1 Cheater Cheater

Ark was excited to be getting home early today it had been 6 years since he and is girlfriend had started dating and he was ready to propose. he opened the front door and was about to call out when he heard voices coming from the living room, ugh it was Rico again the man she had been cheating on him with thou she didn't know he knew. I stopped and turned around and walked back out the front door. When i reached the gate and left our yard i couldn't stop my self from laughing and smiling its almost time just 6 more hours. i decided to go get a ring and come back little later than normal. when i got back Rico was still here and i knew today was the day i would cheat them out of their lives. "Risa i'm home!" i called in an endearing voice. i walked into the kitchen "AHHH Rico im sorry i didn't know that you were here!" i covered my mouth and gave a shocked expression. Rico smiled at me "welcome home Ark." he said as i walked twords Risa. I pulled out the ring from my pocket and got down on one knee and did the whole heart warming proposal thing and of course she looked at Rico and then back at me and agreed. i just put the ring on her finger when Rico grabbed a knife out of the wood block and came to stab me in the back i took a slight step left garbed Risa and started to spin her when the knife went right thou her throat. Rico froze and fell to his knees. i grabbed her body as it fell and pulled of a vary convicting face of terror, sadness, and anger. i ran out the kitchen and twords the master room just to be chased by Rico i slammed and locked the door then dialed the police and pretended to be flustered while rummaging throu the closet to find the handgun that i was a old family heirloom.

"hello 9---"

"Hello i need help hurry i live on 244 east ranger Drive in Herring village house number 3000!"BANG BANG BANG!!!

"hello sir whats happening-"

"AHHH he broke thru thru the door!"

"who broke thru"

"Rico Andres my fiances friend (loud weeping) sob sob he killed her!"

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