
The chinese prodigy

In the summer of 2003, Brazilian star Kaka arrived in Milan in a modest way; Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo flew to Manchester in a controversial manner; the unknown Messi looked up to the newly arrived superstar Ronaldinho at La Masia. In a small, unknown team in the Netherlands, there is a little guy who is about to be eliminated, but he is looking forward to becoming the best player in the world and causing a super storm in European football. It's not my story, I just translated it.

GxDesailly · Celebrities
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30 Chs

The changed Yang Yang

Yang Yang finally opened his eyes the next morning after his strange dream.


He jumped out of his single bed, touched his face and all over his body in a panic, then rushed to his mirror to check if his body was all right.


He was afraid that he had met an alien in his dream who had completely changed and mutated him, but he soon realised that despite training with the Dream Training System for more than ten hours last night, he didn't feel exhausted, either mentally or physically, but rather revitalised and in better physical shape than yesterday.


It seems that, as the system says, everything that happens in the Dream Training System has an immediate effect on him, but it does not affect his physical condition, on the contrary, it is refreshing.


 This is a good thing because it will optimise his training with more training time and with the skills of all the superstars of the football world, his progress will skyrocket.


With that thought, all the bad thoughts he had because of the hard training were swept away.


"Zax, Zax." Yang Yang called out the name he had chosen for the voice in the Dream Training System.


The most important thing for him now was to confirm the existence of Zax and that this was not a lucid dream.


"Stop screaming, you weren't dreaming." The cold voice came again. "And don't call me Zax." It was a serious protest against the name Yang Yang had given him.


"He, he" Yang Yang relaxed and laughed, suddenly feeling that his football journey was about to begin.


"Zax, you said I can only enter the Dream Training System to train when I fall asleep?"


"Yes," Zax's voice was still cold, without emotion, "but I am always at your side to help you."


"What if I have insomnia and can't sleep?" Yang Yang was in a good mood and asked.


"Relax, when you want to train, even if you have insomnia, you just need to lie on your bed and think of the Dream Training System and you will be able to sleep immediately."


"Unexpectedly, you can also improve my sleep." Yang Yang said with delight.


Good sleep plays a vital role for everyone, especially professional footballers.


He even heard Johnny Rep say that in professional football, players who sleep well have a better chance of a good career, so the importance of sleep is obvious.


"There are many other uses for the Dream Training System and you will slowly learn how to use it, but for now I suggest you to wash yourself quickly because you stink terribly after that you can have a good breakfast and then you can start training. "


"I have to train again?" Yang Yang looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. "I have to go to school soon."


"You can go to school and juggle the ball."


"I'll be late."He usually takes the bus school.


"That's your problem, I'm only responsible for the training." Zax replied without any emotion.


This made Yang Yang ashen.






Although Yang Yang's performance in the Almere youth camp was always the worst in the team, at school he proved the saying "God is fair" to be true.


As a transfer student, he travelled a long way from China to the unfamiliar Netherlands, but he quickly picked up the Dutch language without even speaking it and quickly caught up with his studies.


In stark contrast to him, some of Almere's youth prospects who shone at the youth training camp were academically poor, and some even struggled to get a passing grade, often giving the head teacher a headache, and Almere had to hire an after-school tutor to make up for it.


In the Dutch youth education system, if you don't have at least a passing grade in school, you can't take part in training or competitions.


Because of Yang Yang's excellent academic performance, Johnny Rep and the headmaster think he should give up playing football and concentrate on his studies to go to university.


But this morning, the model student in the eyes of the headmaster is almost late for class.


Under the watchful eyes of the teacher and students in the class, a sweaty Yang Yang stood embarrassed at the door, apologising and trying to find an excuse.


"Sorry, I didn't catch the bus, I got lost trying to walk here."


The whole class laughed for a while, and even the teacher couldn't help but smile, because the excuse was so unbelievable.


But the top pupils still get special treatment. The teacher just said something in passing, as an example, and Yang Yang was allowed to enter.


After making a fool of himself in front of the class, Yang Yang was relieved and hurried to his seat.


It didn't take long for him to sit down, and then the bell rang for the class to begin.


"Yang Yang, we all thought you had given up and run away." His teammate and classmate Henk Dimer poked Yang Yang in the back with a pencil and said with a laugh.


Henk Dimer is a typical class bully, and according to the teachers' gossip, Dimer would never have got into this class if Almere hadn't talked to the school, but Dimer was the captain of Almere's sixteen to seventeen year old team and in everyone's eyes the prospect with the most potential.


