
The chinese prodigy

In the summer of 2003, Brazilian star Kaka arrived in Milan in a modest way; Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo flew to Manchester in a controversial manner; the unknown Messi looked up to the newly arrived superstar Ronaldinho at La Masia. In a small, unknown team in the Netherlands, there is a little guy who is about to be eliminated, but he is looking forward to becoming the best player in the world and causing a super storm in European football. It's not my story, I just translated it.

GxDesailly · Celebrities
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31 Chs

The worst player

"Who is he?"

Helen Parkhurst's substitution had Flevoland paying close attention, and their head coach was unfamiliar with the black-haired boy who came on as he had no information about him.

"I don't know, it's the first time I've seen him." The assistant next to him knew nothing either.

After all, they are just a school team, and they cannot gather information to the same extent as a professional team. All they can do is look at Helen Parkhurst's line-up for the last few games and the general situation of the players. For those like Yang Yang who have never played for Helen Parkhurst, they know nothing.

"I think he is a temporary player who has joined the team." The assistant said carelessly.

Helen Parkhurst's two right-backs, the starter and the substitute, were injured one after the other, and it was a painful blow. Now that they have an unknown player at right-back, Flevoland will take advantage of the situation with their powerful left-winger, who likes to attack from that side.

The head coach also nodded his head and agreed with Dick Van Poel that the Chinese player was an emergency replacement for Helen Parkhurst at right-back.

With that in mind, he immediately went to the side of the pitch and signalled to his players to continue attacking from the left.

Today, he wants to get a big win at home against their rivals in the same city and boost the morale of the team.



"Why is he being subbed?" Genk Dimer couldn't believe his eyes.

How could Dick Vanpoel make such a rookie mistake at this stage of the game?

Had he given up the game?

"What happened?"

"Why would Van Purr make this substitution?"

"Why are you putting that guy on?"

"It's done, it's done, if he comes on we'll lose."

His teammates around him lamented as well.

Although Yang Yang had made remarkable progress in the past few months of training, he couldn't erase the memories they had of him when he wasn't good. Everyone already has it in their heads that he won't be good enough for the game, and the conflict he has with Henk Dimer has made them not trust him. 

With his poor basic skills and poor training performances in the past, who can believe in him?

"Don't worry so much, we have to stabilise our position as soon as possible, make sure we don't concede again and then try to equalise. Genk Dimer gritted his teeth and said cruelly.

After a pause he said again: "This guy is not reliable, let's not give him the ball".

Having said what he had to say, Genk Dimer turned and left.

His performance in this game was also very poor. The Flevoland midfield put too much pressure on him defensively and his team-mates did not support him enough, leaving him no room to play.

Do we really have to lose to our rivals Flevoland?



Amid a series of questioning exclamations around the stadium, Yang Yang entered the field and came to the defensive zone on the right back.

He clearly felt the suspicion from all sides, not only from his teammates on the pitch, the fans outside, but also from head coach Johnny Rep, who was sitting behind Dick Vanpoel in the coach's seat.

If there were other options, he believes they would not choose me.

Yang Yang knows this, but since he is on the court, he must make the most of this rare opportunity.

The first task is defence.

Although he feels that he is an attacking player, since the head coach has set this up, all he can do is obey and do his best to defend the right in order to get a chance to play again.

No coach will use a player who disobeys orders, even if he is only on the school team.

Yang Yang looked directly at Flevoland's number seven, who was playing on the left and not far in front of him, the most active and best player in this game.

"I've heard of you." The other person chuckled slightly.

"Have you?"

"They said you were the worst player in the Almere youth team."

Yang Yang frowned, about to get angry, but a memory of Zax came to his mind.

"He made you angry on purpose."

Zax sobered Yang Yang.

The other party had been paying attention to Yang Yang's facial expression changes. He had noticed that he showed signs of anger, but he unexpectedly calmed down again, which surprised him.

This character is much calmer than the one just now, and it's not so easy to get angry.

"I haven't seen you before, are you playing for the first time?"

Yang Yang did not look at him, nor did he answer, but looked at the movement in front of the court.

"Your first time playing and it's me you meet, you're really unlucky, so this will be your first and last game." The other party smiled proudly.

After listening, Yang Yang glanced at the other party and found that the other party's expression was full of self-confidence, so he told his teammates to hurry up and pass him the ball.

"Are you finished? Will you die if you don't talk?" said Yang Yang.

The other party heard Yang Yang's words and was immediately annoyed. He sneered and said, "Okay, you wait."



When the game resumed, Helen Parkhurst were two goals down, but they were still not getting any better.

Helen's key player Henk Dimer was being held by their opponents, their midfield organisation was in chaos and it was difficult to organise an effective attack. Flevoland quickly gained possession in the midfield.

As soon as the opponents' number seven saw that his team had won the ball, he immediately raised his hand to the left to ask for it.

