
The chinese prodigy

In the summer of 2003, Brazilian star Kaka arrived in Milan in a modest way; Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo flew to Manchester in a controversial manner; the unknown Messi looked up to the newly arrived superstar Ronaldinho at La Masia. In a small, unknown team in the Netherlands, there is a little guy who is about to be eliminated, but he is looking forward to becoming the best player in the world and causing a super storm in European football. It's not my story, I just translated it.

GxDesailly · Celebrities
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30 Chs

Star skills

For several days in a row, Yang Yang insisted on his special training day and night. It was only at the end of the session on Friday afternoon that he was left alone by the coaching staff and told that he would be included in the matchday squad on Saturday afternoon.

It was head coach Johnny Rep's assistant who informed him, and he will also be the head coach for the match.

"We have all been pleasantly surprised by the progress you have made in training recently. Combined with the current situation of the team, Mr Rep and I have decided to add you to the list of players for tomorrow afternoon's match.

When Yang Yang heard the news, he was a little dazed.

It's been almost a year since he came to Almere, but he's never played for Helen Parkhurst School before, this is the first time.

Dick Van poor's reaction to Yang Yang is also normal. Although he agrees with Johnny Rep's judgement, it is difficult for Yang Yang to stay in Almere, but he still appreciates this admirable young man.

With an attitude like that, even if he doesn't make a career on the pitch, he can make a career in other industries sooner or later.

"OK, don't put too much pressure on yourself. I will decide whether you play or not according to the situation on the pitch. Dick Van smiled and patted Yang Yang's shoulder, encouraging him, "You know, ROC Flevoland is not weak. "

Although Almere is rising fast, it is less than seven years old and the foundations are still not good. It is still supported by the relationship and influence of Johnny Rep. That is why the club president gives him all the power concerning the team. As a result, Almere's youth development is one of their less developed areas.

Becoming an Ajax satellite club and receiving support from the youth academy has only been a matter of the last two years. It is difficult to see results in such a short time. So far, Almere has not had any of its youth players make it into the Ajax youth team.

This year, Henk Dimer has been hailed as the most promising candidate, and he is the best technical midfielder in the team.

"Prepare yourself well." Dick Van said with a smile and walked away.

Yang Yang couldn't believe it, he was going to play?

"It's not that easy, don't think too much." Zax's voice sounded in his head.


"Putting you on the list is mainly due to the fact that your team has more injured players lately, and the defence is a bit tight."

"Defence?" Yang Yang froze for a moment, but he was a striker, and he can also be a right winger if that position isn't available.

"It must be because you have been catching the ball well lately."

Yang Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly. He has always played as a striker in China, and since arriving in the Netherlands he has always insisted on playing in a forward position, but now he has to change his position to a defensive one.

In any case, he didn't have a choice. If he wants to play, he has to follow the coaching staff's instructions, not to mention the defence, even if he is asked to play goalkeeper, he can only do so.

Of course, for Yang Yang, being able to play is an improvement.

"In your current situation, you really need to temper yourself with an official game, and now is also an opportunity. Let's change the training plan and you will finally start to learn a star skill." Zax said suddenly.

"Star skills?" Yang Yang was surprised.

This is one of the good things he dreamed of.



The A6 highway is the main route between Almere and Amsterdam. Exit 5 is right in the heart of the city. To the north of the exit is the city of Almere.

Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant is located in the middle of the city and the dense residential area on the north side. Outside there is a large open space for parking.

When night falls, the traffic from Amsterdam and the city of Almere after work soon fills this car parking lot, which is also the best time of day for Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant.

Yang Yang came to the Chinese restaurant after school and entered the kitchen through the back door. By this time, his uncle Shen Ming and his family were already busy. His cousin Shen Yuzhu spoke fluent Dutch and was in charge of taking orders and collecting money. Aunt Zhang Lan and another Chinese woman were in charge of serving. Uncle Shen Ming and the other two cooks were also busy in the kitchen. Everyone was helping, cooking, serving and scrubbing the tables and chairs.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Yang Yang deliberately put down his school bag and football and began to entertain the customers, helping to greet and serve them.

Every time a meal arrives, the restaurant is like a war zone. Everyone is fighting against the clock. This is a common situation in the catering industry. You can make money, and the profit is not bad but it is more difficult. The food is of course very good, all the customers want to eat, so the work goes on without stopping for a moment.

They didn't have time to eat until the restaurant was closed. Each time they used the day's leftovers to finally make meals for the boss and all the employees before they gathered together and ate with a laugh.

