
Chapter 1 The Beginning Of A Legend

Long ago, in a distant land, all one could see was destruction. A group of 10 gods was the cause of all this chaos. All of a sudden, a man would appear. "Why are you doing this?" The man would ask. "Because the human race must be eradicated" One of the gods answered. "Why?" The man would ask. "Because humans are the reason the Earth is being destroyed. All these wars, over hunting animals, and overpopulation are all reasons why we have made this decision." One of the gods answered. "Give us more time. All it takes is a year to get a lot of improvements." The man would say. "I'm afraid we've already given you extra time. If you wish to try to stop us then get ready because we would like to hurry and get this over with." Another god would say. Hearing this the man began to power up and so did the gods. Once he was at his full power the man rushed at the gods.


The man was standing over all ten gods with him and all the gods being severely wounded. "It never had to come down to this". The man would say. "What is your name human?" One of the gods would ask in a weak voice. "My name is Yukon." The man would answer. " Well Yukon I'd like to congratulate you on your strength. You have given us a fight we thought we would never have. You are the strongest mortal in all the cosmos." One of the gods would say. "Thanks, but I would like to ask you something. When I kill you you will be reincarnated in 1000 years. I ask of you to guide your reincarnations to a good path and not make them get revenge. I am also going to be reincarnated because of my power, and I will train my reincarnation to fight you in case this ever happens." Yukon would tell the gods. "We will try to guide our reincarnations in a good path, but they have free will and once they get recognized as our reincarnations, people will probably treat them terribly. If this happens and they choose a path of revenge it will be almost I'm possible to guide them to a good path." One god would speak up for all the gods. "Very well then, see you in the afterlife and I hope to see you again in the next 1000 years." Yukon would say as he charges up a powerful blast that would kill the gods.


In a hospital you could hear a woman giving birth. Inside the labor room you could see her husband holding her hand and comforting her to keep going. A nurse yelled to push until finally a healthy boy with sky blue eyes popped out. The nurse wrapped him up in a blue blanket then handed him to the father. His father gazed Into his eyes then held him close to his chest "Ryuji Senko welcome to our family." He said hugging Him close. "AHHHHH!" The woman shrieked as a few minutes later she pushed another beautiful boy out. She sighed in relief as the father handed Ryuji to her then she held them in her arms as well as her other son. Hugging them both tight. "Ryuji and Shino Senko welcome to the world, the village , and our family."