He decided to teach the rookie, who had just come off the bench, a hard lesson.

"Yang, be careful. Coach Dick Vanpoel said worriedly from the touchline.

This was Yang Yang's first test after coming off the bench. Even though Vanpoel has a lot of experience, his heart was still beating fast.

He didn't have much faith in Yang Yang.

Without Vanpoel's reminder, Yang Yang had noticed the trajectory of the ball from [God's Vision], and had also seen every move of the opponent's number 7. While Vanpoel shouted, he quickly focused on his defensive goals.

Last night, in the Dream Training System, Zax took the time to specifically train his defence, especially some of the most basic defensive moves, the purpose of which is also to help him cope with the challenges of this game, which is coming in handy right now.

"The situation on the pitch is constantly changing, everything can only be played on the spot, no one can help you, only yourself".

"When defending one-on-one, the most important thing is to get into an unbreakable position first, to follow your opponent patiently, not blindly."

Yang Yang kept Zax's instructions from last night's special training in mind, and during the game he did not blindly try to grab the ball, but deliberately kept a certain distance, but his eyes were fixed on the opponent, and he was able to take a comprehensive view of each of his moves and reuse God's vision overlooking the audience.

The opponent's number 7 was playing a great game. Helen Parkhurst's right was a sieve. Just when the No 7's confidence was bursting, he saw that Yang Yang was not taking the risk of taking the ball.

Is it not just a young rookie?

"Interception is a very important defensive tool, the purpose is to disrupt the opponent's rhythm of the ball and not give them any space."

"How to make a good interception requires a lot of preparation before the confrontation."

The opponent's number seven, left foot, is good at breaking through and crossing.

Yang Yang had just observed this on the sidelines for more than an hour, and the opponent's No. 7 did not seem to take him seriously as a rookie. He said that he was a daring winger, not hiding his intentions, but rather trying a one-on-one with Yang Yang.

There was a dismissive grin on his face, as if to say, "I'll take care of you. What can you do?

Just as he had entered Yangyang's defence zone, Yang Yang suddenly took a small step back without waiting for the other party to react, and suddenly took a big step forward, aligning his right foot against his left.

Yang Yang's body is not strong, but it is flexible and explosive. As he moved, the number 7 instinctively stopped his body and stepped on the ball, making a fake move and turning the ball to his right foot.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yang's step was also a fake, and he immediately stepped back after stepping out, the distance between the two was greatly reduced, and Yang Yang anticipated the other person's reaction and quickly stepped forward again, still aiming at the other person's left foot.

The opponent was surprised, too late to think, paused again, and once more placed the ball on his right foot.

Bastard, is it for real this time? See how I deal with you! thought Flevoland's number seven winger.

When his opponent switched the ball back to his usual left foot and attempted a powerful break from Yang Yang's left inside line, Yang Yang suddenly took a step back and turned sideways to his left, seeing his opponent about to break from the inside line. At this crucial moment, his left foot stood still and his right foot quickly came out.

"Either the player passes but the ball stays with you, or the ball passes but the player stays. Zax's admonition during the special training session still resonates.

In the blink of an eye, Flevoland's left winger successfully passes, but the ball is intercepted.

Helen Parkhurst's central defender, who was behind Yang Yang, quickly chased the ball down and cleared it out of the penalty area.

At that moment, the stadium erupted in shock and celebration.

Flevoland's number seven was also stunned and turned to look at Yang Yang, never thinking that this unknown player had taken the ball from him.

Coincidence, it has to be a coincidence.

All the Helen Parkhurst players were equally surprised. They never thought that Yang Yang would succeed in defending in his first game, especially Genk Dimer, who was the most surprised.

Fortunately, this is definitely a blind cat beating a dead mouse, how can this guy have such strength?

But there was a burst of applause on the touchline.

Although most ordinary fans have not seen the offensive and defensive process of the two men just now, from the results, Helen Parkhurst's defence is successful, which is enough to give them warm applause.

This is the most successful defence on the right since the start of the game.

"Good boy! This defence is so beautiful!"

"Isn't it? Clean and neat without fouling.

"Who is this guy? Why haven't we seen him before?"

"He's the famous worst player in the Almere youth team, but I didn't expect his defence to be so good."

"Who said that? If they knew he could defend so well, they should have let him in earlier".

While the so-called layman enjoys the show, the expert sees the art,

Johnny Rep and Dick Vanpoer in the coach's seat, and the middle-aged Dutchmen on the sidelines, were obviously more surprised than others, because they could see the whole process clearly.

This is an offensive and defensive game full of fighting spirit.

What surprised them most was Yang Yang's calmness in defence and his ability to disrupt the rhythm of the opposition's number 7. In the end, he made a decisive tackle and destroyed their dribbling breakthrough. The whole process was not sluggish, but rather efficient.

Is this still the same Yang Yang?