Yang Yang looked around and his teammates looked at him with mocking eyes, obviously having the same thought as Henk Dimer. With school almost every day, he knew that guessing when he would give up was one of their ways of having fun.


"Don't worry, I haven't given up yet, there's still a month to go," Yang Yang pursed his lips and replied.


Genk Dimer lifted his lips and sneered: "Really? I don't think you can stay."


"So far, in every training session, practice match or technical evaluation, you are the worst of the team."


"I don't understand. Do you enjoy bringing the team down?"


"Sooner or later, you will be disqualified from the training camp, so why not give up early?"


If Yang Yang had heard his teammates' mockery before he received the Dream Training System, he would have been reluctant in his heart to respond, but now that he has Zax, his confidence is bursting.


"You guys just watch, I will not only pass the assessment, I will stay in the team, I even want to get one of the recommended places to go to Amsterdam and participate in the selection of the Ajax talent day.


Hearing Yang Yang's loud, confident words, Henk Dimer and the others were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed back and forth as if they had just heard the funniest joke ever.


"You passed the assessment? And got the recommended quota for Talent Day too?"


"Oh my God, where did your confidence come from?"


"That's definitely the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life".


Henk Dimer even stood up and shouted loudly to his classmates: "My dear classmates, our great player Yang Yang has just said that he will be selected for the Ajax Talent Day. Did you hear that? "


"Yes," replied more than a dozen teammates and classmates.


Everyone in the class looked at Yang Yang jokingly, although there is a little sympathy for him, everyone knows that Yang Yang's performance on the field is very different from his grades in class, and even everyone agreed that he will leave the team and school after this semester.


Such a person wants to get one of the quotas for the Talent Day selection?


Yang Yang knew that no one believed him, but he didn't need to explain himself because he knew that he would soon prove them wrong.


From the first day he joined the team, his teammates had never taken him seriously. Whatever he says now is useless. He can only rely on his performance to prove himself.


This has made him even more determined to work hard. He just has to succeed.






At noon, during a nap break, Yang Yang entered the Dream training system and continued to practice juggling the ball.


After hours of training, he has good control of the ball with his feet, but it is still a bit difficult to do two hundred consecutive juggles. Nevertheless, he has mastered the ball with his feet, and the difference of a few hundred is not great.


But Yang Yang's headache is still in his shoulders and head. This is something he hasn't practised yet. He still has a lot of hard work ahead of him to complete 200 consecutive juggles.


Fortunately, he has the help of the Dream training system. When he juggles the ball with his head, Zax always gives him the best advice to correct his form and movement, which has allowed him to juggle more and improve his success rate. 


Especially after finishing the afternoon training, when he came to Almere's youth training camp to participate in the training session, Yang Yang discovered another magical effect of the Dream training system, it can help him to have a vision that overlooks the whole stadium, it's similar to a god overlooking the mortal world. There's also another option that allows him to understand every move made by the players around him, whether it's in training or in matches.


Although he is still unfamiliar with using the God's Vision in a match and is slow to act, he is aware of the enormous benefits it brings, especially in the Rondo game that follows, where he often uses it to predict the direction of his teammates' passes.


There is a saying that while the expert sees the art, the layman enjoys the show.


Johnny Rep used to be a very successful professional player, so he naturally knows when something is different.


While everyone thinks Yang Yang is still the same old Yang Yang, when he rushes around in the rondo game, he wrinkles his eyes and mumbles to himself: "This boy is a bit different today."


He can't say what it is, but his experience tells him that he is indeed different.


On the contrary, the assistant listens and laughs and says: "Nothing is unusual, he just runs slower than usual".


Is that really the case? Johnny Rep didn't think so, but he didn't argue.


Just when everyone thought that Yang Yang would be mocked by his teammates for ten minutes as usual, in less than two minutes of play Yang Yang suddenly slowed down while trying to catch the ball from the others, then suddenly turned and accelerated towards Henk Dimer.


Almere's best player had just received the ball when Yang Yang was already in front of him.


Henk Dimer, who had no time to pass the ball, watched in astonishment as Yang Yang took the ball from him.


Now it was his turn to get into the circle and try to catch the ball.


Head coach Johnny Rep opened his eyes in surprise.


Now he is finally sure that Yang Yang has changed, although it is impossible to perceive what has changed, could it be that he has suddenly learned to use his head?