
The chinese prodigy

In the summer of 2003, Brazilian star Kaka arrived in Milan in a modest way; Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo flew to Manchester in a controversial manner; the unknown Messi looked up to the newly arrived superstar Ronaldinho at La Masia. In a small, unknown team in the Netherlands, there is a little guy who is about to be eliminated, but he is looking forward to becoming the best player in the world and causing a super storm in European football. It's not my story, I just translated it.

GxDesailly · Celebrities
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31 Chs

Ajax or Eindhoven?

Since the first city derby following the AS'80 match, the celebratory dinner has consistently taken place at Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant. This tradition endures, perhaps owing to Shen Ming's exceptional culinary skills or a superstitious belief among the team that it brings good fortune, effectively establishing Shen Ji as their unofficial gathering spot.


As night fell, the Almere players habitually congregated here, gravitating towards a secluded table in the courtyard corner for casual conversation or a drink, creating an unspoken ritual. Yang Yang, unless occupied assisting in the kitchen, would often join them.


Over time, Shen Ji's popularity soared, prompting Shen Ming and Yang Yang to designate this corner exclusively for Almere players.


On this particular evening, upon Henk Dimer's arrival, Nick and five others were already brewing tea in their designated area at Shen Ji. Meanwhile, Yang Yang appeared lost in thought, staring intently at a collection of business cards spread across the table—a result of today's interactions with visiting scouts. Among them were cards from notable figures such as John van Loen of Utrecht, Wim Jansen from Feyenoord, and representatives from Alkmaar and other teams like Roda JC.


Of particular intrigue were the business cards of Anton Hanssen and Piet de Visser from Eindhoven.


Anton Hanssen's card identified him as a scout, whereas Piet de Visser's designated him as chief scout. This distinction piqued curiosity.


"Do you recognize any of these individuals, Yang Yang?" Shen Yuzhu, concerned, inquired of his cousin.


She may not know much about football, but she understands that behind these business cards lie the powerhouse clubs of the Dutch league, all bigger and stronger than Almere. While she didn't grasp the specifics, she vaguely sensed that her cousin's standout performances in amateur games were attracting attention from these prestigious clubs. Previously worried about whether he could remain at Almere, now she pondered whether he should stay or seek better development elsewhere.


Reflecting on how things had changed, she sometimes marveled at her cousin's current situation. If he could rise to become a renowned Dutch star, it would be a source of immense pride.


Yang Yang, unaware of his cousin's thoughts, shook his head. Names meant little to him; he only recognized the clubs behind them. Yet, he felt a growing need for a dependable agent who could provide guidance and clarity in this new phase of his career.


"What now?" Shen Yuzhu asked.


"We have a lot of scouts visiting today, more than a dozen groups, and they all seem quite pleased. Should we call them back? Would not calling them back offend them?" she queried.


Yang Yang smiled ruefully. "I'm not sure. It's a happy predicament, I suppose.".


"Forget it, let's set the business cards aside for now. I'll review them later when I have a chance to assess the situation," Shen Yuzhu remarked decisively.


Realizing he needed more insight into the football landscape, Yang Yang resolved to speak with Johnny Rep. As a seasoned professional player and the team's head coach, Rep would likely offer valuable perspectives.


After gathering the business cards, Yang Yang left the restaurant. Immediately, Henk Dimer and Nick beckoned him over.


"The draw for the sixth round is today, but we don't know our opponent yet," Yang Yang pondered aloud. "Whoever it is, they'll be tougher than Volendam. Facing them was a challenge, so the next round will be even more difficult."


Suddenly, a commotion outside drew Yang Yang's attention. Johnny Rep entered the courtyard, greeted by enthusiastic fans and players alike. It was Almere's first time hosting such a celebrity at Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant, surprising everyone, including Yang Yang.


Fans clamored around Rep, eager for photos and autographs. Yang Yang, Henk Dimer, and their teammates couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.


"Whether as a former Dutch international, a renowned European winger, or Almere's hero over the past seven years, his presence holds unparalleled significance in the hearts of fans," Yang Yang mused.


With the fans finally dispersing, Shen Ming received the news and warmly greeted Johnny Rep.


The presence of Almere's coach would undoubtedly bolster the restaurant's reputation, and Shen Ming understood that both Johnny Rep and Henk Dimer were here for his nephew.


