
The Child Of The Forest

In a world set in and inspired by the world of The Witcher Franchise, there lived a boy born out of wedlock, his mother deceased shortly after childbirth, and a hedonistic father who spends half his time in a tavern fooling around with prostitutes and neglects his son's wellbeing. Jake, a commoner, copes with his torment and abuse goes out deep in the night while his father sleeps or goes out and plays in the forest, with the creatures that dwell inside. Thought only to be a mere folktale told by nanny's to scare children off, but what Jake saw was completely real, not an illusion nor a nightmare. Unspoken creatures that seemed to have had pity towards the child and thought him as their own. ...

Lyvjab · Video Games
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Before You Read ...

This story is heavily based on the Witcher Franchise, and many of its lore and world will probably be recognized in this little writing project of mine, so it's very much a Fanfic. In the first place, I do not expect anybody to read this and I'll probably use this as a bookmark for when I grow up and to practice writing. But if you do read this, I hoped you enjoyed reading what little piece of dialogue or story from this, so please don't be too harsh on me!