
She’s alive...

A cloud of dust and smoke made it hard to see

The ground slippery by blood and body's

screams of men men muffled by the sound of guns Amongst all this madness there laid a small girl who looked around 6 to 10 she looked weak and was small she was naked with only a small dirty piece of cloth covering her crotch and a collar connected to a chain

Her small body covered in bruises and scars was chained to something under the debris

"We found another survived, child female..."

A man yelled as she looked at the girl shining with a flashlight in her eyes

The girl looked afraid and tried to run but realised she was unable

She then converted into defence and sad in a somewhat fighting position

The man looks surprised he inspected her body and looked with pity "i need some help here" the man said as he looked the other way

2 men and 1 woman were appearing from the thick clouds they looked with great chock at the girl "ik go get something to break her free yall wait her" a young boy said with a afraid and chocked voise

The men tried to approach here to no avail

The girl tried to run but had too many broken bones and wounds

"You, you had a life worse then death until now don't ya" the woman said ass she crossed her arms

She was about to Say something when the boy yelled I'm back while holding a bolt cutter

The girl looked at the people around her and realised they were probably not bad people by the way they talked and passed out hoping they weren't bad