Never did he anticipate his nephew's football prowess to directly impact his business. Eager to hear from Johnny Rep, Shen Ming greeted everyone warmly and brought out the finest tea he had stored away.


Henk Dimer wasted no time in delivering the draw results: "Our opponent in the sixth round is much stronger than Volendam."


Aware that in the quarter-finals, Almere was the sole youth team from the Dutch third division up against clubs renowned for their excellent youth training, everyone anticipated a challenging match regardless of the opponent.


"Who is it?" Yang Yang inquired.


"Ajax Amsterdam," Henk Dimer replied.


"What?" A collective gasp escaped the group.


Facing Ajax would pose a formidable challenge, given their roster boasting talents like Ryan Babel, Anouar Amrabat, and Hedwiges Maduro, all either established first-team players or promising talents on the brink. Many believed Ajax youth team could hold their own in the Eredivisie, even avoiding relegation if need be. Unexpectedly, Almere now found themselves up against them in the quarter-finals.


Yang Yang glanced around at his teammates, sensing their dejection, and felt compelled to uplift their spirits.


"Alright, guys, Ajax is a formidable club with a stellar youth setup, but remember, the outcome of a match isn't decided until we step onto the field. Let's not lose heart. If we play like we did against Volendam, I'm confident we can snatch a victory."


His words resonated, drawing everyone's attention to him.


"Look, in the past five rounds, we've given our all against tough opponents like AS'80, Franeker, and even Volendam, who had Ajax youngsters on loan. And what happened? We showed what we're capable of," Yang Yang continued.


His words sparked a renewed sense of morale and self-belief among the team. After all, they had consistently faced stronger adversaries and defied expectations, as evidenced in their recent match against Volendam.


Listening intently, Johnny Rep, standing nearby, gave Yang Yang an approving nod before speaking up: "Yang Yang is right. Ajax isn't unbeatable. Win or lose, if we give it our all, we'll have no regrets."


His words struck a chord, prompting nods of agreement from everyone. Yet, lingering unease remained—a feeling that only time and focused preparation could resolve.


Looking ahead to the quarter-final at home, Johnny Rep announced plans for intensive training sessions led by himself and Dick Vanpoer. They would focus on defensive counter-attacking drills tailored for Ajax's strengths and weaknesses. Their visible commitment bolstered the team's confidence and determination for the upcoming challenge.


With those words, Johnny Rep stopped pacing and rose to depart, but not before calling Yang Yang outside.


Side by side, they walked out of the courtyard towards the parking lot. Along the way, Johnny Rep broached the subject with concern.


"I've been hearing that a lot of scouts have been reaching out to you lately," Johnny Rep asked cautiously.


Yang Yang wasn't sure where the head coach had gotten wind of this news, but he nodded in acknowledgment and pulled out the stack of business cards from his pocket. Johnny Rep was visibly surprised to see more than a dozen teams expressing interest in Yang Yang.


Seeing the pile of business cards, Johnny Rep knew deep down that Almere would struggle to retain Yang Yang.


"With your rising popularity and the interest you've generated, it's becoming difficult for Almere to hold on to you," Johnny Rep remarked.


Yang Yang seized the moment to address his concerns with Johnny Rep directly.


"I'm uncertain about the intentions of these teams towards me, and I don't know how to gauge their interest. But what about these two from Eindhoven?" Yang Yang pointed out, indicating the business cards of Anton Hanssen and Piet de Visser.


"Anton Hanssen is a scout for Eindhoven, responsible for the North Holland region. It's expected that he'd show interest. However, Piet de Visser is Eindhoven's chief scout, indicating a deeper level of interest," explained Johnny Rep.


"What does that mean?" Yang Yang inquired.


"Typically, Hanssen would express initial interest and then submit a scouting report recommending you to Piet de Visser. If approved, Piet de Visser would personally evaluate you. Following that, Eindhoven's technical director, Frank Arnesen, would assess the recommendation. Depending on their evaluation, Arnesen might even visit personally, possibly accompanied by first-team coaching staff," Johnny Rep elaborated.


Yang Yang, unfamiliar with the Dutch team's player evaluation process, now understood why Piet de Visser's personal visit and business card were significant.


"Even though you haven't signed a professional contract with us at Almere, you're still our youth player. Eindhoven hasn't officially contacted us yet, so they're likely still in the evaluation stage. However, if they do reach out and you're interested in joining them, we can facilitate those discussions," Johnny Rep explained.


