
The Child Soldier's Reincarnation (Old. New version up.)

New version up

Ramen_Guy10 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 34

Reinhardt POV:

Reinhardt woke up, his eyes were completely emotionless. He didn't know, but when he had reincarnated, all of his memories hadn't properly transferred over. He was starting to recall... his life as a 'Paragon.'

Reinhardt POV:

'That was... an interesting dream.'

I got out of bed, I wasn't that tired today if I was being honest, I could feel that I was nearing my breakthrough into the next Mana Class. After I reached Mana Class 7 my progress would slow down, a lot. Mana Classes 10 through to 8 weren't that difficult to get through.

Mana Class 7 through to 5 were way harder to get through, and after Mana Class 4 you're a high class mage. Only people with talent can ever reach Mana Class 4 and above. After Mana Class 4 it's a grueling effort to get stronger.

But that's enough about Mana Classes.

I got up, and went to scratch my face, only to realise that I slept with my mask on.

'Oh shit- Well, this is going to make life annoying. I suppose I'll have to adjust it.'

I put my hand on my face, although I didn't notice, my pose resembled that of a certain englishman who's name meant god In Italian.

A/N: If no one gets this reference I promise you that I'm going to cry

My mask started changing shape, soon after it only covered half of my face.

A/N: A picture should be commented here, you can post your own designs if you want.

I also changed my clothes, I turned my prior clothes into new pijamas and wore a robe on top.

I got out of the room, there was a maid there, she bowed and led me to the dining room.

Claire and Iris were sat there along with the King and Queen, I looked at them in the eye before heading over to a seat.

The King looked young, he had short silver hair and jade green eyes like Iris, he was extremely handsome. A handsomess different to my father, if Lucas was a DILF then he was a pretty boy. The Queen was also beautiful, she had platinum blonde hair and also possessed those jade green eyes.

They were all in PJs, Claire and Iris were wearing matching PJs, Iris' one was white and had a star while Claire's one was also white, however it had a heart. The King and Queen were wearing blue and pink PJs respectively.

As I was taking a seat I felt a presence, no, it wasn't a presence I felt. It was my instinct telling me that wsomeone was there, I formed 'Edge Of Nightfall' and circulated Mana throughout my body. I swung my sword at where the person's neck should be, at the same time I concealed my arm and performed a one inch punch at where the person's liver would have been.

I didn't feel my fist or sword connect with anything, I dropped my sword and performed a roundhouse kick and aimed it behind me. At the same time I picked up my sword. I felt my leg hit 'something', using the momentum of the spin to increase my power as I struck at where my leg hit.

I felt something stop my sword, then a man wearing all black appeared, his face was hidden by a plain black mask. I had an idea of this man was, he was 'The Night Angel', a near perfect assassin, I knew this because of how nobody protested about him being here.

"You... you monster."

He spoke in a voice that was heavily altered, he was probably altering the vibrations of his vocal cords to do this. The voice was weird, it felt like I was hearing many voices at once.

I felt his hands go under my armpits, I was then carried over to a chair on Claire's left. Iris was on her right, the King was at the top while his wife was beside him. We were given a fairly simple breakfast; fake (?) sausages and baked beans with some toast.

Claire placed her fancy cup of tea down on to the coaster, and spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Iris, I'm not sure if you know this but, you've also been taken in as a disciple. I took into two disciples so you'd have someone to spar against. His talent in combat surpasses yours, I'm not sure about his talent as a mage though but I can tell that it's enough for him to be taken under my wing."

Iris almost dropped her tea cup, she also set it down before hugging Claire over and over, Claire smiled ever so slightly. The King and Queen were also smiling, I smiled 'excitedly', but even though I was faking my glee. This was indeed a good development, Iris is one of the heroines who I consider the most dangerous.

The power to see through Fate, the concept of Fate is vague. However the Elven Royal family can control that concept to an extent. They can alter the probability of things, that is why the Aegis Empire is so powerful. Humans, dwarves and the rest don't have any power over concepts.

Breaking me out of my thoughts Claire clears her throat, she looks at me and Iris before speaking.

"We're going to be heading to the guild today, we'll just be doing some basic missions and quests. Joker and Iris, go make any preparations you need to make. We'll be leaving within 20 minutes."

I nodded and headed back to my room, I went to the toilet and took off my mask. I looked at my reflection, the window was open so a gust of wind made a strand of hair go into my mouth.

I got it out quickly, I grabbed a lock of hair and looked at it.

"I wonder if I should cut my hair?"

I sighed and got myself washed up, I had a shower and brushed my teeth. I then broke my mask and created one that fully covered my face. I then made a black shirt and a black pair of trousers, I made a cloak and gave it a hood.

I went downstairs and made my way towards the main gate. When I got there I saw that Iris and Claire were waiting for me, Iris and Claire were again, matching clothes. They were wearing black light weight body armour, both of them were adorned with black Katanas.

Iris had a look of disgust however it was well hidden, but she couldn't hide it from me. I was kind of like a King of lies if you thought about it. Claire had no real expression on her face, she took a deep breath before speaking.

"We're heading to the adventurers guild, try not to be too rude. Especially you Joker, while me and Iris are recognisable, you are not. So don't do anything rash."