During the meal, Yang Yang said that he had been named in the squad for tomorrow's game. Uncle Shen Ming heard him and said, "Although I don't know anything about football, it seems that your efforts this year have finally borne fruit. "

Shen Ming still felt guilty for suggesting that his nephew come to the Netherlands to play football. After all, he was also aware of Yang Yang's experience in the Almere team. Now that he has heard that Yang Yang is on the big list, he is also very happy.

"Tomorrow is Saturday and there are only a few guests. I suggest that we go to the scene and cheer for Yang Yang, okay?

The uncle's suggestion was immediately accepted by her aunt and cousin. They all liked and cared for Yang Yang very much.

"Uncle, I just entered the big list, and I might not have a chance to play." Yang Yang was a little worried, afraid that his uncle's family was too expectant. After all, it's not certain that he will come off the bench.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you're on the big list, you have a chance. If you can't play this game, then the next one, because as our ancestors said, 'With enough skill and perseverance, even the hardest tasks can be accomplished'. Uncle thinks you can do it."

"Yes, brother and sister also believe in you."

Yang Yang was very moved.

Uncle Shen Ming had no sons. He had loved Yang Yang since he was young. He treated him like a son. This time it was more expensive to let him come to the Netherlands. Yang Yang also knew how much he loved and cared for him.

"I understand, I will try my best not to disappoint you!" Yang Yang said firmly.



After the meal, Shen Ming drove Yang Yang home without asking him to help clean up, saying he would let him concentrate on preparing for tomorrow's game.

Yang Yang was thinking about the star skills in the Dream Training System during the whole trip, so he didn't talk much. When he got home, he took a shower, got into bed and fell asleep quickly, and came to the Dream Training System.

Zax was clearly ready, just waiting for him.

The training ground is still full of star players around the training ground, more people than Yang Yang saw last time. It is said that he has gathered all the superstars from ancient times to the present, forwards, midfielders, defenders and even goalkeepers.

"According to my scan of your body, I found that you have a typical oriental body with relatively low physical strength and a height of only 176cm. Although you are still in your developmental stage, you are not suited for the power type of player. It is recommended that you take the path of a speed player for the time being. "

"Okay." Yang Yang nodded, which was also in line with his own positioning.

Compared to the Dutch players of the same age in the team, the gap is not small.

Even a technical player like Henk Dimer has a strong physical confrontation ability.

"You can choose the star skills you want, but I would like to remind you that learning more is not necessarily a good thing, especially given your current situation. Learning too much can be a bad thing, so the suggestion is to specialise in one skill first and then gradually learn others. "

Yang Yang understands that it's like trying to score goals without first perfecting the basics.

It is not difficult to learn football skills in the Dream training system as long as you train hard, but using those skills in an official match is another matter.

With his current basic skills, even if he learns just one star skill, it will be enough for him to progress quickly. If he learns too much, he'll get distracted, which won't be good for his future development.

As he entered the Dream Training System, Yang Yang's gaze swept over the stars around him, each of them the best players on the planet at their peak, each of their skills invaluable. Since the first time he saw them, he'd always dreamed of being able to do what they did, but now it was reality, and he had to make a choice.

Although there were also many defensive players, Yang Yang believes that the more popular and what he wants most is the offensive role in the midfield or front court. As a speedy attacking player, he automatically ignores powerful players such as Viera and looks for some speedy forwards, and what appeals to him most is Maradona's dribbling, Zidane's ball control, Cruyff's turn, Ronaldo's step-over, Pele's rhythm, Van Basten's finition and Bergkamp's first touch.

From a practical point of view, these are very useful.

At the World Cup in France, Zidane led the French team to victory through his outstanding personal strength. His passing and ball control are unquestionable, and many people praise his elegant style, which everyone knows is elegant because he has exceptional technique.

Maradona 's dribbling is also shocking, with which he led Napoli to win Serie A and led Argentina to the World Cup. Even if many people don't like his character and way of working, they can't deny that he is a legend of the game with his performances on the pitch.

As for superstars like Pele, Cruyff, Ronaldo, Van Basten and Bergkamp, there is no need to say more, everyone knows how strong they are and if he can learn their stunts, even if he only learns a little, it is enough for Yang Yang to benefit from his life and be on the professional stage.

But they might not be suitable for Yang Yang.

His current problem is that his basic skills are too poor, so ball skills like Zidane's ball control, Maradona's dribbling and Bergkamp's first touch are obviously not suitable for him now. After all, they need very good, solid basic skills to be able to make a difference.

Apart from these, there are not many star skills suitable for Yang Yang.

So Yang Yang made a quick decision.