Throughout his talk, Johnny Rep closely observed Yang Yang's reactions, searching for any sign of his thoughts. But Yang Yang remained outwardly calm, masking his inner excitement.


"His mental fortitude is impressive," Johnny Rep thought to himself.


Unbeknownst to Johnny Rep, inside Yang Yang's mind, excitement stirred. Eindhoven, the reigning Eredivisie champions, coached by the renowned Guus Hiddink and boasting notable players like Kežman, Robben, and Van Bommel, held a special allure. Moreover, Eindhoven's history of nurturing talents like Ronaldo into European superstars was awe-inspiring.


To follow in the footsteps of his idol seemed like a dream come true, and Yang Yang couldn't deny the sudden surge of temptation.


Did he want to join PSV Eindhoven? The thought tantalized him. In Almere, no one could resist the allure of Eindhoven.


Johnny Rep studied Yang Yang's silent demeanor and understood. Earlier that day, he had received calls from three Ajax representatives: scout Fred Arroyo, chief scout Ton Pronk, and first-team assistant coach Ruud Krol—all regarding Yang Yang.


Before seeing the stack of business cards in Yang Yang's hands, Johnny Rep had been skeptical. Why would Ajax be so keen on Yang Yang? While he had performed admirably in amateur competitions, it seemed disproportionate.


However, upon reviewing the business cards, especially Piet de Visser's, Johnny Rep's doubts dissolved. The fact that Eindhoven's chief scout had attended Yang Yang's games suggested he was in Eindhoven's serious consideration, possibly even on the verge of their recruitment list.


Almere served as Ajax's satellite club, and Ajax had no intention of letting a promising talent slip away to Eindhoven without a fight. Their simultaneous calls to Johnny Rep aimed to assert their interest in Yang Yang and ensure he knew they were serious contenders alongside Eindhoven.


And Eindhoven? Piet de Visser's renowned discernment was legendary, having played a pivotal role in signing Brazilian Ronaldo Nazario, who transformed Eindhoven's fortunes.


Observers noted Yang Yang's deficiencies—erratic crosses, shaky first touch, and inconsistent passing. Yet, his exceptional dribbling skills were undeniable, electrifying and menacing on the field.


Johnny Rep, a former European-level right winger, found his confidence shaken by Yang Yang's rapid progress, which seemed to defy his own expertise within just two or three months. At sixteen years old, Yang Yang's meteoric improvement left Johnny Rep questioning what the future might hold for such a prodigious talent—someone who could even impress the discerning eye of Piet de Visser with his extraordinary potential.


"This afternoon, I received three calls inquiring about your situation," Johnny Rep disclosed.


"Huh?" Yang Yang snapped out of his reverie, looking at the head coach with surprise.


"Ton Pronk, Ajax's chief scout, Ruud Krol, the assistant coach responsible for both the first team and youth development, and Fred Arroyo, the scout who monitors amateur games, are all very interested in you," Johnny Rep explained.


"Really?" Yang Yang was taken aback once more.


The attention from Ajax came as a surprise, adding to the unexpected interest from Eindhoven.


"Ajax's tradition gives significant influence to both the head coach of the first team and their youth training staff. Assistant coach Ruud Krol is pivotal in Ronald Koeman's setup, overseeing both youth development and tactical matters. In principle, Ruud Krol and Ton Pronk could decide on your signing even without the technical director's direct involvement," Johnny Rep elaborated.


Johnny Rep listened as Yang Yang expressed his worry about choosing between Ajax and Eindhoven, both of which showed keen interest in him. Understanding the dynamics between Almere, Ajax, and Eindhoven, Johnny Rep knew the decision carried significant weight for Yang Yang's future.


"Mr. Rep, what are your thoughts on these two teams?" Yang Yang asked anxiously.


Johnny Rep appreciated Yang Yang seeking his opinion, yet he remained impartial. As the head coach, it was his duty to provide guidance without favoring one side over the other.


"Ajax and Eindhoven are undoubtedly the strongest teams in the Netherlands, with prestigious histories in European football," Johnny Rep began. "Ajax has a longstanding tradition of nurturing young talent, but in recent years, they've faced challenges in achieving their desired results. While consistently in the top three of the Eredivisie, they've lagged behind Eindhoven."


