
the child noticed by heaven and hell

I was born from a famous line of ability users, my mom and dad are quite strong and very kind and im proud to be there son... but u was born without a ability... im famous for being the first normal human on earth... but my family still love my a whole lot, but there not telling me everything because i met a person that showed me the truth

lucihano · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The determined son

???.「what is it like... having an ability... sometimes i wonder why i don't have one... "why" am i the only one... "why" me out of all the people... "why" give them abilities but not me... "why" must i bear this burden... "why" don't i despise this world... "why" do i care for it... "why" does it feel so warm and loving... "why" did abilities appear... "why" did the mist appear... "why" do i ponder so much over useless things」

Mrs and mr young.『———well sweetie—』

Mrs and mr young. We can talk tomorrow, me and your mother will walk you to school, by the way did we tell you you were excepted to a great school, just get your stuff ready, ok?

Byeonhwa. Ok, I'll do that, goodnight you two

The sun had just risen over the bustling city, casting a warm glow over the streets. Mr. and Mrs. Young walked hand in hand with their son, Byeonhwa, approaching the school gates of Ability Academy. The sign above the gates read, "Welcome to Ability Academy," and Byeonhwa's heart raced with excitement and nerves. He looked up at his parents with a mix of emotions, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Mom, Dad, what if... what if the other kids don't like me?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly. He had always felt a little different, a little left out, because he didn't have an ability like everyone else.

Mrs. Young knelt down, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Sweetie, you are loved and special, no matter what," she said, her voice gentle. "Your father and I will always be here for you, no matter what." Mr. Young nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with pride.

"And remember, your lack of ability doesn't define you," Mr. Young added, his voice filled with encouragement. "You have so much to offer, Byeonhwa. Your kindness, your empathy, your curiosity... these are all abilities in their own way."

Byeonhwa nodded, taking a deep breath. He had heard these words before, but they still brought him comfort. As they approached the school entrance, he wondered aloud, "What is it like... having an ability... sometimes I wonder why I don't have one... why me out of all the people... why must I bear this burden?"

His parents exchanged a reassuring glance. "We don't know why you don't have an ability, sweetie," Mrs. Young said gently. "But we do know that you are special, and that you have so much to offer. And we'll be here to support you, every step of the way."

"But for you two, I would take on this challenge... I would bear this burden... no matter what... for you, I would carry the world on my back if I had to," Byeonhwa declared, determination in his voice. "So I will go to school... and make you guys proud... proud of Byeonhwa, your son... I may not have an ability, but you two give me the courage, the courage to push through... and I hope you guys will keep supporting me."

Mr. and Mrs. Young smiled, their eyes shining with pride. "Of course, we will, darling," Mrs. Young said, her voice filled with warmth. "We would go to the sun if it was for you. We'll even walk you to school tomorrow, if you want."

The next day, Byeonhwa entered his classroom, his heart racing with excitement and nerves. His teacher, Mrs. Lee, greeted him warmly, though with a hint of uncertainty. "Welcome, Byeonhwa. Please, take a seat." As the lesson began, Mrs. Lee explained, "Today, we'll be learning about basic ability control. Byeonhwa, I... uh... I'm not sure how this will work for you, but we'll figure it out together, okay?"

The classroom fell silent, with all eyes on Byeonhwa. He smiled bravely. "It's okay, Mrs. Lee. I'm ready to learn." He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He was ready to face whatever challenges came his way, knowing that his parents were behind him every step of the way.

As the lesson progressed, Byeonhwa watched as his classmates practiced their abilities, some with ease, others with struggle. He felt a pang of envy, wishing he could join in, but he pushed the feeling aside. He was determined to learn, to grow, and to make his parents proud.

When the lesson ended, Mrs. Lee approached him, a kind smile on her face. "Byeonhwa, I must say, I'm impressed. You have a keen mind and a willingness to learn. We'll work together to find a way to adapt the lessons to your... unique situation." Byeonhwa beamed with pride, feeling a sense of belonging for the first time in his life.

As he left the classroom, his parents waiting for him with smiles, Byeonhwa knew that he was ready for whatever lay ahead. He was ready to face his challenges, to learn, and to grow. And he knew that his parents would be there, supporting him every step of the way.