
Chapter 141

"She is doing well. And don't let your brother hear you. You know he's superstitious about uttering her name before she's here" I reminded her. Alex's mom believes that for the child to have a happy and healthy arrival, we need to stop uttering her name so the evil spirits don't hear it. Alex doesn't really believe it but he will do anything if it ensures the little one's safety.

"Sorry" She took a step back "Is everything okay between you guys?"

"Your brother will let you know when he's ready to share it" I smiled grimly as I moved towards the stairs.

"Did....did he do something bad?" she asked when I was almost at the top of the staircase.

"No. I did something unforgivable Kate" I told her over my shoulder

"Did the animal follow you here too?" he asked as soon as the door of his study closed behind me. He probably heard me arrive.

"How have you been doing" I asked taking the state he was in.