
Chapter 121

"Why would you assume that what I feel for you is more than what I feel for him when it's actually the opposite" she argued. I gritted my jaws together to control myself as she continued "You both have my essence" she said pausing to gauge my reaction. Ethan already told me about it so it's not news to me "To me, in the beginning, you were both equal but now as you so politely pointed out, with time, he has started to mean more than you have ever meant to me. He has become my family, something you have never been. He's my husband, my child's father..."

"Is that what's holding you back?" I cut her off aggressively "Human relationships?"

"How can you say that so easily like it means nothing?" she spat out.

"You are not a human" I reminded her.

"I. Am. Not. A. Wolf" she gritted out and I felt true fear for the first time.