
Chapter 147

I gasped. Why did no one ever tell me?

Only Eric paid attention to my monologue. He grinned at my reaction. Everyone else was focused on Henry waiting for his reaction.

"Jasper" Henry sighed, looking tired "Why do you have a camera in your hand?"

"He followed us when Dan went back to change" Ethan complained with a glare directed at the blonde.

"I wanted to see" Jasper replied, totally focused on his camera lens. He was a tall man shoulder-to-shoulder with Henry. He was just not as bulky as him obviously. He wasn't a wolf. But he was broad enough to hold his own glare among the pack of irritated wolves. He is handsome.

Dan growled and moved towards me. Oh! I forgot he could hear me.

Eric snorted "What did you want to see?" He asked Jasper

Jasper glared at him "Not you obviously"

Luc laughed at Eric's irritated face. I almost smiled. Someone needed to control Eric and here's just the man who would do that.