He paused, ensuring Yang Yang absorbed his assessment before continuing.


"In contrast, Eindhoven has seen strong results in recent years, particularly under Hiddink's leadership securing the Eredivisie title this season, with his contract set to extend into the next. I believe Eindhoven will remain the most competitive club in the Netherlands for the foreseeable future. Their club management and financial stability surpass Ajax in player treatment and overall operations," Johnny Rep elaborated.


Yang Yang nodded along, finding Johnny Rep's assessment aligned closely with his own impressions.


"However, Ajax holds its own advantages over Eindhoven. Their renowned youth development program is unmatched, emphasizing the grooming and nurturing of young talents. Ajax has a history of boldly integrating young players into their first team, prioritizing internal talent development and providing ample opportunities," Johnny Rep continued.


"Currently, Eindhoven tends to favor more seasoned players under Hiddink's guidance. Players like Robben and Vogelön are established favorites in their positions. Even players as talented as Afellay have struggled to break into the first team. Competition within Eindhoven's squad is intense, making it challenging for young players to establish themselves," he added.


Observing Yang Yang's attentive nodding, Johnny Rep smiled faintly before proceeding.


"Ajax, on the other hand, is set to face a vacancy with Van der Meyde's potential move to Inter Milan, opening up opportunities on the right wing. Both Babel and Amrabat are already integral parts of the first-team plans," Johnny Rep concluded.


Yang Yang now grasped the distinct strategies of both Ajax and Eindhoven. Ajax, renowned across Europe for their youth development, under Ronald Koeman's leadership aimed to cultivate a new generation akin to Van Gaal's famed youth squad of 1990, emphasizing trust and opportunities for young players.


On the other hand, Eindhoven favored stability and experience, evident in players like 19-year-old Robben who broke into the first team after a successful loan spell at Groningen.


Both clubs presented their own set of advantages and challenges, leaving Yang Yang with a pivotal decision to make.


Johnny Rep empathized with the weight of Yang Yang's decision. Whether Ajax or Eindhoven, each option carried uncertainties about opportunities and future development. It was clear Yang Yang needed to deliberate carefully before making his choice.


"I suggest not worrying too much for now. It's only July, and there's plenty of time. Focus on performing well in the upcoming amateur competition matches, especially against Ajax. A strong performance will only bolster your position in future negotiations," Johnny Rep advised.


Yang Yang agreed, recognizing the wisdom in focusing on his immediate performances.


"Additionally, I recommend finding an agent soon. They can handle the intricacies and allow you to concentrate fully on your game," Johnny Rep suggested with a reassuring smile.


"Thank you for your guidance" Yang Yang replied sincerely, appreciating Johnny Rep's support and counsel during this crucial juncture in his career.


Watching Johnny Rep leave, Yang Yang felt a mix of uncertainty. Johnny had been urging him to get an agent, a topic that had surfaced multiple times before. Yet, Yang Yang harbored reservations about agents, influenced by negative stories he'd seen in the news. His impression was colored by figures like Ferguson of Manchester United, who had famously criticized agents as vampires. Despite these concerns, Yang Yang acknowledged the practicality of having a savvy agent to handle his career planning.


Recently, the idea had grown on him. However, finding the right agent seemed daunting. Henk Dimer, the captain of Almere's youth team, had his own agent from a reputable brokerage in Amsterdam. When Henk suggested Yang Yang consider the same agent, Yang Yang hesitated. He was wary, unsure if this agent would prioritize his interests as he did for Dimer.


Returning to the courtyard, Yang Yang pulled Henk aside to voice his concerns about agents. In response, Henk slapped him on the forehead in disbelief.


"Seriously, mate. When you sign a contract with an agent, you're the boss. He works for you. If you're not happy, you can fire him anytime. He's there to handle things for you," Henk explained straightforwardly.


"Is that true?" Yang Yang asked, surprised by this perspective, which contrasted with what he'd heard.


"Bro, you're thinking about top-tier European agents who manage big stars. You just need someone competent to negotiate terms with the club. What's there to worry about?" Henk chuckled, joined by Nick and others who found Yang Yang's realization amusing.


Yang Yang nodded, feeling relieved. He resolved to show any potential agent's contract to Johnny Rep and a lawyer for review.


"I guess I just need to find a reliable brokerage to handle these details," Yang Yang concluded, recognizing the necessity of navigating these professional matters with guidance.