving me crazy. And when I say 'me' I mean me, not my wolf. She was probably sitting back in some dark corner and enjoying the show with some popcorn. She got her mate close to her so she was relaxed. That traitor.

"We are not coming with you" I said, I didn't have the energy to argue with him so I got to the central topic instead of lingering around the bush.

"I'm not leaving without you"

"Whatever works for you, Alpha" I said moving to the door and opening it for him.